Username: Tom Riddle
Name of Ability?
Wand Spell: The Unforgivable Killing Curse
Ability Effects:
Associated with: Little More Than a Memory
Note: Being posted up to correct a missed rules issue regarding wording. Changing the debuff's definition from an all-encompassing Protection to Magical Defenses
Descriptor: Incantation: Avada Kadavra
A deathly bolt of sickly green lightning flashes out from the caster’s wand and with it comes death itself, capable of punching through any sufficiently vulnerable defenses, wiping away or weakening any protection, and consuming the life of the victim. Anyone who is unlucky enough to survive the initial hit will forever be marked with this zigzagged curse as it eats away at their life long after it's struck. The curse will remain until something is done to purposely remove the dark magic. The only hope anyone has to avoid this fate is to take away the caster’s wand before the spell is ever cast.
Those who fall from this spell often appear completely unharmed save for the look of horror on their faces.
Essence Cost: 900
STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Name of Ability?
Wand Spell: The Unforgivable Killing Curse
Ability Effects:
Associated with: Little More Than a Memory
[Debuff 2 (200) + Ongoing (200) - Removable 2 (100)]
Debuff - Cancels out any equivalent magical defense before damage is dealt.
Ongoing - Debuff continues unabated after the attack has landed.
Removable - Must be cast from a wand.
[Damage 2 (200) + Ongoing 2 (200) + Ranged 2 (100) + Indirect 2 (200) - Removable 2 (100)]
Damage - Consumes life force. Multiple strikes creates more damage.
Ongoing - Damage continues happening unabated even after the attack has ended, or until removed. Does not stack with multiple uses but will reinforce it if the effect was fading due to outside intervention.
Ranged - This is a narrow beam type attack.
Indirect - Pierces through any physical obstacle that may get in its way until it reaches something large and alive, or Protected.
Removable - Must be cast from a wand.
Debuff - Cancels out any equivalent magical defense before damage is dealt.
Ongoing - Debuff continues unabated after the attack has landed.
Removable - Must be cast from a wand.
[Damage 2 (200) + Ongoing 2 (200) + Ranged 2 (100) + Indirect 2 (200) - Removable 2 (100)]
Damage - Consumes life force. Multiple strikes creates more damage.
Ongoing - Damage continues happening unabated even after the attack has ended, or until removed. Does not stack with multiple uses but will reinforce it if the effect was fading due to outside intervention.
Ranged - This is a narrow beam type attack.
Indirect - Pierces through any physical obstacle that may get in its way until it reaches something large and alive, or Protected.
Removable - Must be cast from a wand.
Note: Being posted up to correct a missed rules issue regarding wording. Changing the debuff's definition from an all-encompassing Protection to Magical Defenses
Descriptor: Incantation: Avada Kadavra
A deathly bolt of sickly green lightning flashes out from the caster’s wand and with it comes death itself, capable of punching through any sufficiently vulnerable defenses, wiping away or weakening any protection, and consuming the life of the victim. Anyone who is unlucky enough to survive the initial hit will forever be marked with this zigzagged curse as it eats away at their life long after it's struck. The curse will remain until something is done to purposely remove the dark magic. The only hope anyone has to avoid this fate is to take away the caster’s wand before the spell is ever cast.
Those who fall from this spell often appear completely unharmed save for the look of horror on their faces.
Essence Cost: 900
STAFF EDIT: Approved!