Travis Touchdown

Feb 19, 2024
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Username: Travis Touchdown

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Character Name: Travis Touchdown

Character Source: No More Heroes

Starting Location: Nos'talgia

Character Behavior:
Travis Touchdown is an Otaku Assassin.

A massive fan of Eastern media such as manga and anime. Especially fond of anime of the "moe" genre such as Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly which is about magical girls fighting monsters with a mech. He's also a highly skilled assassin. With a large number of kills under his belt.

He does have enjoyment when it comes to killing but there are of course a few killings he regrets or some enemies that he spares for one reason or another. He is not completely heartless and has grown and changed quite a bit since the first couple of games. Showing more respect to some of his enemies. So he's not a completely irredeemable dick/asshole. Also has some level of fourth wall awareness.

Physical Description:


Travis Touchdown is an American male adult human with black spiky hair, blue eyes, a red leather jacket, a t-shirt that he changes every so often, jeans, and a strange glove on his left hand called the Death Glove.

Character History:

Buckle up for this one and spoilers ahead for the No More Heroes series.

Travis Touchdown from Santa Destroy, California was hired to assassinate a man named Helter Skelter, Ranked 11th in the United Assassins Association. After killing him he is now ranked 11th in the organization and is pushed by Sylvia Christel to become number 1 with the promise of "pleasure". He kills each assassin one by one including

his half sister Jeane who killed his parents when they were young. And the organization he joined turned out to be a scam to make money off of him. And ended up facing off against Henry who happened to be his older twin brother.

Three years later his best friend Bishop was killed, by someone who wanted revenge on him. He faces off once again against more assassins in the newly formed United Assassin Association. Albeit with some help this time around. In the end, he manages to get his bittersweet revenge and gets together with Sylvia Christel.

Seven years later tired of the ranking fights he bunkers down in Texas away from his new family to protect them from the many assassins that come to try to fight him. Ends up teaming with Badman, the father of one of his opponents from the first game. Using the Death Drive Mk-II they go inside the worlds of different games made for the console to get Badman's wish granted for his daughter to come back to life. While also getting to know the game dev behind the system and games, Dr. Juvenile.

Two years later his hometown Santa Destroy is invaded by aliens. A group calling themselves the Galactic Superhero Corps. and have set up a ranking system of their own. Travis fights the wannabe superheroes and after that, he tries to rest. Though the Death Drive Mk. II starts short-circuiting and activates on its own. Travis is sucked in and now he's in a weird world with seemingly no way home.

Though this "Death Game" he learned about and joined might be his only hope of getting home.

What starting Affinity does your character have? Exceptional


Sports/Athletics (Wrestling) Rank 5 (250 Essence)

Beam Katana
Damage: Rank 5 (500 Essence)
-Removable (-250 Essence)
-Finite (-250 Essence)
-Weakness (-125 Essence)
Protection: Rank 5 (500 Essence)
-Removable (-250 Essence)
-Finite (-250 Essence)
-Weakness (-125 Essence)
Total Cost: 500 Essence
Description - A plasma blade he got in an auction named Blood Berry. He uses it to slash his enemies to death, as well as respond to enemy attacks by guarding against them, especially against other blades. When slashing his sword in a wide arc he can hit multiple opponents. It needs to be recharged after frequent use, about 34 strikes/guards completely run out the battery, by vigorously shaking it unusually in a suggestive manner. If drenched in water it can electrocute Travis and he'd be unable to use it.

Screw Crusher Death Kick
Damage: Rank 3 (300 Essence)
Teleport: Rank 1 (300 Essence)
Total Cost: 600 Essence
Description: Travis uses the Death Glove and locks onto an enemy he can see to teleport to them in a flash of multicolored lights to deliver a midair dropkick knocking them back.

Death Slow
Ability Effects:
Debuff Rank 3 (300 Essence)
-Affects Multiple (150 Essence)
-Ranged (150 Essence)
-Ongoing (300 Essence)
Essence Cost: 900
Descriptor: Travis uses his Death Glove to lock onto an enemy and throws down a 20-foot diameter blue ring that slows down the speed of everything within it including projectiles.

How much Essence did you spend? 2250

How much Essence do you have left? 943

Were you referred by an existing member? No

What is your Discord name? @Jay
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