V M [Unmaking] The Haven Hauntings


Level 1
Jul 26, 2018

Sigmund Vrell will interrogate Daniel but try to conclude what manner of creature might have attacked him, via cultist skills.

Passed Interrogation Check….?!

Sigmund walked towards the tree that Daniel had staked out as his own, perching atop a large root without another word, crouching low and curling one leg beneath him.

The cultist cracked open the heavy codex with a quiet creak of its ancient spine, holding it steady upon his knee. His practiced, pale fingers flicked through its pages like lightning, skimming through the text in search of any clues that could help them identify a creature that might have caused Daniel's vivid hallucinations. But nothing within the book's pages seemed to quite... fit.

Every now and then, Daniel would peek at him from across the way to glance at the rapidly fluttering pages, but quickly looked away as Sigmund’s gaze shifted away from the book and towards him.

For a time, Sigmund perused the book with determined intensity, his brow creased in thought as he studied its spine-tingling contents—or, well, spine-tingling to anyone but him. The cultist just had to know what sort of eldritch entity lurked ahead of them.

"Is that a book with monsters in it and stuff?" inquired Daniel suddenly, his typically sullen expression betraying an unexpected glimmer of curiosity. "Are there any trolls in there?"

Sigmund opened his mouth to respond, glancing up from the codex at Daniel. But before he could utter a single syllable, his expression froze in shock—his eyes spanning wider than a pair of full moons.

It was not Daniel who had spoken to Sigmund.

Instead Morgan, the woman who had raised him, sat in the boy's place, her sword discarded on the tree roots nearby.

Her fingers clutched casually at her stomach as though willing the insides to stay where they were meant to be, a gruesome river of her entrails gushing from the dark, gory wound. But already a pool of crimson had blanketed her lap, soaking through her robes until it could go no further. Her leg was bent awkwardly like an old tree branch in a gale, and the left side of her face ran with scarlet blood from where her scalp had been shorn away.

"Well?" rasped the thing that certainly was not Morgan, speaking with Daniel's voice, the words slithering through the air to curl wickedly around Sigmund's ears. "Are there any trolls in there, Siggy boy?"

You have the option to continue this interrogation or simply leave. Dr. McNinja and co will not notice anything amiss.

Sigmund Vrell

Cosmic Brain
Staff member
Level 6
Level 5
Sep 9, 2018
Mesa Roja
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A violent flurry of emotions shot through Sigmund in that instant. Briefly, he was back on that battlefield, seeing his mother die. Then, reality kicked in and rage flooded through him. If the nightmare wasn’t enough, now the thing was taunting him to his face. For a split second, the air seemed to grow thin as an invisible blade of psionic energy formed at his fingertips, prepared to cast vivisection. Then, he remembered himself, and dismissed the invocation.

“I’d like to ask everyone to remain calm. I am… seeing some things right now.” He said to the group, attempting not to alarm anyone. “This might sound crazy… because it is… but just pay me no mind here.”

No one responded to his comments, leading him to believe that he was even deeper in this illusion than he initially realised. It was probably for the best, he was able to really cut loose on this thing without hesitation. Looking the thing that wasn’t Morgan in the face, Sigmund steeled himself, even as tears pricked at the corners of his eyes.

“You aren’t Morgan. She would never call me ‘Siggy boy’. Only Victor calls me that.” he hissed, barely containing his fury. A few snaps and pops could be heard as violet psionic energy crackled across his form, willing but unable to get at the creature behind this torment. “You can hide as much as you like, sitting hidden gods-knows where. But I will find you, and tear you free. Uproot you from your hiding spot to face all those you have treated as toys. I will teach you to fear the things that loom over this world, things far more ancient than yourself.”

Despite himself, Sigmund allowed himself a morbid grin. The image he was being shown was even more raw and painful now than it had been when he was asleep, but this was to his benefit. The terror was showing its hand here, either unintentionally or because it knew the investigators would soon be closing in on it. He could practically taste the horrific fate that lay in wait for the mysterious thing that lay at the heart of this nightmare. Then, casually, he turned back to the Manic Codex, running his finger along with lines of text.

“I must be on the right track, for you to take such an aggressive approach. Oh, but how rude of me. I never answered your question,” he said quietly, glancing up to look the thing in the eyes once more. “Let’s see if there are any ‘trolls’ in here, shall we?”


Level 1
Jul 26, 2018

CONT. Sigmund Vrell will interrogate the hallucination to try and conclude what manner of creature might have attacked Daniel, via his cultist skills.

Passed Interrogation Check…?

The creature wearing Morgan's face grinned all the wider at Sigmund's audaciousness, dark blood trickling from between its pantomime of human teeth in wet, sanguine bubbles.

"Ahhh, but you already know, don't ya?" the creature crooned with a gargled glee, its unearthly words pitching down, up, and then sideways into a raspy sneer. "I just knew it. I just knew you'd be the quickest on the uptake. Old secrets in your head, things no mortal should ever know. But now here you are... with me! Together in your thoughts, trapped in a nightmarish reality!"

The creature's form shivered with anticipation as it rose to its feet. It lurched forward in one swift movement, closer to Sigmund, Morgan's guts hanging like a slimy scarlet banner around its waist, grisly and reeking of rot.

“Do you really think you'll find the likes of ME in your puny little book?” the creature hissed, its grotesque form towering over the cultist and his codex, casting a hungry shadow. Its grin stretched impossibly as it arched its back with a sudden, dry CRACK, elongating its wretched frame until droplets of its blood fell like rain from its exposed innards, smearing across the pages of the cultist's tome.

As Sigmund drew his codex away, the thing's voice grew to an unholy pitch, the fearful, quivering glint of Morgan's dead, dead, dead eyes aflame with hunger as it loomed over him. "I am eternal, whelp. If you could only hear my voice in its full form, bright and singing—hear the dread and terror it carries...! You cannot imagine what eternity holds for you—your feeble mind will shrivel and die, acolyte wretch, cursed to a sublime oblivion within my confines."

The creature's head twisted and twitched dreadfully, and a vile chuckle reverberated from deep within its distended, distorted frame, crawling through the still, silent air with a sadistic glee.

"Would you howl at the depths of my abyss as I swallow your soul alive, I wonder?" the hallucination hissed contemplatively, its elongated tongue slithering across its suddenly razor-sharp teeth. The thing seemed deliriously excited at the prospect, its eyes narrowing in an almost feline bliss. "What will you do, brat... when you feel the crushing arms of my cosmic embrace as I consume you? Nothing of you will remain but a mere speck of ash in my roaring fire. What secrets will I reveal to you when I make you part of me, now and forevermore?"

The creature's sharp, searing gaze locked onto Sigmund's face. A sinister snicker escaped its jagged teeth as it spoke in a chaotic whisper, the sickening stench of decay seeping from its lips. "You'll never know what lies beneath the surface until you take that FINAL PLUNGE!"

A sickly smile stretched wider and wider upon the fake Morgan's features, exposing an abyssal maw of needle-like teeth. Its cackle was cold and foul, like the howling of a million tortured voices, utterly incomprehensible and vile to the soul. But unfortunately for Sigmund, he could comprehend such horror all too well.

Then, suddenly, the creature's laughter stopped. Its jaws snapped shut, its gleaming, coin-bright eyes darting around in confusion—

"Ah, excuse me sir," came a familiar, somewhat raspy voice.

Sigmund blinked, and his vision of the creature wearing Morgan's face faded. He felt a heavy, warm hand land upon his shoulder, and he slowly turned to stare up into the warm, politely concerned face of Lieutenant Columbo.

