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Ability Approval I

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Username: Tom Riddle

Name of Ability?
Wand Spell: The Unforgivable Killing Curse

Ability Effects:
Associated with: Little More Than a Memory
[Debuff 2 (200) + Ongoing (200) - Removable 2 (100)]
Debuff - Cancels out any equivalent magical defense before damage is dealt.
Ongoing - Debuff continues unabated after the attack has landed.
Removable - Must be cast from a wand.
[Damage 2 (200) + Ongoing 2 (200) + Ranged 2 (100) + Indirect 2 (200) - Removable 2 (100)]
Damage - Consumes life force. Multiple strikes creates more damage.
Ongoing - Damage continues happening unabated even after the attack has ended, or until removed. Does not stack with multiple uses but will reinforce it if the effect was fading due to outside intervention.
Ranged - This is a narrow beam type attack.
Indirect - Pierces through any physical obstacle that may get in its way until it reaches something large and alive, or Protected.
Removable - Must be cast from a wand.

Note: Being posted up to correct a missed rules issue regarding wording. Changing the debuff's definition from an all-encompassing Protection to Magical Defenses

Descriptor: Incantation: Avada Kadavra
A deathly bolt of sickly green lightning flashes out from the caster’s wand and with it comes death itself, capable of punching through any sufficiently vulnerable defenses, wiping away or weakening any protection, and consuming the life of the victim. Anyone who is unlucky enough to survive the initial hit will forever be marked with this zigzagged curse as it eats away at their life long after it's struck. The curse will remain until something is done to purposely remove the dark magic. The only hope anyone has to avoid this fate is to take away the caster’s wand before the spell is ever cast.

Those who fall from this spell often appear completely unharmed save for the look of horror on their faces.

Essence Cost: 900

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Username: Rominia

Name of Ability?

Ability Effects:
Flight II (400)
-- Limited (Only in werewolf form) (-100)

Descriptor: Rominia can pounce across great lengths at great speeds in her bestial form.

Essence Cost: 300

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
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Username: Lucien

Name of Ability?
Werewolf Physiology

Ability Effects:
Endurance Rank 3 (300E)
Speed Rank 2 (400E)
Healing Rank 2 (400E)
Weakness (-50E) Weak to Silver

Descriptor: Even while in human form a werewolf gains certain benefits to being a Fera. Higher than normal endurance, speed, and healing is common and assists with day to day activities. As usual, silver can weaken the effects of a Fera's healing.

Essence Cost: 1050

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Username: Izaneus Phortea

Name of Ability?
Sage's Wisdom

Ability Effects:
Social (Leadership) Rank: 6 (300)
Social (Charisma) Rank: 6
Modifier: Ongoing
Knowledge (Psychology) Rank: 6
Social (Persuasion) Rank: 6
Subterfuge (Deceit) Rank: 6

Descriptor: Izaneus has always known what to say. Be it giving a friend advice, or reading a room, and making the best of a tense situation. He learned how to predict people's responses based on their personality at a young age.

As a result, his social skills are far more advanced than one would think of him, given his general lonesome personality.

Even when he isn't attempting to entrance, or persuade. His Elegant, noble demeanor, and intelligent mannerisms draw others to him.

However, he's also well versed in turning the conversation where he wants, and protecting secrets he'd rather not come to light.

Essence Cost: 300

STAFF EDIT: Approved! however, as master skills represent an area of knowledge rather than a specific exerted ability, they have ongoing by default. if you'd like to switch out the modifier, feel free to re-apply
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Username: Guts

Name of Ability?
Demonic Brand

Ability Effects:
Sense (Extrasensory) Rank 3
-Limited (Only Unmade)
-Side-Effect (Unmade within the area can also sense the user)

Descriptor: When Governmorne fell to Unmaking, Guts was branded with the symbol of his traitorous lord. This brand flares with pain and bleeds in the presence of the Unmade. However, it also acts as a beacon for the abominations as well, drawing them to him like moths to a flame.

