Mickey Mouse, Keyblade Master & former King of the Disney Realms
(part-Disney, part-Kingdom Hearts, part-original creation)
Spent Essence: 23525 // Focus Points: 7
Character Behavior:
"Optimistic Peacemaker"
Mickey is optimistic, first and foremost. He's always looking for the best in everyone, always playing to his friends' strengths, and always trying his best to envision the best possible outcome in a scenario and manifest it, do the work to make it happen.
He's also more of a peacemaker than anything, resorting to his swordsman skills and magic powers when necessary to foster the defeat of evil and onset of peace. This also means he finds it extra important to collect an array of like-minded, but powerful, friends to be by his side and support him in tense situations.
- {USED}
When You Wish Upon A Star (Instant Revive) - {USED, on Gilgamesh}
When You Wish Upon A Star.exe #1 (Instant Revive) - When You Wish Upon A Star.exe #2 (Instant Revive)
- Spaceboat Willie (Size 3 Moving Base)
- Heart of Te Fiti (Relic, DA20 Prize)
- Soul Stone (Relic, DA24 Prize)
- Grand Champion Belt (Relic, DA24 Prize)
- {USED}
Protein-Rich Strawberry Smoothie (One-Use Trinket) - Paint Brush (Trinket)
- LEVEL 1: "Lucky" - You gain +1 Focus at level 1, +2 Focus at level 5, and +3 Focus at level 9 (each increase replaces the previous boost, regardless of what level you initially took this Affinity).
- LEVEL 5: "Influential" - Earn twice as much Influence and Influence loss is halved. Gaining Notoriety with a Faction doubles the Influence gained with opposing Factions.
- Keyblade & Formchanges -
- Keyblade: Ultima Weapon
- Formchange: Agile Claws
- Formchange: Counter Shield
- Formchange: Double Arrowguns
- Formchange: Hyper Hammer
- Mouse Traits
- Musketeer Training
- Spell: Flower, Gleam and Glow
- Spell: Abra Cadabra
- Spell: Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo
- Spell: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
- Spell: Voltar Thundasir
- Magic Mirror
- Magic Carpet
- Iron Mickey
- Summon: Baymax
- Summon: Imaginary Friend "Squee Squee"
- Minions: The Sqwid Sqwad
- Minion: Hiro Hamada
- King's Instincts (Social: Diplomacy, Social: Leadership, Social: Manners & Decorum)
- 8-Bitain // Nos'talgia // +1 influence point
- Alliance to Restore the Crossroads // The Beyond // +2 influence points
- Babylonia // Mesa Roja // +4 influence points
- Sweetzerland // Nos'talgia // +1 influence point
- Wondertainment Toy Company // Nos'talgia // +1 influence point
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