"I understand you're having a episode here," continued the disheveled detective, his wrinkled, stained raincoat emanating an aura of... almost palpable comfort, as if chasing away the coldness that the hallucination's presence brought with it. "Daniel mentioned it to me when he came by the main building. Sigmund Vrell, right?"

Sigmund Vrell suffers -2 Sanity (Reduced from -4 due to Psychic Archetype.)

Status Effect: Sigmund Vrell is feeling shaken after his encounter.


Vengeful Assassin of Shadows
Jul 22, 2020
Erde Nona
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Shinku's eyes met the lady’s, promptly causing him to weigh his options. He could see that she was more surprised than hostile, and his instincts told him that she posed no immediate threat. However, her actions revealed that she’s guarded about something unspoken. Her eyes, while warm, held a flicker of unease as it moved from the void in the room back to his.

With a slow, deliberate movement, he turned to face the lady, his presence filling the dimly lit pantry. His voice, when he finally spoke, was measured and calm. "I apologize for the intrusion," he said, his tone even. "I was merely curious about the contents of this pantry.“

The young woman's gaze shifted from him to the now-open pantry, and she seemed to relax slightly. "Well, you certainly picked an interesting place to explore," she commented, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Shinku recognized the lady’s guarded demeanor, triggering more of the shadow assassin’s curiosity. From his years of experience however, he realized that a direct approach at these kinds of situations was never effective, hence, he decided to engage her in a casual conversation. "I am Trevor by the way. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

The atmosphere in the kitchen remained tinged with tension, with the lady seemingly avoiding Shinku’s gaze. Her eyes, herself, held a mixture of apprehension and caution. She seemed to weigh her words carefully before speaking. “I’m Anna and please, this is a busy area so I’d have to ask you to step out.”
Before Shinku’s lips could part with an attempted response, the lady pushed the door open revealing the sight of the young feline that he noticed the last night in the kitchen. His eyes shifted from the lady’s agitated look to the feline’s curious gaze.

Trevor felt a twinge of curiosity, as his gaze followed the young feline to the pantry's shadowy depths. His curiosity was fed as events unfolded before him, leading up to the appearance of the chubby furred creature.

With most of the room’s occupants now focused on the creature they called Falk, Shinku decided to blend into the shadows, stealthily moving his way to get a closer look at it.


Level 1
Jul 26, 2018

Shinku will attempt to stealthily investigate Falk.

Failed Investigation Check!
(Thankfully Falk is a nice critter)​

Falk gingerly patted at his russet, furry cheeks with his paw-like hands, settling back on his haunches and into a more comfortable position. His cat-like ears twitched as he closed his round amber eyes in satisfaction, savoring the remnants of his meal on his tongue, allowing it to settle in his belly.

The fae squinted his eyes open to peer up at Anna, then, a peculiarly jovial intonation in his lilting voice. "Miss Meow won't have an inkling I'm here, that's for sure," he assured her. "So no unpleasant repercussions will occur!"

Abruptly, he paused in idly grooming himself, furrowing his brow at the intimidatingly tall creatures that crowded the cellars with him. The hobgoblin's orange eyes flashed brightly with suspicion, surveying everyone in the chamber, his bristly fur standing on end. "Say, weren't there three of you, before?"

His short, fluffy tail swished like a windmill in a gale as he stood up on his hind legs, wringing his paws together. The hobgoblin rolled his head around like an owl, his russet-furred face turning with all the smoothness of a well-oiled cog, his smushed-in snout snuffling faintly.

He looked about the dark cellars and then suddenly stopped dead—his shining amber eyes fixing firmly onto Shinku's form, the shadow assassin blending with the shadows along the wall.

"Ha!" the little hobgoblin chirped in defiance, hastily straightening from his anxiously hunched posture and pounding an insubstantial fist against his chest. His mischievous muzzle curled into a grin, revealing sharpened canines. "You thought you could skulk up on me? Have another think, friend! I'm not one to be sneaked up on!"


Level 1
Jul 26, 2018

McNinja will investigate the bridge, try to do like a forensic investigation on the area, see what he can learn.

Passed Investigation Check…?

Dr. McNinja trudged, in true ninja fashion, through the silent woodlands, the evening sky above a deep, dark navy that soon swallowed up the trees and crisp leaf litter in its veil-like grasp. Not that he could see much of the skies, through the thick, gnarled canopy of interlocking branches twisting high over his head.

Even the birds had ceased their song-like warbling and twittering, leaving not even a whisper on the air—save for the rhythmic crunch of McNinja's footsteps traipsing over twigs and rocks, his white coat fluttering like a ghostly banner behind him between the looming, dark silhouettes of trees.

He strode out from Haven Abbey's towering oak gates, knowing full well he had no clue where the bridge Daniel described laid. No matter, the doctor figured with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders—he'd find it eventually.

Several hours later, McNinja found the bridge.

Or, what was left of it. The dark, rushing and deep river described by Daniel had been reduced to mere trickles that barely dribbled now, but sitting atop it was absolute carnage—the bridge shattered into splinters of wood everywhere and large pieces of debris mingled among the brambles and mud.

McNinja's keen eyes intently examined the soft, gooey mud at the epicenter of the shattered bridge for any clues. And there they were: a set of deeply imprinted tracks cascading across the murky earth, almost as if someone had been careening in all directions with frenzied speed. The sheer size of the heavy boot prints clearly suggested that this individual was not exactly one to mess with.

A strange odor lingered on the wind, like the scent of a pack of shaggy, wet dogs intermingled with the overpowering, gut-twisting stench of death.

Humming under his breath, McNinja peered through the debris scattered among the woodsy brush, searching for anything of value. Suddenly, he spotted it: a scrap of silvery cloth, glinting in the waning afternoon sunlight.

He carefully removed it from its perch amidst the splinters and held it up to his masked face. Tentatively, he sniffed it.

It smelled like...


Like honest-to-god crap, actually. Gross.

Jester Lavorre

Active member
Mar 28, 2020
Erde Nona
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“Well, I think we know what we need to do next,” stated Nalaia, rolling the parchment up into a near cylinder.

“Right. We have to go check out the bees,” agreed Jester.

“Well, that’s not exactly what I-”

Calloused blue fingers clamped down on Nalaia’s pristine white gown. Jester tugged her towards the gatehouse door.

“Come on!” the raucous Tiefling encouraged her polite friend. “We have to get out to the grounds!”

The pair of Clerics made their exit from the gatehouse.

Once they were through the door Jester released her new friend’s sleeve and picked up a peppy gait. She was struck once more by the beauty of the inner bailey in the startling light of the sun. Warblers warbled, bees buzzed, and children frolicked. The sheer expanse of the grounds was enough to bring one to revel, and Jester was prone to grand admirations, when she wasn’t drawing dicks on property walls.

It was impossible to overlook the delicate care and attention to the smallest minutiae that had gone into everything from cultivating the gardens to trimming the hedges. Immense, overflowing orchards made Jester feel as if she had stumbled into a hidden paradise. If it hadn’t been for the surrealism of their circumstance, she would be certain that this was a true Eden.

“Just take a look at it all,” she whispered breathily. “Nalaia, have you ever seen such a-”

Jester pivoted on her heel and gasped. She was quite certain that, mere seconds ago, Nalaia had been adorned in a sheet white gown banded at the midsection by a powder-pink bolt of cloth.

So why, how, and when, had she suddenly shifted into an entirely new outfit? The more mature Tiefling wore a piece right out of a storybook: prim white blouse collared with black ribbon, which descended into a trailing black skirt that seemed to glide across the well kept lawn as she moved gracefully in step with Jester. When Jester halted, Nalaia halted as well with a quizzical expression.

