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Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse

Level 7
Jul 28, 2018
Reaction score

Mickey Mouse, Keyblade Master & former King of the Disney Realms
(part-Disney, part-Kingdom Hearts, part-original creation)
Spent Essence: 23525 // Focus Points: 7​

Character Behavior:
"Optimistic Peacemaker"

Mickey is optimistic, first and foremost. He's always looking for the best in everyone, always playing to his friends' strengths, and always trying his best to envision the best possible outcome in a scenario and manifest it, do the work to make it happen.

He's also more of a peacemaker than anything, resorting to his swordsman skills and magic powers when necessary to foster the defeat of evil and onset of peace. This also means he finds it extra important to collect an array of like-minded, but powerful, friends to be by his side and support him in tense situations.

  • {USED} When You Wish Upon A Star (Instant Revive)
  • {USED, on Gilgamesh} When You Wish Upon A Star.exe #1 (Instant Revive)
  • When You Wish Upon A Star.exe #2 (Instant Revive)
  • Spaceboat Willie (Size 3 Moving Base)
  • Heart of Te Fiti (Relic, DA20 Prize)
  • Soul Stone (Relic, DA24 Prize)
  • Grand Champion Belt (Relic, DA24 Prize)
  • {USED} Protein-Rich Strawberry Smoothie (One-Use Trinket)
  • Paint Brush (Trinket)
  • LEVEL 1: "Lucky" - You gain +1 Focus at level 1, +2 Focus at level 5, and +3 Focus at level 9 (each increase replaces the previous boost, regardless of what level you initially took this Affinity).
  • LEVEL 5: "Influential" - Earn twice as much Influence and Influence loss is halved. Gaining Notoriety with a Faction doubles the Influence gained with opposing Factions.

- Keyblade & Formchanges -
  • Keyblade: Ultima Weapon
  • Formchange: Agile Claws
  • Formchange: Counter Shield
  • Formchange: Double Arrowguns
  • Formchange: Hyper Hammer
- Skills & Traits -
  • Mouse Traits
  • Musketeer Training
- Magic & Spells -
  • Spell: Flower, Gleam and Glow
  • Spell: Abra Cadabra
  • Spell: Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo
  • Spell: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
  • Spell: Voltar Thundasir
- Items -
  • Magic Mirror
  • Magic Carpet
  • Iron Mickey
  • Summon: Baymax
  • Summon: Imaginary Friend "Squee Squee"
  • Minions: The Sqwid Sqwad
  • Minion: Hiro Hamada
Master Skills:
  • King's Instincts (Social: Diplomacy, Social: Leadership, Social: Manners & Decorum)
  • 8-Bitain // Nos'talgia // +1 influence point
  • Alliance to Restore the Crossroads // The Beyond // +2 influence points
  • Babylonia // Mesa Roja // +4 influence points
  • Sweetzerland // Nos'talgia // +1 influence point
  • Wondertainment Toy Company // Nos'talgia // +1 influence point
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Abilities/Items/Skills Breakdown

- Keyblade & Formchanges -


"Keyblade: Ultima Weapon" (300E)
Damage Rank 6 (600)
-- Removable (-300)

Mickey has a Keyblade, the Ultima Weapon. It functions largely like a normal sword, except it is immensely powerful.

"Formchange: Agile Claws" (500E)
Damage Rank 7 (700E)
-- Removable (-350E)
Movement: Wall-Crawling (200E)
-- Removable (-50E)

Mickey's Keyblade has the ability to transform into more varied weapons, such as the Agile Claws, an invention of some of the Monsters from Monstropolis. When Mickey activates this function of the Keyblade, it splits into two parts and literally rearranges its parts into the Agile Claws, a pair of metallic claws that latch onto both of his hands like gauntlets. These essentially act like brass knuckles or Wolverine's claws from a combat perspective, allowing Mickey to swipe and slash at enemies. They also allow him to climb walls more easily. Like the Keyblade, these weapons are not a part of Mickey's body and he can be disarmed.

