Ezrihel von Althaus


Charismatic Duelist
May 12, 2019
The Beyond
Click Here
Spirits of Vengeance
“Bless'ed are those who hunger and thirst for Justice, for they will be satisfied.
Bless'ed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of the Gods."

Andro-masculine || ☿❀⚨ || He /Him - They/Them

Ezrihel was born into a family of high standing social class, known for long lines of high ranked religious officials and military leaders. Born as an only child, his mother doted on him and his father was constantly away on deployment. His marriage was arranged for when he was only a few years old, a quiet affair but a loud power move on the part of the involved families.

He was put through his education and forced onto a path predetermined for him, much to his growing displeasure. He constantly found himself in trouble for rebelling against the status quo and questioning, always questioning his elders. It only grew worse when his father was home, even briefly. He'd spent decades straining to obtain his father's praise and approval, only to be scathingly reprimanded at every turn for his curious nature, his inquires against his mentors seen as dissent against the acceptance and blind love for his culture.

The last straw was speaking out against and then directly disobeying the council when it came to the topic of imperial conquest. He'd felt pity for those his people took as slaves, pity and remorse for their destitute situation. In that moment he'd snuck away and came to the lower species and gave them gifts, gifts of fire and weapons and knowledge, gifts to defend themselves against the encroaching forces and brutal expectations.

The council martyred him, of course, and sympathizers flocked to his cause- the final straw on the camel's back that ignited a bloody, cruel civil war. They were labeled as Forsaken Ones, traitors and monsters intent on seeing the collapse of the empire. The war stretched on, lasting centuries before the rebellion started to lose their footing. In a last ditch attempt to save themselves, the few remaining ships of the rebel fleet fled into exile, leaving their home galaxy far behind. This is where they find themselves now, searching for a planet to land and restock, hopefully rebuilding what was lost in the process.

✤ Physical Tendencies:
  • Power(P): 5%
  • Toughness(T): 20%
  • Quickness(Q): 25%
  • Skill(S): 50%
✤ Personality Tendencies:
  • Aggression(A): 5%
  • Cunning(C): 50%
  • Diplomacy(D): 40%
  • Support(S): 5%

Ezrihel is a Charismatic Duelist. He prefers to talk things over and use his wit or charm to manage situations and people before things go south, but if it comes down to violence he is more than capable of acting to defend himself. In combat he acts as a duelist, using his reflex and speed to focus down single targets with elegant and refined technique.

Normally when it comes to matters of telepathy, he is careful to wait for consent and always does his best to respect the mental privacy of whoever’s he’s talking with. That is, unless someone's made themselves his enemy. Ezrihel can be spiteful and rather vengeful if he feels particularly wronged, and he is not over being petty or holding a grudge. He is a diva through and through, therefore he cares about his image and appearance a great deal- like a preening peacock flattery is very effective at soothing his ego in most cases. He is arrogant and pretentious, but he is not stupid. Though he loves flattery he is fully aware that others use it as a form of social maneuvering. He actively enjoys playing the game of politics with others he encounters, and as such he knows when and how to speak in front of certain people.

Ezrihel enjoys a challenge, even if he acts begrudging about it. He is intrigued when people speak up against him, and equally intrigued when his charm falls flat. He is not very used to rejection, though he also doesn't tend to be all too bothered by it. Ez is easily able to compartmentalize justifications for his actions and continue on as if he's done little wrong. He is not a man who apologizes with sincerity very often, and often feels as if his actions are righteous and necessary.

He is emotional, but not particularly emotionally driven in most of his moral considerations. Ezrihel is a pragmatic utilitarian and normally treats morals like a game of statistics. Sometimes he has great trouble empathetically understanding the nuance of an emotional situation, most of the time he does not consider the exact feelings of others and when stressed he speaks bluntly and truthfully.

As an Andromedan, Ezrihel is very spiritual, frequently referencing to his gods, their mythos or their domains in normal conversation. He does not frequently pause to explain himself in this regard, unless someone else stops him to ask a question. Profaning his gods, insulting him for his belief in the gods, or mocking the gods in general are all ways to earn Ezrihel's ire, though this is restricted to comments made towards Andromedan gods. While Ezrihel and his people are typically very tolerant of other systems of spiritual beliefs, generally speaking they are very unfond of the undead, the unholy and the cursed. Ezrihel does not tolerate religious fanaticism that ventures into the territory of cannibalism, necromancy or entropic mysticisms such as inherently corrupting forces of destruction.