“Something wrong?” Nalaia’s mismatched eyes glimmered.

“You wear more outfits in an hour than I wear in a week!” Jester exclaimed, grinning. “And you know what else? I think you remind me of my Mom.”

Nalaia cheeks flushed deep purple.

“Jester, that’s a sweet thing to say. What is that your Mom does?”

“Oh, she has sex for money,” Jester stated with a dismissive gesture. “But that’s not why you remind me of her. Not that there is anything wrong with that. My mother is a very classy courtesan. You may have heard of her, even. They call her the Ruby of the Sea. There’s a pretty cool jingle about her, but I don’t know if you want to hear it.”

“Err, maybe another time,” Nalaia trailed off, with a wry smile. “We should probably start searching for the-”

“THE TOMB!” exclaimed Jester, jumping in place. “Oh, yes! You know what? We are finally on the trail. We’re going to be, like, the coolest detectives in the entire place when we actually find this thing. We totally struck the jackpot when we found that scroll. Everybody else is probably bumbling around in the kitchens and the basements, while we’re out here in the sunshine, about to solve the entire thing. You know what that makes us?”

“What?” asked Nalaia, genuinely curious.

“It makes us the coolest people here. Besides Molly. The three of us? We’re the coolest people here.”

“I don’t think it’s exactly a popularity-”

“Oh, my, gosh, Nalaia,” Jester gasped, pointing at the ground. “Do you think that lump of dirt is where the tomb might be?”

Nalaia stepped closer, then bent at the waist to inspect the ground a bit better. “I don’t really think it-”

Jester giggled, concealing her mouth behind her hand. “Ha! There’s nothing there. It’s just dog poop!” She cackled. “Alright! Let’s get searching!”


Sassy Shiba
Level 3
Aug 7, 2021
Erde Nona
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For a long moment, Aster's brain seemed to stall, just staring at the image revealed on the unfurled parchment. Everything seemed to look identical, differences of scale and clarity of color aside, but...

No. There was one very big difference, aside from being able to see the full undamaged image.

The hero...

It had been pretty dark in the corner, where the tapestry was burned, of course. Maybe she'd just seen something wrong...?

No, no. That...no. Not as closely as she'd been looking. She couldn't make out what they had been getting ready to stab at down below, with how damaged and charred it was, but a difference that stark and that clearly seen now? No way she'd ever mistake something like that. It was too obvious, something she was pretty sure even a kid couldn't mistake. So how was it...?

Her brain finally caught up, as she blinked herself out of her thinking-stupor, to realize the gatehouse had acquired other guests. She immediately felt self-conscious, for how she'd just been standing there, staring into space while lost in her thoughts. One hand slowly, shakily crept up to clutch at the drawstrings of her hoodie, tugging them ever so slightly as she cast her eyes downward. Just as much to hide her embarrassment, she admitted, as to not seem like she was intentionally trying to snoop or eavesdrop on their own investigations. They were all ostensibly supposed to be working together, of course, but still...

She decided to only drop a few eaves, so to speak. And quickly drew out her phone, taking the best picture she could manage of the tapestry's original depiction on the parchment, before quietly sinking back into her seat on the dusty old couch. It was many things, but right now 'a place to sit' was chief among them, and the most important in Aster's mind. She stared intently at the captured image of the tapestry for several moments, before quickly flicking it aside and pulling up a notes app, and feverishly tapping out a record of what she'd learned here so far.

Only damaged fairly recently, by complete accident...one of the younger abbey residents, Susan, knocked over a candelabra while apparently sleepwalking... It all seemed innocuous enough. The loss of such a piece of history was of course lamentable, but as Krotgrim himself did, it was entirely by accident, and still preferable over some other places having been damaged instead.

After figuratively chewing on that information, and literally chewing nervously on one of her claws for a moment...she jumped slightly, fumbling and nearly dropping her phone at the old gatekeeper's sudden exclamation of 'Aha!' as he seemingly found something. Probably related to whatever the other two had showed up asking after.

She lifted her eyes hesitantly, glancing from one person to another in the room uncertainly, reflexively making further quick notes about whatever little tidbits of information the old man dropped. No real ghost stories or the like within the abbey itself, until these nightmares started, huh? Seemed kind of weird to her, given how unpleasant everything outside the walls was, but maybe Haven Abbey really did exist in its own little world of safety...?

Don't be so judgmental, you dork, she reprimanded herself, with a faint wince. Right, right...couldn't rule anything out, the way this weird fuckery plaguing the place was unraveling and revealing itself. Who knows how far it might have spread? Maybe the rest of the surroundings weren't always so grim and dreary.

She watched in something between confusion and bemusement as the two tieflings soon enough excused themselves and made their egress. "One of those two has way too much energy for her own good," Aster mumbled, heaving a heavy sigh. Just imagining being that...out there was exhausting.

She lifted her eyes again to old Mr. Krotgrim and gave him an uneasy grin. "Well...thanks for your time. I'll try not to bother you with any more questions. Unless they're real important." She slowly stood up. "I know this probably ain't your favorite time, but..." She trailed off somewhat lamely, not even really knowing where she was going with that.

"Just make sure that all this bother isn't for nothing, then," the old man grumbled. "Having my time wasted for no reason is far more of a grievance than simply wasting it to begin with."

"Uh...r-right." Aster nodded quickly. "Well...I'll be off for now, then." And she shoved her phone in her pocket, with an awkward little half-bow before she practically bolted out the door of the gatehouse and back into the outside. Once the door was shut behind her and she was a few paces away, she immediately gave a sharp wheezing inhale of (comparatively) fresh air. As surprisingly easy and pleasant as the ordeal had been, it was....

She sneezed violently, nearly knocking herself off her feet.

....dusty as all get out.

Not for nothing, but she honestly hoped she could avoid having to set foot in the gatehouse again. At least until it received a very thorough cleaning and dusting.

Clearing her breath, she did her best to try and relax and settle her nerves. Somehow, she had more questions than she had before, even after finding out what she was hoping to uncover. It left her, quite honestly...completely and utterly stumped as to what to do next. Maybe she could go try and track down the girl who'd accidentally damaged the tapestry...? If she'd done it while sleepwalking, then maybe it could be connected somehow... A reach maybe, but it was an idea. She'd look into it more. Tomorrow.

For now, though... Seemed like she wasn't the only one digging into the abbey's history. Or at least, as it related to weird and supernatural incidents like the one currently ominously hovering over the place and sticking its weird eldritch fingers into everyone's dream spaces uninvited. Getting its weird nightmare-crumbs all over everyone's brain.

....and now she'd thoroughly disgusted herself with that bit of riveting mental imagery. Gross.

Suppressing a minor gag, she quickened her pace to not quite chase down the two tieflings.

"Hey, uh...." She faltered almost immediately as she closed into easy speaking distance and drew their attention, the thought of having to match (or even just deal with) the overwhelming personality and exuberance dichotomy that had been on display momentarily stopping her mentally dead in her tracks. Thankfully, only for a split second this time.

She quickly cleared her throat, one hand coming up in a rush to fidget with her glasses. "Listen, I didn't mean to like...snoop or eavesdrop too much on what you guys were after in the gatehouse back there," she started. "But...y'all are lookin' into rumors about that hero of the abbey, right?"

"Something like that, yes," the one with the less explosive personality responded. "Why do you ask?"

"You also looking for them or something?" the other one interjected.

"Well...something like that," Aster muttered, with an awkward shrug. "It's kinda the only real lead I've managed to dig up so far. Well...one of two, and probably the more obviously important one. Don't wanna cramp your style or anything, but...got room for one more in your searching, 'least for a little bit?"


