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Ability Approval I

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Username: Arthur Morgan

Name of Ability?
[UPGRADES NOTED BELOW] Unearthly Strength

Ability Effects:
Move Object Rank 7 (700E) [UPGRADING TO ==> Rank 9 (900E)]
—Ongoing (+700E) [UPGRADING ==> 900E]
—Limited (Only while transformed, -350E) [UPGRADING TO ==> -450E]
Total Cost: 1050E [UPGRADING ==> 1,350E]

Descriptor: While in his Ghost Rider form, Arthur's raw physical strength is increased to an insane degree, giving him the ability to lift around 51,200 pounds/23,224kg as easily as a sledgehammer for an ongoing period of time.

Essence Cost: 1350

STAFF EDIT: Approveded!
Username: Arthur Morgan

Name of Ability?

Ability Effects:
Sense Rank 2 (Vision & Extrasensory, 400E)
-- Affects Multiple (+100)
Agility Rank 6 (1200E) [UPGRADING TO ==> Rank 9 (1800E)]
-- Concentration (-300) [UPGRADING ==> -450E]
Total Cost: 1,400E [UPGRADING ==> 1,850E]

Descriptor: Rather than having any kind of supernatural sense abilities, Arthur’s enhanced senses manifest in his keen eyesight and ability to suss out weaknesses in his opponents from up to 200 feet/61m away (cannot be used in conjunction with Binoculars). These weaknesses can be vital organs, previous injuries, or other hidden areas that would be especially injurious if struck. In addition, Arthur’s fast reflexes and reaction time make taking accurate shots with firearms much easier. From Arthur’s perspective, time simply appears to slow down and his focus narrows on his opponents for a brief time.

Essence Cost: 1850

STAFF EDIT: Approveded!
Username: Arthur Morgan

Name of Ability?
Hellfire Lasso: Chains of Heaven

Ability Effects:
Debuff Rank 9 (Binding, 900E)
-- Ongoing (+900E)
-- Ranged (+450E)
Debuff Rank 9 (Soul Trauma, 900E)
-- Ongoing (+900E)
-- Ranged (+450E)
-- Limited (Only works on the wicked, -450E)
Damage Rank 9 (Burning, 900E)
-- Ongoing (+900E)
-- Ranged (+450E)
-- Limited (Only works on the wicked, -450E)

Descriptor: A burning loop of chain that is designed to be thrown around a target and tightened when pulled. Can be used to trip, bind, and drag an enemy, restricting their movements and forcing them to go... well, wherever Arthur drags them. Deals soul trauma in the form of horrific guilt for as long as the chain makes contact with a target's body, forcing those bound with it to endure the crushing weight of their sins, often stunning a target into a stupor. Also deals burning damage for however long target is bound, as the chain is laced with azure hellfire.

Any target can be bound. However, the soul trauma and burning effects only work on the wicked, so those with pure souls or good intentions will not be harmed by the flames.

Essence Cost: 5850

STAFF EDIT: Approveded!
Username: Jade Callisto

Name of Ability?
Performance/Art (Dancing 3)

Ability Effects:
Upgrade of Master Skill Dancing 1

Descriptor: Jade of course knows how to dance, she loves to do it after all.

Essence Cost: 150

STAFF EDIT: Approveded!
Username: Jade Callisto

Name of Ability?
Capeoira Martial Arts

Ability Effects:
Upgraded Damage of Capeoria Martial Arts by 1 rank.

Descriptor: Due to Jade's training as part of a circus she combined her love of dancing with martial arts to form her own style. That said she has enormous strength that is actually quite scary sometimes, very likely because of her draconic heritage.

Essence Cost: 100

STAFF EDIT: Approveded!
Username: Ezrihel

Name of Ability?
✤ Wings of Aza’zayl

Ability Effects:
Flight IV (800)
-- Ongoing IV (400)

Descriptor: On will Ezrihel takes on the latent movement abilities of his true form, Aza’zayl. In this case Aza’zayl’s influence takes the form of beautifully ephemeral golden wings that grants him high-speed free flight capabilities, along with the ability to levitate no more than a few feet above the ground.