Politically, Ezrihel's real personal beliefs will rarely surface in conversation. Though he is one who loves to talk, he also knows when to enjoy silence and listen. He spends a great deal of time listening to others in court speak, often waiting to catch them in a lie or logical inconsistency. Ez loves a good healthy debate, but he has little patience for filibustering nonsense or trolling.


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Total Spent: 11,825 E / 11,825 E

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  • Level One: Gifted - You can purchase "Skill Groups" consisting of up to 5 "Specific Skills", at the normal cost of a single Skill. You also gain +1 to the Skill Rank Cap.
    • It has always been expected of Ezrihel that if he tackle a skill he do so in earnest and accel at it. The weight of these lofty and frequently crushing levels of expectations forged him into a bit of an obsessive perfectionist, as anything less than perfect competency was a smudge on the reputation of his house and title.
  • Level Five: Influential - Earn twice as much Influence and Influence loss is halved. Gaining Notoriety with a Faction doubles the Influence gained with opposing Factions.
    • Ezrihel is a born and bred aristocrat, a master of political maneuvering. He is also incredibly fabulous and tends to attract a lot of attention wherever he goes. He likes being seen, heard and fully recognized for his feats and deeds, and will take proper action to ensure that happens.
  • Level Nine: n/a
    • [description]

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Total Spent: 10,125 / 10,125
✤ Andromedan Biology - 2000E

Adaptation: Falling (100)
Adaptation: Starvation and Thirst (50)
Adaptation: Need for Sleep (50)
Adaptation: Disease (50)
Adaptation: Non-Biological Anatomy: Alien (300)
-- Side Effect: Denser than water (-50)
Endurance V: Natural Endurance (500)
Protection V: Natural Armor (500)
-- Ongoing V: Innate (500)

As an alien Ezrihel and other members of his species have strange biology. For instance they have a secondary heart, as well as air sacs anchored throughout their abdomen to assist in extended periods of increased mobility. They have no external gonads, instead possessing a cloaca at the front of their pelvis. Their skin and bones are remarkably tough, able to sustain high force impacts and work through them. Compared to humans Andromedans are incredibly durable, able to comfortably go several days without food, water or sleep without loss of function or reasoning. They’ve gained a resistance to most pathogens due to their robust immune systems. Due to their anatomy Andromedans tend to be relatively dense, and lack buoyancy. In turn, they tend to be incredibly cautious around thin ledges, large bodies of water or great heights, even if they don't take my damage from hitting the ground, they still sink like rocks.

✤ Wings of Aza’zayl - 1200 E

Flight IV (800)
-- Ongoing IV (400)

On will Ezrihel takes on the latent movement abilities of his true form, Aza’zayl. In this case Aza’zayl’s influence takes the form of beautifully ephemeral golden wings that grants him high-speed free flight capabilities.

✤ Oh no! They’re Hot! - 750 E

Debuff V (500)
-- Affects Multiple II: 40ft Max Diameter V (500)
-- Ongoing V (500)
-- Limited V: Only on Organics (-250)
-- Indiscriminate V (-250)
-- Side Effect V: Cannot Physically Conceal (-250)

There’s just something about Ezrihel that makes it hard to want to be hostile towards him. If hostilities have already risen, many will find the very idea of striking him highly unappealing; He’s just simply too charismatic. Whether this is because the noblethem possesses some innate inner charisma, divine blessing, or simply the fact that he’s too pretty, know one quite knows.

What is known is that the aura extends in a twenty foot radius in all directions and only seems to compel and soothe organic-based individuals. This aura can leave particularly weak-minded or feeble-willed individuals in very inopportune positions in the heat of battle, or inspire a warm loyalty in political situations, amongst unguarded courtiers.

He is unable to pick or choose specific targets, as this is an unconscious and passive effect. Due to this aura Ezrihel always seems to shimmer with a divine golden glow, preventing him from doing anything in a truly low-profile manner.