Vengeful Assassin of Shadows
Jul 22, 2020
Erde Nona
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A flicker of surprise danced across his eyes, a brief deviation from his usual composed demeanor. His mastery of blending in the shadows hadn’t betrayed him for a long time, especially in environments as dim as this one. Had he become complacent? Was he growing careless in the art he refined through the years?

A plethora of thoughts raced through his mind, as he was confronted by the furry creature. It was a humbling and critical reminder what even a small window of mistake could cost him. Shinku, however, was not one to dwell on his mistakes. Gradually, he focused on regaining his composure.

As his state grew calmer, he couldn’t help but take notice of the creature’s playful and carefree attitude around the lady. It even seemed to know more of them and the conversation gave a hint of playful mischief on the end of the creature rather than pure ill-intent. Moreover, he felt no aggression, nor violent hostility in its demeanor. Still, Shinku’s instincts led him to approach the situation with caution.

With one discrete sigh of relief, he decided to take on a gamble. He emerged from the shadowed wall, his form materializing like a wraith that gradually took a more solid vessel. His demeanor appeared to most of them in a much composed manner and a faint smile addressed at Falk. “Ah, you found me, Perhaps I’ve become the ‘it’ this time, haven’t I?” His subtle humor was surprising, a stark contrast to his usual cold and dull expression.


Level 1
Jul 26, 2018

Shinku: Investigation in form of a casual conversation. He will attempt to draw out what Falk really wants.

Passed Interrogation Check!

Falk puffed his russet-furred chest out proudly, standing tall and proud at his full unimpressive hobgoblin height.

"That's right!" he crowed. "I'm the greatest finder this side of anywhere! Ain't a single thing in these lands that can outfox me!" He chortled to himself, his smushed-in features crinkling up like a supremely pleased cat's, amber eyes glinting in the dark.

Then Falk cocked his head as Shinku addressed him, listening intently as the shadow assassin asked what he was truly after within the abbey's halls.

The hobgoblin inquisitively peered at Shinku from beneath an impish smile, then relaxed grandly, a tiny paw patting his own stomach.

"Ahh, well," the small fae began with a haughty purr. "Let's just say I have two main desires: one is to satisfy the cravings of this empty belly," and here his fiery gaze swished to Anna. "And the other is to check up on my dear friend, Daniel. So, how is he? Is everything well with his heart?"

Anna gave a clipped nod, then paused. "He's in the pink of health, Falk... considering all that's happened," she intoned cautiously. Her worried green eyes flicked to the pair of investigators before gazing resolutely back at Falk. "But his spirit's sunken... low," she continued, voice tentative, her brows furrowing. "He's still seeing that troll haunting about the abbey, he says. Can't sleep for fear of it getting him, even when I rest beside him."

She scoffed with a firm shake of her head, as if unable to believe it was true that a troll could invade Haven's fine sanctuary at all.

Falk mulled over his thoughts, a sharp glint twinkling in his feline eyes. He scratched at the back of his pointed ear, which gave a jaunty little flick. "No sign of any trolls, lately, on my end. Though, if I remember rightly, I made sure to give that one a sound thumping when it took a bite out of Daniel's arm, 'fore it fled with its tail between its legs. Still, stealth isn't really part of the standard river troll repertoire, big sister..."
Jun 20, 2022
Erde Nona
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Molly stared at the picture of the ancient label coming into fruition before his eyes. His ragged breathing came out hoarse as he tried to quell the adrenaline and anxiety of the past few moments. Looking intently as the picture of The Hanged Man took shape on the bottle, his breathing slowed and he concentrated on the label now fully formed. The man in the picture seemed to shift, every so slightly and Molly held the bottle up to the light, the contents unknowable in this dimly lit cellar. It seemed even darker now, and Molly looked to where the void had been.

“Nothing. Huh. Well, that was a mean trick indeed, ya bottle bastard…” Molly said as his breathing returned to normal, and with it, his wits as well. He shook his head and smiled at the soft and familiar impromptu song his horns made. “For a minute there, I really thought I was in trouble,” he said to the bottle, staring at it deeply as he sheathed one sword and then the other, switching hands to keep a close grip on his prize.

You should reward yourself with a drink, Molly. You’ve earned it. Came a voice from somewhere. It was a soft voice, soothing, in a way that made even the worst ideas seem completely warranted and worth a try.

Molly licked his lips. He was mighty thirsty. Maybe just one sip, just to test the vintage? Was not surviving a nightmarish death worth a little party?

“Who said that?”

Mooolllyyy, Molly, Molly, Mollymauuuk Teaaleaf. Drink, baby boy, it's fiiiineeee. The danger has passed. You can… Trust me. The voice came again and Molly could almost feel two cold hands on his shoulders, even colder than the atmosphere of the cellar. They were gentle, caressing, like a zombie lover’s would be before they went in for a pound of your flesh.

Molly looked around and surveyed the emptiness. Completely alone. The place where he felt the hands, his hunters blood almost boiled beneath the skin in reaction. By the Arbiters, he was extremely parched though. Maybe just one nip before he brought it up to share. One deep swig and then he would share it with Nalaia, maybe even Jester would partake for once, for he could almost guarantee this would be of the highest caliber. It might even be a downright sin, NOT to drink it.

Molly slapped his head in frustration. Twice today he heard voices, and it was starting to annoy him.

“Stop. it. I might like a bit o’ a good time now an’ again, but I am not daft enough ta be drinking from this bottle without someone taking a look at it first. Now, Who. Is. Talking? Answer me, or I might be figuring to have enough of this conversation…” He spoke out loud to the empty cellar again. Just him alone with the bottle. The heavy, heavy bottle. He could almost feel the burn of the wine in his belly as he enjoyed the ecstasy of the near instant relief it would bring against the itch happening in the back of his brain.

But Molly, dear dear Mollyyy, you were so…EAGER to talk to me before. The voice cooed, but Molly’s short life as a reader of people helped him pick out the very well covered malice hidden under the sweet symphony of the stranger. He looked down at the vintage in his hand. The picture of The Hanged Man was fully formed, upside down in the sliver of moonlight…but, was the man swinging ever so slightly as if he was in a breeze? Molly peered closer, bringing the bottle right up to his face, staring at the face of the man on the label. The edges of the yellowed picture began to form a border, and more and more it became like a standard tarot card. The once sliver of moon became bright for a moment on it, as if a cloud had been obfuscating the crescent in the original design. The face of the man on the tarot label was almost visible, but enough of his lower face to see the mouth of him move.

Wanna hang? It asked. Then all at once, Molly’s vision became tunneled, and old brick and stone and mortar that had kept the cellar dry and in use for years and years fell away. They were Replaced with the borders of a card, intricate and beautifully designed.

He was standing in front of a large tree, half of it out of view, as though the border sliced off the entirety of the universe that existed outside its edges. A massive branch struck out from the trunk of the ancient and gnarled oak, and a short rope was wound around the ankles of a figure, who hung upside down and slowly swung like a small pendulum.

Molly could hear the small creak of the branch, and feel a chill from a breeze everytime he swung just a little.

Ah, The Peacock. The wondrous oracle of innate divinity! Come one, come all, and see MollyMauk Tealeaf, alive for one night only! The man chortled. His face was still almost in the complete darkness of the night, but Molly could feel the sneer. He looked at his hands, and the bottle was there, but different. In the small light of the moon, it looked majestic. As red as his eyes, and boasted the most beautifully crafted design, long necked and wide at the bottom. The promise of delight seemed to radiate from it as Molly starred, frozen.