Essence Cost: 900

STAFF EDIT: You know it’s just 300 as said on discord, sooo approved!
Username: Beatrix III

Name of Ability?
Crimson Soldier

Ability Effects:
Damage Rank 4 (400E)
Triggered (200E)
Protection Rank 4 (400E)
Triggered (200E) -- Attacks she can't see.

Descriptor: There are times when Beatrix is going to be outnumbered. Whether it's by one or more person her blood magic is ready to aid her. She can choose to use this ability when she attacks or let it defend her automatically. A horrific liquid blood humanoid wielding a sword splits off from her body and either deflects an attack made to her blind side or strikes out in an opposite direction of where Beatrix is facing. The two cannot be fully split apart, the limit to how far being anchored at the pair's feet.

Essence Cost: 1200

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
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Username: Lilith

Name of Ability?
Mutant Might

Ability Effects:
Endurance Rank 1 (100E)
Damage Rank 1 (100E)
Move Object Rank 1 (100E)

Descriptor: Lilith prides herself on her body and is serious about physical fitness. She can lift more and hit harder than the average person, though it's nothing spectacular. Such is her nature, favoring raw strength over finesse.

Essence Cost: 300

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Username: Ridley

Name of Ability?
Master Roboticist

Ability Effects:
Master skill: Science: engineering (6) -300
Master skill: Science: Artificial intelligence (5) - 250
Master skill: Science: Biology (1) -50

Descriptor: Ridley is a skilled designer and developer of much of the mechanical hardware he deems fit to personally use. While not involved with most development of warp drives, bio-weapons or he has a great mechanical understanding that is put to use in robotics, tanks, and large-scale weapons. While he has a great understanding of the hardware involved and how to elegantly put together the hardware that puts together any average machine - much more so than most in the crossroads, he is merely a genius at the art of artificial intelligence, creating passable and inventive AI that is somewhat lacking compared to the cutting edge hardware he develops. He partially bases his designs on biology and has a passable knowledge in this field as well.

Essence Cost: 600

STAFF EDIT: Approved
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Username: John Connor

Name of Ability?
Rail Plasma Sniper Rifle

Ability Effects:
Damage 6 (600)
Ranged (300)
Removable (-300)

Descriptor: Both versions use Red Plasma Cells, and have a base power reserve size of 24 units of Phased Plasma

Essence Cost: 600

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
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Username: Lilith

Name of Ability?
Night Stalker

Ability Effects:
Sense: Sight Rank 1 (100E)
—Ongoing (100E)
—Limited (Only in the dark) (-50E)

Descriptor: Lilith is adapted to seeing in environments devoid of light. Her vision in the dark is completely unhindered, and is improved within a short range. However this does not extend to the day, or anywhere that is sufficiently lit up.

Essence Cost: 150

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Username: PJ

Name of Ability?
I have this all on my other character, so it's totally pre approved (aside from a gun but it's a fucking gun, c'mon)

Ability Effects:
But I don't want anyone to sass me

Descriptor: “Orbing” - PJ can teleport up to 80 feet from herpresent location, by herself or with company. She vanishes and reappears in a swirl of white and blue light orbs. (1200E)
Teleport IV (1200)
-- Affect Multiples (+200)
-- Limited (Requires Contact) (-200)

“Telekinetic Orbing” - PJ can will an object that he can see or sense to himself. They usually swirl with ‘orbs’ before moving to her. (500E)
Move Object V (500)
-- Ranged (+250)
-- Limited (Must See/Sense) (-250)

"Desert Eagle" - A heavy sidearm that PJ has always felt a fondness for. Worn on her hip. (500E)
Damage V (500)
-- Removable (-250)
-- Ranged (+250)

Essence Cost: 2200

STAFF EDIT: Approved.
Username: Altanis

Name of Ability?
Diverse Skillset

Ability Effects:
(Due in part to a recent level up, and acquiring the Gifted affinity, re-working a previously submitted batch of skills into something more appropriate.)

Research Expert (300)
Rituals/Arcana 6
Research/Investigation 6
Science: Engineering 6
Science: Biology 6
Technical (Reverse Engineering) 6
A startlingly keen mind adept at researching and understanding things in many fields, and a quick grasp of intuiting and understanding the basics of even foreign items to a degree of being able to utilize them, even without a full proper understanding.