✤ Trained Duelist - 600 E

Agility IV (800)
-- Limited IV: Only on Ground (-200)
-- Side Effect IV: Tiring (-200)
Speed II (400)
-- Limited II: Only on Stable Ground (-100)
-- Side Effect II: Tiring (-100)

Ezrihel is a well trained duelist, as such he possesses greater speed and agility than the average person. While his agility is useful regardless, his speed is generally limited to feats on the ground, floor or otherwise normal plantigrade positions, and he is far less efficient with his quickness in unstable terrain like on loose sand, soft snow or otherwise shifty surfaces. As Andromedans are dense and heavy, pulling off wild stunts or exceedingly quick movements back-to-back is draining, though he has trained enough for it to not be utterly exhausting.
❈ High Inquisitor of Vaidehi - 300 E

Communication: Telepathy (100)
-- Limited: Organics (-50)
Sense V: Energy (500)
-- Ongoing V (500)
-- Activation V: 30 Seconds (-500)
-- Limited V: Organics (-250)

Ezrihel is a gifted High Inquisitor of his people, that being said he shows great mastery over telepathic communication, going as far as being able to easily sense and locate others off of just their energy alone if given a brief moment to focus his attention. This ability is limited to only organics like bugs, plants, animals and other sentient fleshy living things and recently deceased things still holding spiritual energies.

After sensing an individual, Ezrihel may immediately initiate a telepathic conversation. He can soothe frightened animals, intimidate feral monsters or simply give and receive information to a work partner. He can communicate in images, raw sensations, direct emotions, words or concepts with little issue; he often uses the most efficient method needed to get his point across.

❈ Proficient Telekinetic - 1500 E

Damage V (500)
-- Affects Multiple: 20ft Max Diameter V (250)
-- Ranged V (250)
-- Concentration V (-250)
-- Side Effect V: Tiring (-250)
Debuff V: Movement (500)
-- Affects Multiple: 20ft Max Diameter V (250)
-- Ranged V (250)
-- Concentration V (-250)
-- Side Effect V: Tiring (-250)
Move Object V (500)
-- Affects Multiple: 20ft Max Diameter V (250)
-- Ranged V (250)
-- Concentration V (-250)
-- Side Effect V: Tiring (-250)

While the andromedan is more than capable of lifting heavy objects through brute strength alone, this aristocrat has a particular distaste towards getting his delicate hands dirty. With concentration, Ezrihel is able to focus his psychic powers and telekinetically move various objects around his environment to differing effects, freezing his targets in place, throwing them around like a ragdoll, and otherwise manipulating or crushing the object(s) to devastating effect. He is able to influence multiple targets at once as long as they reside within a reasonable (20ft) diameter. He may be interrupted by anything that would reasonably result in being staggered. Using this ability multiple times in rapid succession is mentally tiring.

❈ Psionic Melding - 900 E

Fusion (1000)
-- Activation: 10-15 Seconds (-50)
-- Side Effect: Exhausting When Ended (-50)

An advanced, sacred technique seldom used by sanctified high inquisitors and psions under the service of Mother Vaidehi of the Seven Realms. As a holy inquisitor and talented Psion, Ezrihel has the ability to fuse with any other single person, even if they themselves lack the ability to meld with others. A short rite invoking the divine goddess 'Vaidehi' must be expressed in order to start the process of melding, be it silently in his mind or out loud, though he must be able to cite it through to completion. The rite to Vaidehi and time needed to meld with another normally takes around ten to fifteen seconds, depending on how compatible his partner is. Though it gives both parties great power in battle, breaking the meld after any amount of time is incredibly exhausting and will leave both individuals fatigued until they are able rest.

❈ Psion's Guard - 750 E

Protection V (500)
-- Ongoing V (500)
-- Limited V: Only against Psychic (-250)

As an inquisitor it is within Ezrihel’s best interest to keep his mind guarded against psychic intrusions of any sort. Normally this effect is kept personal, and to only himself, and has been trained to the extent that is an unbreakable second nature to maintain. He does not need to be conscious nor focused on defending his psyche, and must be utterly overwhelmed or otherwise forced to drop his guard for his mental shielding to be overtaken.
✤ Aza’zayl’s Bleeding Rose - 500 E

Damage V (500)
-- Removable V: Physical Weapon (-250)
Debuff V: Healing (500)
-- Ongoing V: Bleeding (500)
-- Activation V: 30 Seconds (-500)
-- Limited V: Organics (-250)

The Bleeding Rose is a rapier-esque sword of incredible craftsmanship. Mechanical motifs of roses and sacred flames are engraved in fine detail along the flat of the silvery blade. Razor thin gaps in the design allow for an inner red light to seep out, betraying it’s more technological aspects. As a martial weapon, it can be disarmed, if one is skilled enough to disarm its wielder.