Upgrading Wings of Aza'zayl to remove Limited: "Only while Fused", and Side Effect: "Tiring" on Flight, as well as dropping Levitation. 950E => 1200E.

Essence Cost: 1200

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Username: Ezrihel

Name of Ability?
Trained Duelist

Ability Effects:
Agility IV (800)
-- Side Effect IV: Tiring (-200)
Speed II (400)
-- Limited II: Only on Stable Ground (-100)
-- Side Effect II: Tiring (-100)

Descriptor: Ezrihel is a well trained duelist, as such he possesses greater speed and agility than the average person. While his agility is useful regardless, his speed is generally limited to feats on the ground, floor or otherwise normal plantigrade positions, and he is far less efficient with his quickness in unstable terrain like on loose sand, soft snow or otherwise shifty surfaces. As Andromedans are dense and heavy, pulling off wild stunts or exceedingly quick movements back-to-back is draining, though he has trained enough for it to not be utterly exhausting.

Upgrading Trained Duelist to remove Limited IV: "Only on Ground" (-200) from Agility IV. 600E => 800E

Essence Cost: 800

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Username: Klarion

Name of Ability?
Ghost Mount

Ability Effects:
Debuff Rank 9 (Rider’s Will, 900E)
—Ongoing (+900E)
—Activation (10 seconds, -450E)
—Limited (Only works on rideable creatures/mounts/vehicles, -450E)
Damage Rank 9 (900E)
—Ongoing (+900E)
—Activation (10 seconds, -450E)
—Limited (Only works on rideable creatures/mounts/vehicles, -450E)
Speed Rank 9 (1800E)
—Ongoing (+900E)
—Limited (Only works on rideable creatures/mounts/vehicles, -450E)
Agility Rank 9 (1800E)
—Limited (Only works on rideable creatures/mounts/vehicles, -450E)
Movement Rank 1: Wall-Running (200E)
—Limited (Only works on rideable creatures/mounts/vehicles, -50E)

Descriptor: Any rideable creature (typically of the four-legged variety) or vehicle that is capable of bearing Arthur’s weight can be rendered into the Ghost Rider’s chosen mount. By taking ten seconds at least to subdue or otherwise tame his target, Arthur’s target will become bound to the Rider’s will.

Once a mount is secured, in exchange for their cooperation with their rider, they will gain several boons. Their physical form will become imbued with an azure hellfire—the Rider’s mystical element, capable of dealing great damage to foes. They will become capable of moving over land at a speed of 540 miles per hour/869kph, and their agility will be such that they never become disoriented, with reflexes that border on prescience. They will also be able to run across walls as easily as flat terrain.

This condition continues for as long as Arthur can remain upon his chosen mount’s back.

Essence Cost: 5550


STAFF EDIT: Approved!
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Username: Arthur Morgan

Name of Ability?
Ghost Train

Ability Effects:
Damage Rank 9 (900E)
--Indirect (900E)
--Ongoing (900E)
--Ranged (450E)
--Affects Multiple (12ft Across, 450E)
--Activation (10 seconds, -450E)
--Indiscriminate (-450E)

Descriptor: After 10 seconds of intense focus, Arthur summons a colossal steam locomotive wreathed in eerie blue flame, emerging from a phantom tunnel either near to Arthur or at any point he can visually perceive. The ground trembles beneath its powerful engine as it hurtles towards its target or targets with unstoppable force, screaming all the while. The train is massive, measuring 12 feet across and stretching out in a long line of cars behind it. The danger lies in being caught in its path and crushed underneath its wheels, as the weight and momentum of the train is rather devastating. Even allies are not safe from harm if they find themselves in the way of this barreling iron horse. It'll roll over targets before abruptly vanishing into the ether.