“Well, I would offer you some, but ya see, I just don’t know how I’d be goin’ about accomplishing pouring into your muzzle without spilling the whole thing…” Molly reflexively said, having to rip his glare away from the treasure he held. He was so very tired, and thirsty. Just a sip, then off to eat, maybe find something in the kitchens to pair this with. They would know just the thing, especially after he could describe the type of it, the feel of it, the taste of it on his tongue, the notes that promised complexity he could never afford. This was his chance to taste greatness.

No, no,My dear son. My sweet and beautiful devil, I am fine. You, though. You look so thiiiirsty. Drink. I can wait, I’m not bothered. You enjoyyyy, enjoy what you WON! The man replied, with his cocked, with expectant eagerness. Molly could feel the hunger of the eyes on him, even if he couldn't see them.

“I’m not sure. It does seem like a good wine, but…. I’ve always been partial to the cheaper stuff. A man can’t go about just switching a palette like that can he?” Molly asked, speaking almost on instinct. Whatever he could do to keep the thirst from reaching its claws into his willpower. He noticed his hand was on the cork, and shuddered.

Driiink, it will end your troubles. To go through life like you have. Poor Mollymauuuk. But wait, that's not right is it? Mollymauk Tealeaf. MT. EMPTY! That’s right. I was wrong in my introduction beforeee. Come one, come all, and see the great SOULLESS man. Hmmmm, betterrrr. The voice was mocking now, taking a different tactic and the feeling of a loss he couldn't remember entered his chest. He instinctively reached for a flask, but instead brought the bottle to his fanged teeth.

Oh, that’s good. Isn’t it? A whole life was lived in that body you inhabit, you know. A life with a father and a mother. A soul that knew her warmth and comfort. A life with friends, and laughter, and love that you just can’t understand. It’s not YOURRR fault, Empty. It’s not. Just a sip, and all that will faaaadde away. Poof. That’s right….DRIIIINK. You can fade away, back into the nothing you were before. You’re an invader, a devil in a devil’s body. It would be the right thing to do. To drink, and I can promise you, I will put the soul that belongs in there back. You can stay too, you watch how a real human, with a real soul feels, and loves, and doesn’t have to always be searching, searching, searchiiiing for a purpose The voice was changing between sweet venom and outright hatred.

Molly could feel it in his blood, he heard it in his pointed and decorated ears. His fang had punctured the cork, and was pulling.

In the recessing of his mind, a different voice broke through everything: The desire to down the contents in his hand, the desire to forget it all, the pull of the bliss of nothingness he had spawned from.

Wow, Molly. This guy, like, really knows how to get you to stop talking. Molly, Molly, oh my gosh, he, like, totally got you to put a cork in it ,Said the voice of his best friend, Jester Lavorre. He could even hear her coy laugh break through everything. He thought of the family he had made at the carnival, and the laughter and hope and love he had tried to bring to everyone he encountered. His shows, his tarot tent, and even the marks he sometimes conned with readings; he still gave them hope and kindness.

The thirst abated as Molly pulled the cork free and the hanged man chuckled malevolent.

“Yannow, Iwuh juh thunkin…” Molly said, then spit out the cork. A putrid smell hit his nostrils, and he winced. “This man, the one who was here in this body, this just… absolute work o’ art o’ body. Well…he had his chance, didn't he?” Molly asked and for the first time in what seemed like hours, he grinned. Big, fangy, and brilliant. His thirst gone, his blood burning in a warning to get the devil out of here, he poured out the contents of the bottle.

“Yuck,” Molly said to the cellar again, not knowing when he had come back. Then, without a care in the world for what he looked like, he got the absolute fuck out of the basement.

Sigmund Vrell

Cosmic Brain
Staff member
Level 6
Level 5
Sep 9, 2018
Mesa Roja
Click Here
Sigmund blinked a few times, glancing around in disbelief. Just like that, everything was back to normal. The cultist supposed he had the detective to thank, even if he felt as though he was on the verge of something there. The… thing was clearly agitated if it was hurling such base threats at him. It couldn’t touch the high priest, not in any way that mattered, he was certain of it. Still, it did feel awfully real in the moment…

“Yes, that’s me.” He answered after a beat, sniffing a little as he looked up at the older man. “Lieutenant Columbo, correct?”

“That’s right, pleased to meet you.” the detective said, a pleasant smile on his face. Despite the terror he had just endured, Sigmund felt at ease in the kindly man’s presence. No more of the threats, the ravenous teeth, the hallucinations of his worst memories…


Sigmund glanced off into the distance, stroking his chin thoughtfully. It all seemed so familiar. Not because of anything he had found in his tome, but something he had seen somewhere else. Refocusing his attention, the cultist turned to Columbo with a concerned look.

“Did you say Daniel sent you? How long was I out?”

“Oh, I’m not sure, but it sounds like it was a while.” the lieutenant said, concern creeping into his features. “Would you mind if I asked what exactly happened here?”

“Ah, I was consulting my Codex here to see if I could figure out what was haunting this place and it didn’t take kindly to my prying.” Sigmund grimaced. “It was either scared or insulted. Maybe both.”

“You don’t say.” Columbo said, more than a little mystified at the explanation. “And so uh, what is it exactly that you do? Your profession, I mean.”

“Cult leader.” Sigmund replied without missing a beat. “But I’m also a scholar, the scion of Gal’skap-”

“Gal’s cap… you a hatter?”

“I- no- Gal’skap is…” the cultist pursed his lips before letting it go. “I also serve as the religious leader for King Gilgamesh.”

“Oh, a King. That’s mighty impressive, Mr. Vrell.” the lieutenant marvelled. “Well, a shame that Mr. Gilgamesh didn’t decide to join us. He had quite some experience with this eerie type some… two years ago?”

“Hmm…? Oh, in Dante’s Abyss, right?” Sigmund mumbled, recalling his king’s battle against Doomguy, Mustang, and…


“Ah well, our current situation is just as good. I heard you were good with all this stuff, y’know? This… scary, nightmare business. Me, I can’t say I’m too well-read.” the older man chuckled. “You see, my wife, she has a friend who researches this kind of thing. As a hobby, mostly. I like the stories and all but I’ve never much wanted to look into it myself. ‘Course, this is a special case.”

Sigmund nodded along, loosely following his train of thought. In reality, his mind was elsewhere. He had no proof, it was a ghost of a hunch, but… the taunting, the teeth… it would make sense. If not the same creature, perhaps the same species? The cultist deigned to keep this thought to himself, unwilling to lead anyone on a wild goose chase.

“You know, Mr. Vrell, I didn’t just come to check up in ya. If the things I’ve heard about you are true, and I’m getting the impression that they are, then I have something that I’d like you to see.”

Sigmund’s eyebrows perked up at this, suddenly intrigued. He rose shakily to his feet, his hands and knees still surprisingly trembling from the fear he had only just recovered from. Columbo placed a hand on his shoulder, steadying the younger man as he got up.

“Whoa, easy there.”

“I appreciate the concern, lieutenant, but please don’t mind me.” the cultist said, the bright gleam of curiosity shining in his eyes. “Show me the way.”


Level 1
Jul 26, 2018

Sigmund will investigate an object Columbo shows him with his cultist/arcana knowledge (prompt provided after last interrogation check passed).

Passed Investigation Check! Nat 15 for Sigmund Vrell.

Shifting his unlit cigar from one corner of his mouth to the other, Columbo offered a kindly smile to the cultist, genuinely appreciating Sigmund's investigative spirit and willingness to help. "Don't worry, son. We're not going far. In fact... I have it right here."