Rose is powered by very complicated, unseen internal machinery that can cause the blade to vibrate at absurd speeds, allowing it to cut through most traditional earthly materials with relative ease. As a blessed blade, she makes little issue of organic beings’ regenerative abilities and after a short delay of false security causes foes to bleed out in spite of active healing attempts.

✤ Artificial Assistant: P’thaeyl - 1,425 E

Communication: AI Interface (100)
-- Weakness: EMP (-25)
Sense III: Sight & Sound (600)
-- Activation III: 10 Seconds (-150)
-- Concentration III (-150)

Summon: Frame (300)
-- Activation: 30 Seconds (-100)
-- Weakness: EMP (-25)

Damage V: Combat Suite (500)
-- Ranged V: Plasma Pistols (250)
-- Activation V: 10 Seconds (-250)
-- Limited V: Must be in Frame (-250)

Flight: Ion Jets (200)
-- Ongoing (100)
-- Activation: 10 Seconds (-50)
-- Limited: Must be in Frame (-50)
-- Removable: EMP (-50)

Protection V: Combat Suite (500)
-- Affects Multiple V: 20ft Max Diameter (250)
-- Ongoing V: Kinetic Shield (500)
-- Removable V: Shield Break/EMP (-250)
-- Finite V: 7 Second Recharge (-250)
-- Limited V: Must be in Frame (-250)

P’thaeyl is normally an AI Interfacing assistant developed and maintained by Ezrihel for his own personal use. They allow for him to freely interact with a multitude of programs and devices with great ease of access via a nanoscopic implant/overlay combination located in his orbital socket.

In the case of emergencies P’thaeyl can, given enough time (no less than thirty seconds), uplink themselves into a ‘frame’ or an artificial cybernetic body. This allows them to fight alongside their creator and work to defend him in hostile situations and otherwise help to serve him. This frame is equipped with a ‘Combat Suite’ that includes everything from armor plating to ranged and martial weapons. Switching between close and long range capabilities takes several seconds and is typically only done when advantageous.

Unless given an authorized override command (Read: Focus), P’thaeyl must take a moment to assess a situation before being able to fully enter combat-mode. During this time they often scan the environment thoroughly, and must concentrate to process through threats rapidly.

Ezrihel has worked to implement an experimental red kinetic shield in the AI’s frame kit. This ability works in two ways. One, a form fitted shield for personal use, or as a partially transparent bubble shield. It’s diameter is smart enough to automatically adjust itself to fit the environment it has been deployed into. Repeated heavy fire or a strong enough EMP can break this shield regardless of charge, and it will not begin to recharge itself as long as the user is taking fire. P’thaeyl must seek cover and wait at least seven seconds after receiving damage before it starts to charge.

As a synthetic being powered by advanced electro-engineering, all of P’thaeyl’s useful abilities can be shut down with a substantial enough electromagnetic pulse. This includes the AI’s built-in kinesthetic shield, it’s communications abilities, and whatever frame its’ currently hosting itself in.
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✤ Andúril - 2500 E
Damage X (1000)
-- Removable X: Physical Weapon (-500)
Endurance X (1000)
-- Removable X: Physical Weapon (-500)
Agility X (2000)
-- Removable X: Physical Weapon (-500)

The shards of Aragorn’s sword, Narsil, have been reforged into the beautiful blade Andúril, a long broadsword with a black and silver handle. Its reach is wide, and its power great; often, the wielder can almost feel the spirit of the former Arbiter flowing through it, giving them superhuman strength, endurance, and agility for just a few moments. When its power is not being focused, it operates as a regular sword.