"Formchange: Counter Shield" (1050E)
Protection 7 (700E)
-- Removable (-350E)
Damage 7 (700E)
-- Triggered: After Attack (+350E)
-- Removable (-350E)

Mickey’s Keyblade has the ability to transform into the Counter Shield, a great instrument of protection crafted by the gods of Olympus themselves! The shield can protect against mighty blows, and when struck dead on, will also immediately launch a counter-attack: a great stone fist will burst forth from the center of the buckler, launching at the origin point of the attack it just defended the Mickster from and threatening to sock it to whoever is there, though it can’t reach farther than ten feet.

"Formchange: Double Arrowguns" (1750E)
Damage Rank 7 (700E)
-- Ranged (+350E)
-- Indirect (+700E)
-- Affects Multiple (+350)
-- Removable (-350E)

Mickey's Keyblade has the ability to transform into more varied weapons, such as the Double Arrowguns, a creation of some of the denizens of Twilight Town from his home realm. Here, Mickey's Keyblade splits into two small, pistol-like weapons capable of firing brightly colored energy blasts at a rapid rate. These energy blasts lock on to the targets around Mickey, turning corners and avoiding obstacles to reach their target. At peak power, the Double Arrowguns can be charged for a few brief seconds and launch a huge barrage of smaller blasts at several targets all at once. Like the regular Keyblade, Mickey can be disarmed of these weapons.

"Hyper Hammer" (800E)
Damage Rank 8 (800)
-- Removable (-400E)
Debuff: Dizzy Rank 8 (800)
-- Affects Multiple (+400)
-- Removable (-400E)
-- Indiscriminate (-400E)

Mickey's Keyblade has the ability to transform into more varied weapons, like the Hyper Hammer designed by residents of the Toy Box world in his home realm. The Hyper Hammer is a huge hammer, at least twice Mickey's size, that packs a mean punch when a direct hit is landed on an enemy. Usually, this causes an enemy to be stunned with dizziness for a few seconds, and if Mickey uses the hammer to the lay a smackdown on the ground, any enemies (or friends, for that matter) within a twenty-foot radius probably won't be feelin' too hot, and may incur some damage as well. Like the other versions of the Keyblade, he can be disarmed of the Hammer.

- Skills & Traits -


"Mouse Traits" (1700E)
Sense: Hearing Rank 8 (800E)
-- Concentration (-400E)
-- Ongoing (800E)
Shrinking Rank 2 (400E)
-- Ongoing (200E)
-- Limited: cannot alter size (-100E)

Mickey is a mouse, which means he has a diminuative size and big ears that may give him an advantage in certain circumstances.

"Musketeer Training" (2400E)
Agility Rank 8 (1600E)
Endurance Rank 8 (800E)

Mickey’s training with the musketeers has caused him to be an agile and enduring fighter, much more so than the average person. After much time spent honing these skills in battles across the Crossroads, he has improved even more, now able to hold out in battle for long periods of time despite his stature and flip and bound across the battlefield like a pro.

"King's Instincts" (1200E)
Master Skill: Social (Diplomacy) Rank 8 (400E)
Master Skill: Social (Leadership) Rank 8 (400E)
Master Skill: Social (Manners & Decorum) Rank 8 (400E)

Having served for several years as King of the Disney Realms, Mickey is highly skilled in the art of... well, being nice to people and trying to convince them not to go to war, or to give you what you want, as well as his ability to lead his followers through a tough sitch.

- Magic & Spells -

"Spell: Flower, Gleam, and Glow" (750E)
Healing Rank 6 (1200E)
— Ranged (+300E)
— Self/Other (+150E)
— Concentration (-300E)
— Activation: 30s (-600E)

Mickey has the ability to heal significant wounds by singing a healing song. He must be completely concentrated during this, and the song is, uh... not short, so it's not really the best method of healing for the heat of battle. He usually uses it after a battle is over to heal any particularly bad wounds. The spell incantation he must sing comes from the Kingdom of Corona (from the Disney film Tangled) and takes somewhere in the ballpark of 45 seconds to sing.