Reaching into the surprisingly deep pocket of his rumpled raincoat, the detective fished out what appeared to be a weathered little toy. It was a charming, albeit slightly battered thing, with a worn-out and chipped green paint coating—the wooden components making up its limbs fashioned into the shape of a slumbering, slumped turtle.

It was definitely a child's keepsake, the painted-on eyes curled into little dark swoops of black, as if the turtle was only resting and could stir to life at any moment.

"The Abbess didn't know a thing about it," Columbo continued, rolling the piece in between his fingers before holding it out to the cultist. "And none of the kids would claim it, either. You wouldn't happen to notice anything... strange about it, would ya?" he asked, casually.

Columbo's gaze flicked between the old toy and Sigmund's face, watching carefully for any sign of recognition. His gaze was as empathetic as it was investigative; the classic Columboian blend.

As Sigmund's fingers touched the small wooden turtle, he felt an... inexplicable sense of calm come over him, dispensing with the shakiness he'd felt. He felt... oddly grounded again, certainly more so than his usual mental state, as if there was a fierce strength emanating from the little wooden toy and into his hand, tracing up his veins and straight to his heart. Emboldening him and comforting him in equal measure.

And then, like a whisper from deep within the cosmic portal of his mind...

"You’ll make an amazing leader, I’m sure of it. Just never forget. I love you."

The humble power of the words reverberating within his psyche, and the incredible comfort they brought with them, made uncontrollable tears prick at his eyes, hot and stinging.

"Never forget. I love you."

Lieutenant Columbo chuckled good-naturedly as he noticed the mingled awe and raw emotion flickering across Sigmund's features, the lines of his own face crinkling up in gentle amusement. He tipped his head to the side, swirling the cigar in his mouth thoughtfully.

"There it is," he said. His thoughtful smile softened further, his dark eyes twinkling. "I was wondering... ya know, I feel it, too. This... serenity. Might just be all these years around crime scenes talking, but I've learned to trust these gut feelings. They often lead to something worthwhile."

He leaned back, then, studying Sigmund as he examined the turtle toy. "Keep it, if you like. Maybe it'll bring you some of that calmness when you're catching a little shut-eye. Heaven knows you look like you could use it," he mentioned casually, his tone containing a touch of genuine concern.

Sigmund Vrell has received the Guardian.


Level 1
Jul 26, 2018

Using the information found in the scroll from the Gatehouse regarding a tomb on the grounds of the abbey, Jester is going to begin poking around the abbey grounds looking for signs of a tomb, or anything that might indicate parts of the ground that aren't as well tended that might mask secrets, including Nalaia who will be assisting and otherwise doing the same.

+ Aster!

Passed Investigation Check! Nat 15 for Jester.

Jester, Nalaia and Aster started their search of the abbey grounds for any traces of the storied hero's tomb, with Jester assuming the lead, being the more rambunctious of the group. The towering brick walls of the fortress-like structure cast long purple shadows over the lush green lawns as dusk began to set in, yet the trio trudged on undeterred, determined to find what they were looking for before nightfall.

The evening sun fanned through the leaves of the seemingly tranquil orchard, its branches dripping with succulent fruit. The large gardens were filled with beehives buzzing with activity around the fresh growth sprouting in abundance. Nearby, the small fishing pond glistened, rippling faintly from the fish moving beneath its surface.

Amidst it all and in the waning light of day, children frolicked across the dewy grass as their overburdened guardians looked on wearily, their laughter carrying like a melody over the still air, musical and light.

As time passed, the sun sank below the horizon and an eerie purple-orange light washed over the cloistered landscape of the abbey. The air was thick with a stillness that seemed to swallow up all sound—until the only noise was that of a pair of abbey residents, their feet pounding out a rhythm on the cobblestone path as they strained against buckets of heavy water suspended from a long pole across their shoulders. The abbey's buildings shrouded in the evening's mists lay ahead of them as the water-toting pair trudged towards the stately silhouette of the main building, evidently bringing it in for bathwater or soup-preparing purposes.

The investigator trio glanced back to the way they'd come from and spied two wells lurking in the shadow of a cluster of mighty oak trees at the border of the orchards, their fragile stone walls standing sentinel over a patch of dark, healthy soil dotted with wildflowers and pale white mushrooms.

Jester’s feet sank into the dampened grass as she strode towards the two wells, a mysterious allure resonating within her. She was magnetically drawn to the old well—its ancient stones seeming to whisper an incomprehensible language and its mossy embrace beckoning her forth. The second was far more new in appearance, the scent of freshly-packed mortar emanating from its walls and a pristine metal bucket swaying from its iron grip. The newly-cut stones formed a cylinder around it, gleaming in the fading golden glare of sunset.

They drew closer, and in the twilight of the evening sky, they could all see that the new well was teeming with life—delicate spider webs glistening with dew weaved an intricate tapestry between the stones, dragonflies flitting near the surface and bright trails of flickering fireflies chasing each other through the dusky air in playful, whimsical loops.

It was a long drop to the bottom of this freshly-dug well, the subtle, fluid chorus of tinkling ripples tickling at their ears, whispering from far below. But nothing appeared to be especially unusual about it, really.

Moving to cluster around the ancient well, instead, they all noticed that its yawning mouth was filled to the brim with loosely-packed, unruly mounds of soil, yet unsealed still, though it was likely the Abbess would order the pit to be filled with mortar... eventually.

They moved closer, to study the abandoned well in earnest.

Jester, the blue luster of her skin shimmering in the last glimmers of daylight, swept eagerly through the debris and dim hunks of dirt with her fingers. She grasped something cold and metallic; a gleaming silver pendant with an equally shiny chain, shaped like a fob watch with a clasp on its edge. She pried open the clasp and spread it apart to reveal a surreal tableau: a mesmerizing silver clock frozen at noontime, a crescent moon with a host of stars twinkling behind it, etched in glistening, dancing gold upon its face.

Following Jester's lead, Nalaia cocked her head, spying a scrap of white amidst the dust and grime. Delicately, she tugged on it with her fingernails and slowly pulled it out. It was a card that seemed to glow in the dim light, despite the dirt caked onto its glossy stock, and she loosely shook it to dislodge much of the dark soil marring its image.

Upon its surface was an image of The Tower, the tiefling realized after a closer inspection—a looming crimson edifice engulfed in fire, with a bold silver eye at the top, whilst three figures dressed like jesters tumbled out from its gaping, flame-licked windows.

Scattered in the middle of the dirt, Aster's paws found a single splinter of colored glass—a deep red that seemed to glimmer... possibly from one of the stained glass windows in the main hall, though she hadn't noticed a single fault or scratch on her last look-see at said windows.

Jester has located the Chameleon Fob Watch.


Sith Lord Specialist
Jul 28, 2020
Erde Nona
Click Here
Figures the little fey would still have the ferocity to take down a river troll. I didn’t get to meet weak people that often, which made me question why I had to handle anything here at all. Can never just make friends with someone weak, after all. I was still ready to find out the bulky islander I had next to me was some kind of shadow wizard or whatever, because I didn’t get companions that weren’t capable of turning a tavern into a smoothie in under half a minute!

“Don’t think whatever’s fallen over the abbey is helping him either. The nightmares…” I muttered, putting a hand to my chin. “Falk, right? I Got no interest in reporting on a fellow mooch… even if Madam Meow is a damn gem.” I noted, as a smile spread across my face unbidden. “You’re the type that’d notice strange things other people can’t, ain’t ya? Can you keep an eye out for weird things you notice around the abbey, maybe tell me or Shinku if you see something out of sorts?” I asked, offering out a hand and then… realising it sort of looked like I was asking for a dog to shake paw, so quickly flipped it around for a high five.