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Master Skills: 1,750 / 1,750 E

Aristocratic Upbringing - 350 E

-- Social: Charisma VII (350)
-- Social: Leadership VII (350)
-- Social: Social Engineering VII (350)
-- Research: Political Intrigue VII (350)
-- Performance Art: Piano VII (350)

Ezrihel was born into an aristocratic house of high standing and is able to wield his skill in charisma to devastating effect. He was educated from a young age in the nuances of court politics and social intrigue, as well as proper mannerisms expected of a highborn noble such as leadership and control. He is very good at navigating politics and picking up on slight social cues such as small shifts in body language, expression or tone, and using those details to keep hold of a situation. In the free time of his youth he was encouraged to take up an art by his darling Liliel. He took to studying various instruments at her behest, but settled on the Andromedan version of the Piano and learned to play it flawlessly, if only for her.
Grand High Inquisitor - 350 E

-- Knowledge: Arcana VII (350)
-- Knowledge: Ritual VII (350)
-- Knowledge: Occult VII (350)
-- Research: Interrogation VII (350)
-- Research: Investigation VII (350)

As a Chief Justiciar, Ezrihel has extensive knowledge of things relating to the ritualistic, the arcane and the occult. He is highly experienced with various methods of investigation and interrogation, ranging from subversive psychic technics to all manners and forms of physical torture.
War Master - 350 E

-- Crafting: Weapon Smithing VII (350)
-- Knowledge: Military Tactics VII (350)
-- Knowledge: Strategy VII (350)
-- Technical: Swordplay VII (350)
-- Technical: Riding VII (350)

Ezrihel's despised birthname is Aza'zayl, otherwise known as the fallen angel who taught humanity vanity and warfare. He was known for teaching humans how to forge weapons and shields, armaments for their conflicts. With his experience in the theatre of war, he is more than capable of navigating the confusing world of military tactics and battlefield strategy. He is well suited to working in a team environment where he is the leader, as this allows him to coordinate the group's efforts. In terms of his personal combat prowess, he is a more than capable swordsman, especially talented in a fencing type style of swordplay. The War General is more than capable of reading an animal's body language and building a bond with mounts quickly, able to competently command and control many number of mount-creatures if the situation calls for it, though he is most experienced with equines and dragons.
Educated Nobility - 350 E

-- Knowledge: Divinity VII (350)
-- Knowledge: Mythology VII (350)
-- Knowledge: Languages VII (350)
-- Knowledge: Law VII (350)
-- Social: Public Speaking VII (350)

Ezrihel's time spent studying at the premiere university of his home world leant him a great depth of knowledge he uses to support his endeavors as an Inquisitor, such as: the nature of the various divine; the weaknesses and origins of all manner of mythological creatures; various languages and how to rapidly understand foreign speech; local and galactic law; and last but not least, the ability to address a crowd and deliver a convincing speech in order to further his goals.
Competent Technomancer - 350 E

-- Knowledge: Advanced Programming VII (350)
-- Knowledge: Digital Infrastructure VII (350)
-- Knowledge: Artificial Intelligences VII (350)
-- Technical: Robotic Engineering VII (350)
-- Technical: Mechanics VII (350)

Currently Ezrihel spends a lot of his free time tinkering and messing around with coding. He has taken to programming AI of all sorts (along with design matching frames for them to reside in), though he tends to shy away from creating fully sentient Intelligences for personal reasons. This has limited the depth at which he tends to implement his skills, though this doesn't tend to concern him all too much. He is more than proficient at quickly navigating digital infrastructure, and with his equal skill in all manners of advanced programming he makes for a pretty quick hacker by all standards. Combine his technical know-how in mechanics and engineering with his ability to alter reality on the fly and you'll soon understand how he makes such fast work of synthetics foes.
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Charismatic Duelist
May 12, 2019
The Beyond
Click Here
Spirits of Vengeance