"Spell: Abra Cadabra" (100E)
Move Object Rank 1 (100E)
-- Ranged (50E)
-- Concentration (-50E)

Mickey can manipulate inanimate objects using spells learned from Yen Sid’s spellbook. Most often uses it to magic cleaning supplies to make his janitorial duties easier.

"Spell: Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo" (300E)
Variable Creation Rank 2 (400E)
-- Chaotic (-100E)
-- Limited: Fertile Ground (-100E)
Damage 1 (100E)
-- Limited: Fertile Ground (-50E)
Protection 1 (100E)
-- Limited: Fertile Ground (-50E)

Mickey can, using spells from Yen Sid’s spellbook, manifest fruits and vegetables to be used as simple projectiles or to protect from light attacks. Narratively, this manifests as using his magic to manipulate the life force of the earth around him to quickly “grow” them. He places his hand on the ground, focuses, and the vegetable or fruit pops out of the ground about a foot away from him. With extra concentration, he can conjure multiple. He does not control what fruit or vegetable pops up; it depends on what’s native to the area. If an area has no native vegetation (i.e. a desert or tundra) this doesn’t work.

"Spell: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" (225E)
Concealment (Sight) Rank 2 (200E)
-- Affects Multiple (100E)
-- Self/Other (50E)
-- Concentration (-100E)
-- Side Effect: Immobile (-100E)
Protection 1 (100E)
-- Affects Multiple (50E)
-- Self/Other (25E)
-- Concentration (-50E)
-- Side Effect: Immobile (-50E)

Using spells from Yen Sid’s spellbook, Mickey can utter this very long incantation and instantaneously turn himself or an ally or both into a two dimensional, “paper” version of themselves. When turned a certain way, they are invisible to the naked eye; this can also be used in a pinch to dodge an oncoming attack. This state lasts as long as Mickey concentrates, but Mickey and/or his ally are essentially immobile while it lasts, since they’re basically a life-size mural of themselves.

"Spell: Voltar Thundasir"
Damage 5 (500)
-- Ranged (250)
Debuff 5 (500)
-- Ranged (250)

Mickey has the ability to shout the phrase "Voltar Thundasir!" and shoot an extremely formidable bolt of lightning from the tip of his keyblade. This effect, upon a direct hit, briefly shocks the enemy, opening them up to a follow-up attack of some sort from Mickey.


- Items & Consumables -

"Magic Mirror" (50E)
Communication Rank 1 (100E)
-- Removable (-50E)

Mickey has a handheld mirror he can use to communicate across distances, similar to how someone with an iPhone might use FaceTime.

"Magic Carpet"
Flight 1 (200E)
— Ongoing (100E)
— Transferable (50E)
— Affects Multiple (50E)
— Removable (-50E)

Mickey has a magic carpet which he can fly on. The carpet can hold several people, depending on those people's sizes, and will gladly fly any of Mickey's allies even if he's not around. The carpet has been known to be incapacitated by attacks before, or stolen by enemies.


"Heart of Te Fiti" (Relic)
Effects Unknown

Description Unknown

"Soul Stone" (Relic)
Effects Unknown

Description Unknown

"Paint Brush" (200)
Master Skill: Art (Painting) Rank 3 (150)
Master Skill: Knowledge (Unmaking) Rank 1 (50)

A mysteriously magical paintbrush that seems to take on a life of its own whenever it is dipped in a substance viscous enough to resemble paint. It depicts vague messages and symbols related to the Unmaking, and with a little thinkin', you might actually be able to understand what this seemingly sentient brush is trying to tell you.