“What, ya trying to make me work for free?”

“I mean, if you work for food, I can always save ya some. And I’m the type that gets overlooked, so no problem getting it out to ya.” I added with a grin. “I’m not asking for a lot, just… a heads up if anything starts to be a danger to the abbey that you notice. Keeps your food and your Daniel out of trouble, right? I wouldn't mind helping with a few things after this abbey business later, if it's required, either. Druids are good at getting all sorts of goodies!” I added with the cutest smile I could muster - which was actually incredibly cute, nowadays! An offer with lots to gain, little to lose, and a business partnership that only served to make everyone fat. Hopefully, I could rely on that fae nature to make the deal stick.

Brass is attempting to make an ally out of Falk and hopefully get more snooping knowledge from the hobby gobby later. This doesn’t seem like one of the 3 actions, but if this ends up coming down to a roll, I do have persuasion 6 and business 6 as a master skill.


Level 1
Jul 26, 2018
The waning sunlight glinted through the stained-glass windows, casting a glorious array of red and orange hues as it slowly sank below the horizon.

A crackling fire inside the hearth enveloped the Great Hall in warmth and a golden-yellow light. The long oak table at the forefront of the hall was once again laden with platters of steaming dishes prepared by the abbey's masterful kitchen-folk, who had just come up from the kitchens down below to serve dinner.

The savory spread began with a bubbling, aromatic casserole of toasted purple beetroots, garden spices, and roasted potatoes—a homey and filling delicacy that was sure to warm any stomach. And it was easily washed down with generous cups of piquant, black gingery ale, which held the stinging zing of fresh muscadine wine layered beneath the more obvious notes of fiery spice.

A succulent oat crumble emerged from the kitchens in a wreath of glorious heat, glistening with melted butter, tart red plums and sweet brown sugar. This was followed by a spicy soup brimming with chunks of fish, freshwater shrimps and vegetables, offering a savory flavor to the spread, decadently laced with tongue-scorching chili powder.

After that came a nutbread infused with gentle autumnal spices, its heat-split top sprinkled with crunchy walnuts and toasty pumpkin seeds. Savory pastries bulging with carrots, sausage, and goat cheese sat in a hearty basket alongside the nutbread, giving off the positively mouth-watering aroma of cooked meat and flaky cooked pastry dough. A jar of figgy jam rested evenly between these two dishes, naturally meant to be generously spread atop.

As the hungry folk milling about inside the Great Hall began to feast, the tantalizing aromas of mulled apple cider and honey-baked apples filled the air. Gold-flecked mushrooms were stuffed with heavenly delights, while a dish practically spilling over with grilled leeks sat proudly beside it, laced heartily with soft melted cheese and browned onions. A grand bake was served up, as well—chock full of butter, cream, eggs, potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, and peas that were all cooked to perfection.

Every dish practically melted in the mouth, and the hall filled with warmth and joviality once again as the abbey residents held their evening repast, Abbess Oriole, Mr. Krotgrim, Daniel, and various others among their number.

Izaneus Phortea

Level 3
Jun 8, 2021
Erde Nona
Click Here
The decaying form of the poor creature, the stench of death falling fast through her sensitive nose. The bees and flayed guts lining the pathway. She felt her stomach drop. The Cleric had seen death before.. Been the cause of it, in fact. However, needless carnage always disgusted her, especially when such things happened to such an innocent animal… it made her stomach twist unnaturally, her fists clenched as she let out a depressed sigh. Before quickly going about burying the poor thing.

If quickly was what could be considered taking nearly the entire day. Her melder, thankfully, was able to morph into a shovel, but digging up a suitable grave, and finding a suitable gravestone, and filling the hole back in. All while trying not to disturb the bees and flies that had taken residence. It was an ordeal, to say the least. But a worthwhile one.

After securing a crafted spot for the small thing to rest, Minala knelt, and clasped her hands together tightly, praying to Hakor, Lord of Drakes, and Grand protector, to watch over this place, and ensure that no more life was lost in this way. Especially not in this manner, and to Luneus then. Divine of the Lunar Light. To let the creature rest comfortably.

After that.. Unpleasantness. The Cleric went in search of whatever could have done this to the little rabbit. First, she would talk to the Abbess, in hopes that she might have some clue as to who visits the Gardens most frequently. Minala couldn’t help but feel the shiver run down her body from the night previous, as though something was stalking her.. And perhaps everyone’s movement.

Her walk across the halls was.. Quiet at best. But otherwise filled with the sounds of idle chatter from some of the occupants who weren’t scared stiff. Or.. learned to hide it most convincingly. That thought made Mina’s chest squeeze uncomfortably.

When she finally found the Abbess, Minala took a breath as she was looked at with curiosity and a single, anxious smile. Wordlessly begging her and everyone else to deal with whatever is haunting them with such fervor.

“Abbess, I apologize for my untimely disappearance... I found the corpse of a poor rabbit out in the gardens and spent a fair while burying the small thing... Do you know anything that could have done it? Or someone who enters the gardens frequently who might’ve seen something?"


Level 1
Jul 26, 2018

Minala will talk to the Abbess to see if she knows who might frequent the Gardens!

Passed Interrogation Check! Minala rolled a Nat 15.

Peering over the rim of her spectacles, Abbess Oriole appraised the young woman before her. She smiled, a flash of light in her chestnut eyes, though the weariness was clear on her features. A crown of raven-colored locks spilled from beneath her habit's veil like a tapestry, curling around her heart-shaped face and illuminating the youthful vibrancy that seemed to cling to her like a second skin.

"Someone who enters the garden frequently...?" Oriole's voice, equal parts soothing honey and soft silk, was nearly lost under the hustle and bustle of the Great Hall as dinner was served. "You must mean Brother Douglas. He is as much a fixture amongst the plants and vines as the blossoms themselves. Yet, our wonderful gathering here at Haven lends their hands and hearts freely, naturally... we all tend to our community's verdance, at times. But Brother Douglas would be the man to speak to about anything... unusual, at least in relation to the gardens."

Though deep creases had formed from a severe lack of rest, the warmth of Abbess Oriole's spirit shone through as she spoke to Minala.

"But... a killer of small creatures, prowling within the walls of Haven?" she shook her head, barely keeping her eyebrows from rising up past her hairline. "No, nothing of the sort have I seen at Haven, not in all my years as Abbess. The only creature that might even come close to having such an appetite... would be a hawk or perhaps a particularly hungry, determined raven, maybe even an owl. A little rabbit would make an easy meal for them, don't you think?”

Skepticism flickered in the depth of Minala's eyes, and Oriole recognized the keen undercurrent of dissatisfaction in her gaze.

A soft sigh escaped the Abbess' lips. She respected Minala's unease, even understood it. After all... what is an inquisitor sans her burning questions? Her brown-eyed gaze softened in light of this, acknowledging Minala's unspoken worry, her lingering displeasure.

"I see the weight this places upon your shoulders, dear," the kindly woman murmured, rummaging around inside the folds of her dark robes. "And I really do apologize for not being able to assist more. Know that your burden and confusion mirrors my own, inquisitor. But I can see that you have a good heart. Please... take this."

After a moment, her hand reappeared from inside the dark folds of her habit, producing the boxy shape of what appeared to be... a rather intricate music box. It was a relic of time, clearly, constructed of burnished maple with interweaving floral patterns carved into its sides, its finely sanded edges and polished veneer implying rather extravagant origins.