Essence Cost: 2700

STAFF EDIT: Good to go~
Username: Rogue

Name of Ability?
Flashes of Memory

Ability Effects:
-Social (Career criminal) 1: 50
-Arcana 1: 50
-Riding (horse) 1: 50
-Knowledge (Psychology) 1: 50
-Social (Leadership) 1: 50
-Piloting (flying beasts) 1: 50
-Knowledge (Genetics) 1: 50

Descriptor: When Rogue touches someone, she absorbs some of their memories alongside their powers, persona and lifeforce. While the powers and mental influences will fade, the memories do not disappear any faster or slower than normal memories would. These disjointed snippets of information are rarely enough to lead to a significant benefit, but Rogue will sometimes find she is surprisingly familiar with things she's never actually learned firsthand.

(upgrading to add two more skills to the list)

Essence Cost: 350

STAFF EDIT: Good to go!
Username: King Ghidorah

Name of Ability?
Psychic Warfare

Ability Effects:
Protection 8 (800)
--limited: mental attacks and effects only (-400)
–ongoing (0, specialized)
Debuff: migraine 8 (800)
–ranged (400)
–ongoing (0, specialized)
–triggered: targeted by a mental attack or effect (400)
–indirect (800)
2800 total

Descriptor: Ghidorah has been mind-controlled dozens of times, and in almost as many ways: made a weapon by those who coveted his world-ending might. Through eons of hard, bitter experience he has learned to defend himself against such attacks, to break free of their influence, and to punish his attackers, inflicting crippling pain.

Essence Cost: 2800

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Username: Kain Owen

Name of Ability?
Space Bending (1400 > 2100)

Ability Effects:
-Damage 4 > 6 (400 > 600)
--Affects multiple 4 > 6 (200 > 300)
--Ranged 4 > 6 (200 > 300)
--Indirect 4 > 6 (0)

-Move Object 4 > 6 (400 > 600)
--Affects Multiple 4 > 6 (200 > 300)
--Ranged 4 > 6 (200 > 300)
--Indirect 4 > 6 (0)
--Limited (only on inanimate objects) 4 > 6 (-200 > -300)

Descriptor: Kain can, by bending space around objects, mentally lift them up and control them in the air. Maybe throw them at his enemies at high speeds for considerable damage.

He can manipulate multiple objects at once if he wants to, but doing so requires more mental focus, unless he's moving them in tandem. they also require more power, and their combined mass should be within his level of move object.

His power doesn't work on living beings though. He doesn't know why, but he suspects it's a mechanic against hurting others. That doesn't stop him from telekinetically throwing objects at them though.

Essence Cost: 2100

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
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Username: Kain Owen

Name of Ability?
God Tier Body (700)

Ability Effects:
--Space (300)
--Need to Breathe (200) (NEW)
--Incredible Cold Environments (100)
--Hunger and Thirst (50)
--Desease (50)

Descriptor: Kain is a god tier Prince of Space. As such, he enjoys some perks that mere mortals cannot.

Essence Cost: 700

STAFF EDIT: Approvederino
Username: Kain Owen

Name of Ability?
Communicator (100)

Ability Effects:
-Communication 1 (100)

Descriptor: A small device that goes into one's ear that Kain received from one of the ARC research scientists.

Essence Cost: 100

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Username: Kain Owen

Name of Ability?
Spaceship Pilot

Ability Effects:
Master Skill (piloting spaceships) 3 (150)

Descriptor: Kain has been learning and practicing how to fly small spaceships. That, coupled with his natural spacial senses, makes for a decent pilot.

Essence Cost: 150

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Username: Arthur Morgan

Name of Ability?
Master Skill Upgrade, Social Skill Tree (Upgrading from Rank 6 > 10)

Ability Effects:
Social (Intimidation) Rank 10 (500E)
Total Cost: 500E

Arthur was once a feared outlaw in the old American West. He knows how to use his stature, appearance, and facial expressions to inspire a healthy respect.

Social (Rugged Uncomplicated Manly Appeal) Rank 10

Arthur’s the pinnacle of a cowboy, there is something uniquely satisfying about his looks and manner. He’s handsome in a way that is unobtrusively rugged and makes those around him feel warm and comfortable when he puts on the charm.

Social (Body Language) Rank 10

Arthur can read the intentions of others fairly well based on body language, human or not. Helps when playing cards, handling beasts or trying to determine if a job is about to turn sour.