"Iron Mickey" (1900)
Adaptation: Incredible Cold Environments (100)
-- Activation: 10s (-50)
-- Limited: Only While Wearing Iron Mickey Armor (-0)
Adaptation: Incredible Heat Environments (100)
-- Activation: 10s (-50)
-- Limited: Only While Wearing Iron Mickey Armor (-0)
Adaptation: Space (300)
-- Activation: 10s (-50)
-- Limited: Only While Wearing Iron Mickey Armor (-50)
Adaptation: Radioactive Environments (50)
-- Activation: 10s (-0)
-- Limited: Only While Wearing Iron Mickey Armor (-0)
Adaptation: Chemical or Toxic Environments (50)
-- Activation: 10s (-0)
-- Limited: Only While Wearing Iron Mickey Armor (-0)
Communication 1 (100)
-- Limited: Only While Wearing Iron Mickey Armor (-50)
Damage 1 (100)
-- Limited: Only While Wearing Iron Mickey Armor (-50)
Flight 1 (200)
-- Ongoing (100)
-- Limited: Only While Wearing Iron Mickey Armor (-50)
Move Object 1 (100)
-- Limited: Only While Wearing Iron Mickey Armor (-50)
Protection 7 (700)
-- Ongoing (700)
-- Activation: 10s (-350)
-- Limited: Only While Wearing Iron Mickey Armor (-350)
Sense: Energy Level 1 (100)
-- Limited: Only While Wearing Iron Mickey Armor (-50)

Young tech genius Hiro Hamada has crafted a suit of battle armor for Mickey to wear in battle. It fits his entire body, with a sleek red and gold paint job, and provides a multitude of benefits to him. It allows the mouse king to survive in insanely dangerous environments, such as super hot and super cold ones, as well as ones that are potentially poisonous -- and SPACE! It also increases his physical strength, whether it be the power of a basic punch or his ability to lift things, and provides him with an immense amount of protection from enemy attacks. He also has thrusters on the hands and feet that allow him to fly, and PLUTA is patched into the helmet, allowing him to communicate wirelessly with allies or use her sensors to find nearby foes. All of these abilities are only accessible to him whilst wearing the Iron Mickey armor; the suit itself takes about ten seconds to fly to and lock in around his body.


"Potara Earrings" (1000E)
Fusion Rank 2 (1000E)

Mickey Mouse has access to a pair of Potara Earrings native to this universe and can use them to fuse with another individual, gaining all of their abilities and effects along with keeping his own. When they fuse together, they become one entity with elements of both individuals' appearance.

- Summons & Allies -


Summoning 1 (300E)
Adaptation: Space (300E)
Adaptation: Nonbiological Anatomy (300E)
Protection 8 (800E)
-- Ongoing (+800E)
Damage 8 (800E)
-- Ranged (+400E)
Move Object 4 (400E)
-- Ongoing (+400E)

"Healthcare Chip" (1200E)
Healing 8 (1600E)
-- Removable (-400E)

Baymax is BACK, baby! Hiro has spent the last several months working out a new body to put Baymax’s chip in, and now the big white robot is officially back in business and in working order. He’s able to survive in space and is, well, a robot, and with the fancy new red armor Hiro’s crafted from him (out of leftover vibranium on the Spaceboat, of course) he’s more sturdy than ever. He also packs QUITE a punch with his fists, which can detach and fly towards a target when Hiro orders Baymax to use his “rocket fist”! He is also stronk, and can lift objects up to hundreds of pounds in weight.

Thanks to his seafoam green healthcare chip plugged into his torso, Baymax is pretty proficient in healing people and medical knowledge, which translates to him being able to patch up pretty much anyone on the battlefield. He’s a great, big ol’ medic guy! With rocket fists. And a gentle touch. If an enemy were to open up his chip drive, they could steal this and all his medical knowledge.



"Hiro Hamada" (900)
Summoning 1 (300)
Master Skill - Technical: Robotics 4 (200)
Master Skill - Technical: Spaceships 4 (200)
Master Skill - Technical: Computers 4 (200)

Hiro Hamada is an essential part of Mickey’s Spaceboat Willie crew. He essentially serves as the robotics expert and the computers expert, keeping the ship’s electronic systems running. With his expertise, he’s also able to serve as good tech support for Mickey.


Imaginary Friend "Squee Squee"
Summoning Rank 1
-- Chaotic

A small, orange furred animal that only you can see and touch! Enjoy your new friend!