  • Musings of a Dead Man (Completed) V M
    • Tags: Bodily Harm; Hurt; Mental Health (PTSD/Trauma; Suicide & Self-harm mentioned); Torture & Interrogation; Violence; War
    • Starring: Aurora Meng (NPC) || Ezrihel von Althaus || Eliza von Althaus (NPC) || Matron (NPC) || Raphael Isra (NPC)
    • Synopsis: Ezrihel and his fellow compatriot Andromedans are on the losing side of a civil war and must flee into deep space to escape from their ex-parent empire. The General is haunted by the visage of his missing spouse, Lilith von'ill, and isn't taking the situation well. Ez struggles to accept outside help from Chief Medical Officer Isra.
  • A World of Glass Edges (Complete) S M
    • Tags: Anxiety; Comfort; Existentialism; Lite BDSM (Choking/Roughness); Relationships; Romance; Sexual Content
    • Starring: Aurora Meng (NPC) || Ezrihel von Althaus || Matron (NPC) || Raphael Isra (NPC) || Ruedlen von Saerhaus (NPC) || Tzalel von Saerhaus (NPC)
    • Synopsis: Ezrihel's anxieties get vetoed by popular demand and they take shore leave on Opealon, a dreadful but technologically advanced ocean planet full of arcana-xenophobes. Isra struggles with his stress and insecurities around socializing and self worth, finding solace in the time he can spend with Ruedlen. Ezrihel learns that seafood isn't awful.
  • The Nausicaa Incident [Unmaking Event] (Complete) V M
    • Tags: n/a
    • Starring: Arthur Morgan || Ezrihel von Althaus || Kopaka Mata || Raphael Isra (NPC) || Ruedlen von Saerhaus (NPC) || (+Misc.)
    • Synopsis: Worst vacation ever.
  • The Nausicaa Incident: Post-Script [Unmaking Event] (Complete)
    • Tags: n/a
    • Starring: Aurora Meng (NPC) || Ezrihel von Althaus || Raphael Isra (NPC) || Ruedlen von Saerhaus (NPC) || (+Misc.)
    • Synopsis: //
  • Advent Reunion (Complete)
    • Tags: n/a
    • Starring: Arthur Morgan || Aurora Meng (NPC) || Ezrihel von Althaus || Kopaka Mata || Raphael Isra (NPC) || (+Misc.)
    • Synopsis: (In progress)
  • Ritual Resurrections (-//-)
    • Tags: n/a
    • Starring: Ezrihel || Raphael Isra || Sari al-Waheed || Tzalel von Saerhaus
    • Synopsis: Ruedlen must be resurrected through magical means, fraying her memories in the process.
  • A Sickly Rose (Complete)
    • Tags: n/a
    • Starring: Arthur Morgan || Ezrihel von Althaus || Fennec Shand || Dr. Jane Foster (NPC)
    • Synopsis: Arthur and Ezrihel pick up a lead on the unmaking while enjoying the sights and sounds of a back-alley bar over Inverxe.
  • Revelations: Frost and Decay (Active)
    • Tags: n/a
    • Starring: Arthur Morgan || Ezrihel von Althaus || Ruedlen von Saerhaus || Sari al-Waheed
    • Synopsis:


NPC Faction
Influence: +3

City of Hope
NPC Faction
Influence: -3

NPC Faction
Influence: +3

Spirits of Vengeance
Player Faction


Name: Lilith Von'ill // ★★★★★ | ❤❤❤❤❤
{ Spouse } | Contact #
Thoughts: //

Name: Eliza von Althaus // ★★★★★ | ♡♡♡♡♡
{ Child } | Contact #
Thoughts: //

Name: Ruedlen von Saerhaus // ★★☆☆☆ | ❤❤❤♡♡
{ Love Interest } | Contact #
Thoughts: //

Name: Raphael Isra // ★★☆☆☆ | ❤♡♡♡♡
{ Medic } | Contact #
Thoughts: //

Name: Admiral Stratos // ★☆☆☆☆ | ♡♡♡♡♡
{ Admiral } | Contact #
Thoughts: //

Name: Matron // ★☆☆☆☆ | ♡♡♡♡♡
{ Bodyguard } | Contact #
Thoughts: //

Name: Tzalel Von Saerhaus // ★☆☆☆☆ | ♡♡♡♡♡
{ Noble } | Contact #
Thoughts: //

Name: Aurora Meng // ★☆☆☆☆ | ♡♡♡♡♡
{ Underling } | Contact #
Thoughts: //

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Charismatic Duelist
May 12, 2019
The Beyond
Click Here
Spirits of Vengeance
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Raphael "Israphael" Isra
Chief Medical Officer of the Phantom Blossom
(He | They)

"I wanna go eighty-five, drive off a bridge and die. I wanna go eighty-two, drive off a bridge with you."