With a flick of Oriole's fingers, the clasp was released, and the music box's metallic interior components shuddered to life—offering a sweet, tinkling lullaby to the hearth-warmed air. It quivered, the lilting tune swelling to fill the Great Hall, the soft notes a balm against the building tension amongst the investigators.

The melody seeped under Minala's skin, soothing her, much like a whispered prayer might in the dimly illumined hours before dawn.

"I... greatly appreciate your vigilance, Inquisitor Minala," the Abbess asserted, the song of the music box underpinning her earnest words. "Persistence, dear, is a virtue matched only by devotion to a cause. May this melody offer you some respite, and instill you with the spirit you'll need for whatever work lies ahead!"

Minala has received the Tiny Music Box.

Jester Lavorre

Active member
Mar 28, 2020
Erde Nona
Click Here
“Holy poopsicles, you guys!”

Blue fingers with pointed blue nails held a silver pocket watch aloft, dangling it by a dirt flecked chain.

“I found a watch that’s stuck at noon! And, oh my gosh, look! You guys got some dirt pile stuff too!”

The tall wolf girl, silver coat tinged ochre by the evening, clutched an opulent piece of stained glass that reflected glints of spectrum in the dying light of the evening.

She squinted an eye and inspected the shard closely. Maybe she was trying to figure out if there was anything special about it, or maybe she was trying to figure out where it had come from. Her eye roved its smooth surface in search of clues.

Nalaia scrutinized a card intently, her serene features made studious by the effort.

Jester swooped around to get a look at it, and found that it depicted a burning tower with three figures in motley springing from its windows. The gloss of the card kept it largely unmarred by the filth and detritus of the filled in well, and much to its credit, its vivid imagery seemed clear as day despite its burial.

Pretty weird! Interpreting tarot was kind of Molly’s thing, and the abstract meaning of it was lost on the lustrous blue Tiefling, whose pink eyes flitted quickly away from the card.

She was glad it was Nalaia who had found it and not her - Nalaia seemed more the scholarly type. Someone who might enjoy speculating on a piece of art’s meaning.

Jester’s appreciation of art was a little bit more lowbrow. She made a mental note to ask her Tiefling companion for a closer look at the card later, when she might be able to sneakily decorate its border with subtle phallic imagery. Nobody would notice. Probably.

“Yeah, pretty cool,” Jester remarked, trying to fill the silence. “Pretty cool.”

She stepped around Nalaia and pressed into Aster’s personal bubble; Aster stepped back, alarmed, and looked up from her glass shard in surprise. It might be that the hair on the back of her neck stood up, and it might be that Jester was oblivious to all of that in her fervor to meet someone new. It was like a compulsion - she had to say something.

“Hey, by the way. I don’t think we got to, like, properly meet. I did notice you, though. Your fur is pretty cool. I don’t usually get to meet any dog people, or wolf people, or whatever. Is that insensitive? I guess it’s not the same thing. I bet you’re a wolf person, not a dog person. I really like your whole-” she gestured at Aster’s entirety. “-thing that you have going on. You’ve got a tail. That’s pretty neat.”

Aster opened her mouth to speak, but Jester flicked her pointed blue tail into her hand and held it aloft for inspection.

“I’ve got a tail, too. See? We’ve got that in common. Maybe we have more in common. Do you think we have more in common? I bet we do. Maybe we’re, like, secretly going to get along really well. I bet beneath that wolf lady exterior that you also really like drawing dicks on stuff,” she paused for a moment to take a breath, then noticed that Aster had edged back another step. Jester took another step forward. “I’m Jester, by the way. What are you called?”

“I’m, uh, Aster,” the put-upon wolf-girl replied. “You’re pretty energetic, aren’t you?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. I get that, sometimes. People say that I’m really cool. This is Nalaia, by the way,” Jester stated, gesturing over her shoulder.

Nalaia pulled herself away from her deep inspection of the tarot card she’d retrieved and looked up. She took in Jester’s posture, exuberant and forceful, then observed Aster’s posture, which was reserved and cautious. The mother in her took over and the Cleric of Oghma put a hand on the other Tiefling cleric’s shoulder to pull her back a step.

“I apologize,” Nalaia said with a warm smile. “This must be quite a lot. We’re in a strange situation, and there’s-” she glanced at Jester. “-a lot to take in.”

“There is,” agreed Aster, looking apprehensive.

Aster decided to redirect the conversation to familiar territory, maybe to take the heat off of her and get out of the social niceties.

“I’ve been trying to get a handle on what I found with the tapestry. I thought it might be a little bit easier to investigate with others who had found some different information.”

“Oh, yeah!” Jester exclaimed, putting a finger in the air. “We’ve been finding all kinds of information. Did you know there’s, like, a tomb out here? And I got to trick Nalaia into looking at poop. That was pretty good.”

Nalaia cut in, quick to grab the reins of the conversation before Jester in all of her rambling could derail it with minor details and chit-chat about pranks and what-nots. “Maybe we should be getting back to the abbey?”

Aster cast a glance up at the waning light and the encroaching dusk, then nodded.

“I think it will be dark before long, and we’ll want to see what we can find at the Great Hall at dinner,” Aster agreed. “Maybe we could go over the clues we’ve found. It might give us all a chance to calm down.”

She cast a lupine eye at Jester, who practically beamed a grin back in response.

“Then we’re in agreement,” Nalaia announced. “I have a discussion to have with Mollymauk, as well, and it will be good to check in and see how his day has gone.”

“I bet it was like, his best day ever,” the Trickster Cleric noted, setting off in a jaunty skip-walk from the wells towards the abbey. Jester looked back over her shoulder. “He’s really good at this stuff, you know!”

Dr. McNinja

Kills with one hand, heals with the other
Level 6
Level 5
Jul 31, 2018
Erde Nona
Click Here
Dr. McNinja squinted as he sniffed the cloth he found. He opened his senses, much in the way that he was trained to as a ninja. He could feel the land - something was wrong with the way the wind blew. He looked around and noted all the various ways he could be ambushed. There was an air of solemnity to the place - something wrong had taken place here. Something awful.

“Mm!” Doc finally said, “Gross!”

He turned around to talk to someone else, then realized he was completely alone. Where did Sigmund go? Hell, where did Peter go?

“Peter? Sigs?”
Dr. McNinja, for the first time in a while, felt really vulnerable. This was not a feeling he liked.

“Oh well,” Doc said, and continued his observations.

A silvery cloth, eh? Now why would this be here? It was unlike an orphan to be wearing such fancy garb. Certainly not the bridge troll, or whatever it was that attacked Daniel. So who could this possibly belong to?

And that distinct smell of wet dogs… It depended on the kind of troll that was here, but honestly, this evidence gently pointed in the direction of a werewolf more than anything. Kinda odd for a werewolf to wear anything silver, though…

He thought of all the people that could be wearing this. That might give him some insight. Abbess Oriole? One of the other personnel? Ooh, what if it’s Father Gascoigne, somehow? That dude was pretty bestial.

He’d have to share this finding with the others.

“Doc?” Peter asked behind him.

“AH!” Doc cried out, drawing his sword instinctively. It stopped inches from Peter’s throat. “Please don’t surprise me like that. We’ve discussed this.”

“You kinda… wandered off,” Peter said, pushing the tip of the sword away, “What’d you find there?”

“Piece of shit-smelling silver cloth. Some boot prints. I’m not seeing a whole lot of evidence this is a traditional troll. More like… a person, if anything. I mean, what kinda bridge troll wears boots and silver robes like these?”

Peter scratched his chin. “Mind if I take a look?”

“Go for it,” Doc said, “And then we should go talk to Daniel again. Get his description of the troll. Look for discrepancies.”