Concealment: All Rank 10
-- Ongoing
-- Side Effect (Cannot speak, only makes "Squee" noises)
-- Limited (Cannot leave the bearer's line of sight)
-- Chaotic (Cannot touch anything)

"Minions: The Sqwid Sqwad"
Minion Base Cost: 300

Ink Weaponry (1200)
Damage 3 (300)
— Ranged (150)
Debuff: Natural Protection 3 (300)
— Ranged (150)
— Ongoing (300)

Just Squiddin’ (1050)
Concealment (Sight) 3 (300)
— Ongoing (300)
— Limited: Only In Ink (-150)
Movement (Ink Swimming) 1 (200)
— Limited: Only In Ink (-50)
Protection 3 (300)
— Ongoing (300)
— Limited: Only In Ink (-150)

Mob Modifier: 2550 x3 (5 Minions) = 7650

The Sqwid Sqwad is a team of five Inklings, formerly cultists of Darkseid, who Mickey has convinced to join him in his adventure to stop the Fallen Arbiter. Five Inklings of various colors, they each have their own unique Ink weapon (though for mechanics purposes, they all do the same thing: shoot ink, and are just aesthetically different in their applications). The ink from these weapons has the ability to wear down the natural protection of any enemies covered in it, in addition to damaging them a bit on impact.

In addition, the Sqwid Sqwad has the ability to swim in puddles of ink they create and essentially travel "underground." This protects them from some damage and also makes them harder to track to the naked eye.

The Sqwid Sqwad is made up of five members of varying personalities: Vlad the Inkpaler (he/him), the goth-dressing, angsty leader with an inexplicable Russian accent; Argyle (she/her), the nerdy brainiac of the group and the sweetest of them; the Sarge (he/him), a military-minded Inkling who tries his best to keep the others focused; Orphie (they/them), the poetic romantic of the quintet who loves music; and Crush, the rough-and-tumble brawler who is impulsive and loves a fight (she/her).

"Spaceboat Willie"
Size 3 Moving Base (3000c)


Mickey Mouse has recently come into possession of a spaceship! Coming in at somewhere in the ballpark of 5,000 cubic feet, this spaceship -- which he has coined the Spaceboat Willie, in reverence of the steamboat he crewed in his youth -- actually takes a similar shape to an old-style steamboat, with cleverly hidden augmentations to make it spacefaring and able to ‘dock’ on dry land. It also says “Provided by Syntech” in small, purple letters under where it says Spaceboat Willie, but Mickey may or may not have defaced that part.

Steam-Powered Thrusters (1800c)
Flight 4 (2400c)
Finite: Needs Fuel (-600c)

The Spaceboat Willie is capable of traveling at speeds upwards of 70mph using its thrusters. These engines are powered in a curious way for a spacefaring vessel: literally with coal, creating a stream of steam coming out of the smokestack.

Vibranium Exterior (3000c)
Adaptation: Incredible Heat Environments (300c)
Adaptation: Incredible Cold Environments (300c)
Protection 4 (1200c)
-- Ongoing (+1200c)

Despite looking like a run of the mill steamboat, though, the Spaceboat Willie is actually mostly constructed of vibranium, an incredibly powerful metal mined on Mesa Roja. The entirety of the boat has been painted in a grayscale pattern, and is capable of sustaining blows from extremely heavy weapons as well as surviving in extremely hot and cold environments.

Friendship Beam (600c)
Damage 4 (1200c)
-- Ranged (+600c)
-- Activation (-1200c)

Near the front of the spaceboat is a giant laser cannon that is capable of firing a huge, hot pink energy beam capable of ripping apart a target. Mickey has taken to calling it the ‘Friendship Beam,’ because “after that, they’re sure gonna wanna sit down and chat like pals!” (i.e., surrender)

Stuffed Animal Cannon (900c)
Damage 3 (900c)
-- Ranged (+450c)
-- Finite: Needs Ammo (-450c)

The Spaceboat Willie has a cannon on each side of it that fires huge, explosive stuffed animal projectiles. These projectiles are limited and must be manufactured by Mickey’s supplier -- currently the Wondertainment Toy Company -- but are devastating when they hit their mark.