Social (Criminal Origin) Rank 10

An outlaw by trade, Arthur can seamlessly blend in with the rough sorts that tend to hang out on the outskirts of a settlement, rubbing shoulders with liars, killers and thieves alike.

Social (Antagonizer) Rank 10

"Good evenin'. That's a mighty faine hoss you got there. How long you been married?"

Arthur can be a real bastard when he wants to be, and is an expert at coming up with sarcastic quips on the fly. Comes in useful when trying to make an opponent fumble.

Descriptor: NA

Essence Cost: 500

STAFF EDIT: Approvederino
Username: Don Isaac

Name of Ability?
The shrapnel wounds are just garlands

Ability Effects:
Speed 2 - 200
Limited (Only when significantly wounded) - (100)
Damage 3 - 300
Limited (Only when significantly wounded) - (150)
Move Object 3 - 300
Limited (Only when significantly wounded) - (150)
Immune to pain - 200
Limited (Only when significantly wounded) - (100)

Descriptor: The thrill of battle is something far more compelling to a Son of Santagria than anything more mundane such as, say, survival instinct. Dozens of Isaac's ancestors have been found in the aftermath of battle, bleeding from a dozen lethal blows, atop a mound of the enemy dead. As their blood flows, and the urge to compose one's own requiem grows, Isaac only grows more dangerous, fighting with the knowledge that his end will be made one worthy of legend. New strength enters his sinews, speeding his step and lending a near-supernatural degree of power to his mortal frame as he becomes insensate to anything but the fleeting glory of mortality.

Essence Cost: 600

STAFF EDIT: Speed is 200 per Rank! Other than that, approved!
Username: Nico Cinder

Name of Ability?
Demonic Influence (Upgrade)

Ability Effects:
Endurance Rank 3 > Rank 5 + 200E

Adaptation + 500E
-Immunity to Pain (already purchased)
-Falling + 100E
-Nonbiological Anatomy + 300E
-Need for Sleep + 50E
-Starvation and Thirst + 50E

Descriptor: Hell has claimed Nico, allowing his mortal body certain privileges as a mark of status. This includes some really, really fancy footwork, radical abs, and a delicious tolerance for getting the shit beaten out of him. In a rare, quiet moment the other night, he realized that his heart had stopped beating. He's not sure how long it's been like that, but it must not be that important if he's still walking around. Maybe it'll come back one day.

Essence Cost: 700

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Username: Arthur Morgan

Name of Ability?

Ability Effects:
Healing Rank 9 (1800E)
-- Ongoing (+900E)
-- Affects Multiple X (+4,500E)
-- Indirect (+900E)
-- Activation (30 seconds, -900E)
Total Cost: 7,200

Descriptor: With practiced hands, Arthur Morgan meticulously constructs a campfire over the course of 30 seconds. As the flames crackle and grow in strength, they cast a spherical warm glow that stretches out for 100 feet in all directions (200 ft diameter). As allies come within range, despite any obstacles in the way, they are engulfed in an ongoing aura of healing. Halo-like circles form around the heads of those affected by the campfire’s healing: upon closer inspection, these halos are in the shape of deer antlers of varying colors and sizes.

Essence Cost: 7200

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
Username: Arthur Morgan

Name of Ability?
The White Horse, Pestilence

Ability Effects:
Damage Rank 9 (900E)
--Ongoing (+900E)
--Affects Multiple II (40 ft diameter, +900E)
--Activation (10 seconds, -450E)
--Limited (Only while in Ghost Rider form, -450E)
--Weakness (Artificial entities, -225E)
Total Cost: 1,575E

Descriptor: "Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, 'Come.' I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer..."

After a period of 10 seconds, the Ghost Rider has the ability to conjure a swarming cloud of locusts that surrounds him in a 40 ft wide sphere, each one wreathed in greenish-black flame. Foes caught within this deadly miasma are struck with virulent illness that tears through their bodies with malicious force. The only beings unaffected are artificial entities without any organic traits. Taking shelter behind barriers can block this effect.

Essence Cost: 1575

STAFF EDIT: Approved!
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