Isra is a very serious and dry man in most normal situations. He always seems to put his work ethic and job performance first, willingly sacrificing his own comfort and happiness if it means getting the job done. He is easily made uncomfortable with displays of emotional intimacy, as he often feels at a loss when it comes to responding and reciprocating. He is often annoyed and confused when people act irrational or illogical, though he himself is not immune to the occasional stress related temper- he just prefers to express himself privately and secretly. Isra rarely trusts deeply or truly, often expecting to be eventually hurt by the people around him. This distrust does not prevent or distract him from his duties to his crew as a highly-proficient medic.

“What a bookworm!” While that may commonly be meant to be taken as an insult, Raph has always taken it in stride and identified with the term. As a professor and medical professional he enjoys sharing what he knows as well. He’s confident in his mastery of the chosen subjects, but due to his introverted and reserved nature, he normally prefers to design and execute some brilliant idea within his arena, rather than share opinions on “uninteresting” distractions like gossip.

He seems like a walking paradox to those who get to know him. The most starry-eyed idealist wearing the thick coat of a bitter cynic. Sounds conflicting and impossible, however it’s not. He holds it in his heart that with enough motivation, effort and hard work, anything can be achieved... but he doesn’t hold his breath, and sets his realistic expectations much lower as he’s seen many people be lazy, short-sighted and self centered time and time again. It’d be smart to realize that, however cynical, once something’s caught his interest it’s hard to dissuade him from achieving a result he thinks relevant.

His stoic demeanor radiates self-confidence, and for some reason outside of his understanding, seems to inadvertently cloak him in an aura of mystery. His insightful observations, original ideas and formidable logic have enabled him to push for change with sheer willpower and force of personality. Anyone who doesn’t have the talent to keep up with his processes, or worse, refuses to see the point of them, is likely to immediately and permanently lose the professor’s respect.

While Raphael is brilliant, when it comes to the tedium of social contact and social constructs, he often finds himself exhausted and annoyed, if not clueless. White lies and small talk are hard enough for him, and repetitive unfulfilling socialisations often lead him to avoid such things all together. If he’s not interested in a co-worker’s chatter, he’ll coldly ignore it, or worse, bluntly remind them that he doesn’t really care. For obvious reasons this can be incredibly off putting for others who may be more emotionally driven or socially adapted. If confronted with someone he finds particularly obnoxious to deal with he may start to treat them with utter contempt and disdain, condescending to them if they challenge him on a topic and battering them down with a gale force torrent of information to prove them wrong.

If someone has really caught his ire he’ll begin to systematically dismantle them, referencing a list of ugly truths about the subject and chipping away at their preconceived self image to tip them over the edge. It takes much, or a pushing of very specific buttons, to irk him to this extent At times, this uncanny personal observation can make it seem like he’s keeping notes on people- and to be frank he does. Not physical ones, however. He has a knack for noticing and remembering little details about people.

All this being said, he’s not always an asshole. Emotions are an incredibly challenging aspect for him to try to deal with. He takes extreme pride in remaining rational and logical at all times, considering honesty and straightforward information to be paramount to euphemisms and platitudes in pretty much every circumstance. A more nuanced look would realize that these qualities of coolness and detachment aren’t the “weapons of truth” that they appear to be, but are actually shields designed to protect the inner emotions that he often feels plagued by. These distracting little emotions are contrary to his idea of himself as a paragon of logic and knowledge, and when stressed he may go so far as to assert that he feels nothing at all. This doesn’t mean that he should really be seen as such.

* –––– * –––– *

Ruedlen "Rue" von Saerhaus
Priestess of Koneas
(She | They)

"I wanna go eighty-three, drive off this bridge with me. I wanna go eighty-five, drive off this bridge tonight."

Born into the noble haus of Saer, Ruedlen is the eldest child of Enikh and Leiba von Saerhaus. She is a staunch and pragmatic warrior priestess of the Andromedan Twilight-Diety; Koneas. She is roughly 6'10" in height, and has shoulder length curly black hair. Her eyes appear to be glassy, and milk white, though she is certainly not blind. Though she practices a martial path, she still has a confrontational streak that tends to bleed into her time spent in court or around the map table.