Tickle Chamber (1350c)
Master Skill: Interrogation 3 (450c)
-- Ongoing (+900c)

Mickey Mouse has never been fond of torture, but this is a method he can get behind. If he’s trying to get information out of a prisoner, he’ll usually throw them in the Tickle Chamber, a small room near The Slammer with a small cot in it. Once strapped in to the cot, several gloved robotic hands (not dissimilar in aesthetic to Mickey’s own) pop out of the walls and ceilings and begin to tickle the subject until they decide to release the information, or until Mickey deems it enough.

PLUTA (1800c)
Master Skill: Knowledge (Navigation) 4 (600c)
Master Skill: Knowledge (Strategy) 4 (600c)
Master Skill: Technical (Ship Diagnostics) 4 (600c)

PLUTA (Piloting & Launching Utilities and Tactical Assistant) is an artificial intelligence that, essentially, keeps the Spaceboat Willie running. Despite being named after Mickey’s pet dog from his home realm, PLUTA’s voice more resembles that of a mellow woman, offering advice to Mickey and the crew in soothing tones and ensuring that they are always on the right course, both in travel and in combat situations.
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Mickey Mouse: The Story So Far

Non-Canon Mickey Threads

7th Place (as 'Mickey Mouse')​
No Placement (as 'Della Duck')​
Grand Champion (as 'Mickey Mouse')​

Relationships & NPCs

Squee (Summon NPC)

Solo Threads:
  • None
w/ Mickey:
  • To Infinity and Beyond!
  • An Uncanny Unmaking
  • Split Splat!
  • A Heckin' Harrowing
Baymax (Summon NPC) & Hiro Hamada (Minion NPC)

Solo Threads:
w/ Mickey:
Fa Mulan (NPC)
Della Duck (Minion NPC - not purchased)

Solo Threads:

Mickey considers himself pals with these guys!

Arthur Morgan
Beatrix III
Proto Man
Roy Mustang
Yu Kanda



Mickey has, as of yet, not developed strong feelings about these fellas.

Jak Mar
Laura Kinney
Victor Wolfe


It's incredibly possible Mickey would attack these evildoers on sight.

The Living


Roleplaying With Mickey & Jacob

Up first, here are some IC notes to help people figure Mickey out if you're roleplaying him for the first time.

  • Personality - Mickey's a pretty easy to please guy when it comes to getting his personality right. He's generally pretty chipper and, yes, I roleplay him as utilizing the many catchphrases and exclamations that the cartoon character uses despite him being the rugged King Mickey of Kingdom Hearts fame technically; that means an "oh boy!" or a "gosh!" is welcome. He generally doesn't use curse words or really anything nasty (I think one time I wrote something about how he hates the phrase "shut up," even) and will chastise other characters for their use of bad language, Captain America style; although, there's been one or two noted exceptions to this rule when he's in a really heightened emotional state. That being said, I generally like to make that judgment call myself or let a staff saga host do it, so unless otherwise noted, please save those exceptions for me. Mickey is wholly pacifistic in a general sense and will try his best to avoid combat (though he's not against it completely in the right circumstances) and when things begin to get violent and unruly he may spiral into sadness, depending on the company around him.
  • Fighting Style - As mentioned above, Mickey fancies himself a non-violent person and will do his best to avoid fighting when he can, though he will defend himself if necessary or engage in combat to subdue someone he judges is an evildoer. He will not kill on purpose. As far as how he actually fights, he relies very much on his size and speed to weave in and out of an opponent's attack window, and will often do literal flips around them in an attempt to overwhelm them. He is an excellent swordsman, and in most cases is most likely to engage in melee attacks, though he does know some magic spells that serve as ranged moves. Mickey also will come to rely heavily on several allies to help him, as he grows in Essence level. If I were to place him into a Final Fantasy class, I'd probably say he's a Red Mage with some summoner flavor.