Unflinching Command (300)
Social (People Reading) 6
Social (Battlefield Leadership) 6
Social (Intimidation) 6
Subterfuge 6
Interrogation 6
Altanis is concerned with one thing and one thing only, when it comes to those under her command: results. She will employ methods needed. She will tell others what they need and want to hear, backed with enough tact and informed knowledge to make it seem utterly sound and sensible, and exert such an awe-inspiring and unnerving presence that she brokers few, if any, questions or backtalk. Her natural...affinity for extracting useful information from reluctant individuals is only an unsettling plus.

Lead by Example (300)
Combat (Tactics) 6
Knowledge (Battle Tactics) 6
Survival (Ambush) 6
Survival (Tracking) 6
Combat (Battle) 6
While she prefers a more hands-off leadership role, Altanis is no stranger to more...close-quarters and frantic command. She is quite capable of leading from the front, and providing an unflinching example to those alongside her, providing keen and quick insight as well sound strategic and tactical advice and orders while charging directly into the fray herself.

Descriptor: As befitting her role as someone so old and voracious for knowledge and skills as she is, as well as her former position as a leading researcher and strategist for a nearly planet-conquering force, Altanis has a diverse and wide array of skills which can be brought to bear in numerous fields.

Essence Cost: 900

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Username: Arthur Morgan

Name of Ability?
"He's dead, Jim!"

Ability Effects:
Penance Stare

Debuff Rank 7 (700E)
--Ongoing (+700E)
--Ranged (+350E)
--Limited (Only works while maintaining eye contact, -350E)
--Concentration (-350E)
Total Cost: 1050E

If he wills it, Arthur possesses the supernatural ability to cause any individual who stares into his eyes to see and "feel" every bit of emotional pain they have ever inflicted on anyone in their entire lifetime. This occurs as an ongoing effect, potentially paralyzing his opponents with fear as their wicked deeds flash before their eyes. As one might expect, penance stare only functions while Arthur is maintaining eye contact with an individual, meaning that it can operate for an indefinite amount of time. In addition, Arthur must place his full concentration in this ability; he cannot attack his opponents or protect himself from harm while it is active.

Hellfire Shotgun
Damage Rank 7 (Burning, 700E)
--Ongoing (+700E)
--Ranged (+350E)
--Concentration (-350E)
--Limited (Only works on the wicked, -350E)
Debuff Rank 7 (Soul Trauma, 700E)
--Ranged (+350E)
--Concentration (-350E)
--Limited (Only works on the wicked, -350E)
Total: 1400E

The Hellfire Shotgun has the appearance of a sawed-off Winchester 1887 lever action shotgun. Unlike conventional sidearms, however, this demonic weapon never runs out of ammunition and can be fired repeatedly for an indeterminate amount of time. The Hellfire Shotgun fires bursts of vibrant blue hellfire, a mystical energy which acts in a similar fashion to ordinary fire, with one major difference: It can burn physical objects through heat, or it can traumatize the souls of living beings, depending on the wielder's intention... but never both at once.

The burning damage is ongoing, continuing to hurt even after the target is struck, while the soul trauma occurs in short bursts-- appearing as brief flashes of psychologically distressing memories. Since the Hellfire rounds are only able to harm the wicked, these distressing memories usually include past evil deeds layered over with an extreme sensation of soul-crushing guilt.

Dead Man’s Touch
Adaptation: Incredible Heat Environments (100)
Adaptation: Incredible Cold Environments (100)
Adaptation: Chemical or Toxic Environments (50)
Adaptation: Radioactive Environments (50)
Adaptation: Need to Breathe (200)
Adaptation: Starvation and Thirst (50)
Adaptation: Need for Sleep (50)
Adaptation: Disease (50)
Adaptation: Falling (100)
Total Cost: 750E

Due to the supernatural nature of Arthur’s resurrection in the Crossroads, he has a considerable number of adaptations that an ordinary human being would not. He can survive a variety of hostile environments, doesn’t need to breathe, eat, or sleep, and no longer suffers from disease or fall damage. Arthur mostly isn’t aware of this, though, and will still breathe, eat, drink and sleep.

