Tanya von Degurechaff Character Switch

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Sassy Shiba
Level 3
Aug 7, 2021
Erde Nona
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Are you spending 50 Tokens? No

Has it been at least 6 months since your last switch? Yes

How much essence will this new character have? 2,000

New Character Name: Aster

Is this character an OC or a Canon character? Original Character

Starting Location? Erde Nona

Character Behavior
Aster is a sassy scrapper.

She’s flippant and sarcastic, snarking and joking at inopportune times just to try and get a rise out of people. She rarely takes things seriously, and her response to everything from getting agitated to scared to amused is to just double down on trying to get under people’s skin, keeping the focus off of her. She loves to get a rise out of people and crack jokes at others’ expense, but is quick to back down if someone starts to get genuinely upset.

She tries to avoid any direct confrontation or physical altercations, but when push comes to shove she isn’t exactly a coward. She fights dirty, goading and distracting to try and get her enemy riled up and distracted, flinging dirt or mud or even glass in someone’s face and eyes. She isn’t afraid to make use of her claws and teeth to really do some damage, grab up anything nearby that might grant her some advantage, or even to go for low blows to help turn things in her favor.

Physical Description:


Aster is relatively tall, standing in at just a shade over six feet in height, though is quite slim despite that. A mixture of dark and pale gray fur covers her body, and she sports very wolf-like traits otherwise, including claws, teeth, ears, tail and muzzle. She dresses like a stereotypical punk just “‘cause it looks cool”, and in spite of how much she says or indicates to the contrary takes very careful care of her appearance.

Character History:

A native of Erde Nona, Aster was born the only son and middle child of a relatively mundane family. There was nothing special about it, and nothing particularly negative to be said about it. His mother and father both worked hard, and provided for Aster and his elder sister and (eventual) younger sister.

Aster was always restless as a youth, and frequently got into trouble, much to the chagrin and disappointment of his parents. His sisters found it amusing and endearing, though, and encouraged his antics.

At some point, things changed, and his mother lost her job, while his father got an unexpected promotion. Things were still stable at home, though now his mother was there more often. And for a time, Aster calmed down, with more frequent and direct attention from his mother. Before it had been his father doing much of the talking-to and monitoring and disciplining, and Aster had resented it deeply. He took to his mother far more fondly, and after only a short while began to look up to her earnestly.

His father’s new job kept him away from home much more often, leaving Aster surrounded by his sisters and mother. He started to feel…uncomfortably different and isolated from them, which he at first attributed to being the only male in the house so often, especially when his mother or sisters had former colleagues or friends over. But it steadily got worse, to the point where he started to get genuinely uncomfortable over things.

It took him a long, unpleasant while to come to a realization about just what it was that was bothering him, and even longer to actually properly accept it.

It took him even longer to tell anyone else.

Aster had been born the only son of his parents, but therein was the problem, as he eventually realized. Aster didn’t want to be the only son. Aster wanted to be the middle daughter.

Aster’s parents…took it surprisingly well, thankfully. More confused than anything, about why she had waited so long to say anything, to which Aster sheepishly admitted it had taken a long time to come to terms and get comfortable enough in her own head and skin to say anything to anyone, and all the nightmare fantasies a wandering mind could come up with about if they had taken it poorly didn’t help. Some friends had been in a similar boat and been driven to horrible places by it, and that had only further weighed on Aster’s mind.

Aster’s mood was much improved, after that. She slowly reverted back to being just as much of a troublemaker as she had been when younger, though less out of any kind of malicious intent and just out of amusement, and life went on.


Wolf-girl (1,300)
Sense (Sight, Hearing & Smell) 1 (300)
– Ongoing (100)
Speed 1 (200)
– Ongoing (100)
Agility 1 (200)
Endurance 1 (100)
Move Object 1 (100)
Flight 1 (200)

Aster is a wolf-girl, and in fairly good shape on top of it. She benefits from naturally higher senses overall, and an ability to run quite fast for prolonged periods, and can shift some heavy weights with some effort.

Thick Fur (300)
Adaptation: Incredible Cold Environments (100)
Protection 1 (100)
– Ongoing (100)

Aster’s fur is quite thick and fluffy. It affords superb protection from cold and wind, and it’s thick enough to afford some minor protection from physical harm.

Claws and Teeth (200)
Damage 2 (200)

And her bare hands, in a pinch. Aster is a lot stronger than she looks, and can pack a mean wallop if she’s of a mind to it. Her muzzle provides some good chomping if she has to, and her claws are as good as daggers if she’s pressured into using them.

Affinities: Lucky

Total Essence Spent: 1800
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