Below are just some OOC notes to let people know my style and what I'm cool and comfortable with. Thought this would be a nifty idea to tack on to my roster, so I'm trying it out.

  • When I'm in a thread with another player, I am completely comfortable with anyone roleplaying Mickey or one of my NPCs! Mickey's not that difficult a character to grasp for the most part, but if you're unsure, I'm working on a pretty detailed roster for him and I am always open to reading through your post before you post it, if you just want me to check and see if your dialogue looks right, or whatever. Just PM it to me and I'll give it a look through as soon as possible.
  • On a similar note, I'm also totally comfortable roleplaying other people's characters and NPCs if you're like me to do so/are okay with that. However! I will always prefer you to look over my post, at least the first few times we write together. If we get to a point where we've written together extensively or I feel like I have at least a basic grasp on your character, I probably won't PM you whole posts but I will probably still ask you questions via the chatbox, Discord, or PM. So be on the lookout for me!
  • My availability varies. I'm a working professional actor/amateur filmmaker, so while I'm generally pretty available on average, there might be points when I'm posting a bit slower or faster than normal. Really it varies, but I promise I'll get back to you eventually! Just don't expect a post every day and we should be fine.
  • On that note, I'm totally comfortable with you double posting in a thread we're in if I'm swamped with life and can't find time to sit down and write a good, solid post for you. Just let me know via PM or Skype that you've decided to work on something and I'll check it off my list till you're done. I know sometimes people just get itchin' to write something and I don't want to keep you from doing that! Just let me know and we'll be golden. I may also do this occasionally if I find myself with copious time but will always check in with ya first!!
  • As far as my general post length goes, I usually write about 1000-1500 words. Sometimes if I feel like I have an especially big plot point to cover or if I just have a lot to say, it can go longer. Rarely does it go shorter than 800, but it definitely doesn't get shorter than 600. That said, I do not expect people to match my length. If you want to write short posts, feel free. If you want to write 2000 word posts or more or something, feel free. As long as I have something to respond to, I'm super cool.
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Purchases Log - July 2020
  • 07/01/2020
  • 07/02/2020
    • Purchased Upgraded "Keyblade" Ability - 100 Essence (Total Spent Essence: 1475)
    • Purchased Upgraded "Mouse Traits" Ability - 450 Essence (Total Spent Essence: 1925)
  • 07/07/2020
  • 07/28/2020
    • Used “When You Wish Upon A Star” (Instant Revive)
  • 07/30/2020
  • 07/31/2020
    • Purchased "King's Instincts" Master Skill - 300 Essence (Total Spent Essence: 4200)
    • Purchased "Agile Claws" Ability - 350 Essence (Total Spent Essence: 4550)
    • Purchased "Double Arrowguns" Ability - 1250 Essence (Total Spent Essence: 5800)
    • Purchased "Hyper Hammer" Ability - 600 Essence (Total Spent Essence: 6400)
  • 08/04/2020
    • Purchased "Proto Buster" Ability (for Summon Proto Man) - 450 Essence (Total Spent Essence: 6850)
  • 08/17/2020
    • Updated "Mouse Traits" Ability with Limited Modifier - refunded 100 Essence (Total Spent Essence: 6750)
  • 08/25/2020
    • Purchased "Android Biology" Ability (for Summon Proto Man) - 1300 Essence (Total Spent Essence: 8050)
    • Added "Lucky" (Level 1 Affinity)
  • 09/01/2020
  • 10/02/2020
  • 08/20/2021
    • Self-audited Roster
    • Added Level 5 Affinity "Influential"
    • Added information about acquired Summon "Squee Squee" and purchased Minions "Sqwid Sqwad"
    • Purchased "Counter Shield" (Total Spent Essence: 11475)
    • Purchased "Iron Mickey" (Total Spent Essence: 13375)
  • 05/22/2024
  • 05/23/2024
  • 06/06/2024
  • 06/17/2024
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