Descriptor: See Above

Essence Cost: 3200

STAFF EDIT: Everything here is looking pretty okay, and math checks out. Good to go.
Username: Summer

Name of Ability?

Ability Effects:
Protection 5 (500)
-- Affects Multiple 1 (+250)
-- Ranged (+250)
-- Ongoing (+500)
-- Concentration (-250)
-- Limited (-250)
-- Indiscriminate (-250)

Descriptor: A powerful defensive spell that can only be used by Sun-possessed Summer. With a moment of focus, the sun spirit creates a field of heavily condensed air and mana within a 10-foot diameter of a target they can see (including themself). Though this high-pressure system is invisible to the naked eye, the sudden shift in air pressure can be felt by those within its bounds, and its effect is more than noticeable. Any attacks that pass through this field, either from within or without, are drastically slowed and weakened, protecting whoever is inside, but also hindering their ability to attack. As long as Sun is able to keep their focus, the spell persists and keeps centered on their target. Should their concentration break, however, such as through taking a hefty hit, or meddling by Storm, or should they choose to use another ability, the field immediately disperses and must be conjured again.

Essence Cost: 750

STAFF EDIT: Approved.
Username: Anders Nazret

Name of Ability?
Arcane Mastery

Ability Effects:
Mimic 1 (400)
Positive Modifiers:
Negative Modifiers: Limited - Only usable on magic (-50)

Descriptor: Anders's intimate understanding of magic and its various schools allows him to duplicate a wide variety of spells simply by observing them.

Essence Cost: 350

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Username: John Connor

Name of Ability?
Plasma Infused Warhammer

Ability Effects:
Damage 6 (600)
Removable (-50)

Descriptor: A warhammer with the effects of super heated plasma inside. Causes burns to not self but others.

Essence Cost: 550

STAFF EDIT: Remember, you multiply the cost of your modifiers by the rank of the Effect they’re attached to! So, on a Rank 6 Damage effect, you would multiply the -50E from the Removable modifier by 6. That’s -300E. You would then subtract 300E from this ability’s Essence cost, meaning that it costs only 300 total.

Damage 6 (600)
Removable (-300)
Total Cost: 300

Please resubmit your ability with this in mind!
Username: John Connor

Name of Ability?
Plasma Infused Warhammer

Ability Effects:
Damage 6 (600)
Removable (-300)

Descriptor: Warhammer with the effects of super heated plasma inside. Causes burns to not self but others.

Essence Cost: 300

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Username: Jason Lee Scott

Name of Ability?
Kimberly Ann Hart

Ability Effects:
Summon: Kimberly Hart
Cost: 300E


Gymnast's Grace - 700 E
Damage - Rank 1 (100)
Modifiers: Ongoing (0 - Affinity)
Cost: 200 E

Agility - Rank 2 (400)
Modifiers: None (0)
Cost: 400

Endurance - Rank 2 (200)
Modifiers: None (0)
Cost: 100

Descriptor: Kimberly is the Pink Ranger, and another member of the original Ranger team. Though she is not a trained fighter like some of her teammates she is still experienced and capable in combat even without her powers, preferring quick strikes instead of heavy blows.

Essence Cost: 1000

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Username: John Connor

Name of Ability?
Multi-Weapons Mastery

Ability Effects:
-Bow and Arrow
-Other weapons

Descriptor: John now has multi weapon proficiency in modern and medieval weapons.

Essence Cost: 150

STAFF EDIT: Is this a master skill? Please clarify.
Username: Elise

Name of Ability?
A Handy Little Familiar (Upgrading)

Ability Effects:
Technical (Computers) 3
Drive (Cars & Trucks) 3
Pilot (Aircraft) 2
Technical (Mechanical) 3
Craft (Cosmetology) 3
Craft (Tailoring) 2
Craft (Chef) 2
Rituals/Arcana 2

Descriptor: Greenstripes is just good at a lot of stuff, okay?

Essence Cost: 1100

STAFF EDIT: By my count, the total Essence cost for these would just be 1000E. Other than that, you're good!
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