* –––– * –––– *


Aurora Meng
Officer of Logistics
(She | Her)

Aurora Meng is a relatively young Andromedan, characterized by her strong ability to to empathize and inspire those under her direct command, as well as her calm and compliant nature. She is normally soft spoken, though she can easily rise to face confrontation if the need calls for it. Sometimes her empathy and drive to help the people around her causes her to come across as hovering, or overbearing, though she rarely means to be a grump about things.

* –––– * –––– *


Phantom Blossom Black Operative
(She | Her)

A catty, playful assassin working for the Imperial Order of the Phantom Blossom. Her mother dearest never taught her not to play with her food.

* –––– * –––– *


Sari al-Waheed
Phantom Blossom Black Operative
(He | Him)


Sari al-Waheed stands at around 7'3" and has deep, warm brown skin. His arms are covered in tribal style tattoos. He is very fit and has a well-muscled and athletic, lithe build. It should be noted that he moves very gracefully normally, like a panther prowling its territory. His hair naturally grows in varying shades of blue, with his facial hair(eyebrows, eyelashes, beard) typically being a much darker navy blue color. He is typically seen wearing a long sleeve shirt and pants made of a thick, canvas like hydrophobic fabric, in neutral or earthy tones. His signature plain green saree is always worn wrapped about his waist and draped across a shoulder and out of the way.

* –––– * –––– *

For an assassin, Sari is incredibly laid back and affectionate. He betrays the cold and aloof stereotype typically displayed in high media portrayals of his "brothers and sisters" in crime. While with his ragtag family, he shows an almost silly amount of compassion and playfulness. He loves to chatter and have fun with his friends, playing video games with them and humoring their college-aged antics. Hell, he's even playful enough to play pranks on them and have pranks pulled on himself. Though he's a bit of a casual playboy when missions allow for it, he's noted to often be seen romantically involved with Asmodaeus.

Even though he is usually pretty easy going, he is more than capable of getting down to serious business near-instantly if need be. He does not enjoy killing simply for the sake of it, as he believes all life has inherent meaning and value, as well as sentience = soul. In fact, to put it bluntly, he doesn't take any particular joy in sadism or murder, and views killing as simply an action he must take while on the job and nothing more or less.

Possible Reactions

Sari tends to get along with most individuals, even people he's got a mark to kill on. He can be deceptively welcoming and friendly towards people, even when he personally dislikes them greatly. Oftentimes people are surprised when he sticks a dagger in their back, or they feel the cold of his pistol against the back of their heads, though he assures that it was never anything personal. He enjoys playful banter and teasing flirtations otherwise, and won't tend to do much to throw off whatever group he's with. Oh, and he makes god awful dad-joke level puns. All. Of. The. Time.

He is generally unphased by death, gore or violence happening around him, and he is unfearing of his own demise. It is difficult to intimidate the man through most normal means, as even methods such as slow torture simply cause him to dissociate into a meditative trance. He keeps his cards very close to his chest, likely never to mention his true intentions and goals unless around highly trusted individuals. Seldom does he take things very personally, or to heart, and he isn't offended by rejection.

He does not like pointlessly sadistic or cruel individuals, but will normally err on the side of caution and benefit when interacting with such unsavory people. He despises people who harm innocents, like children, or make 'easy' targets out of the disabled or infirmed. He enjoys playing 'the game' with trickster types, and stoic folks only tend to make him feel more curious, unless they're utterly boring.

Sari is a very spiritual andromedan. You may find him taking a moment to make a prayer to his gods, Ne'heia (Andromedan deity of Plots and Vengeance) and Phaeduros (Andromedan deity of Infamy and Cunning). After striking a sentient-someone from the census, he will always say a prayer to Koneus (Andromedan deity of Endings and Closure) over their souls, as long as he's not in the midst of combat or about to bleed out (ie, when it's safe).

Sari is fine flying solo, or getting involved with one or more individuals. He enjoys the ever-shifting dynamic of groups, even if they're typically much less efficient at doing what he does. Often he will temporarily slip away from a group in order to accomplish things that need a more subtle or quicker touch before returning to his companions. He will normally deny that he ever left, instead choosing to gaslight anyone who notices his vanishing acts by saying things such as "Oh, I must have just slipped your perception, I was just over in the corner reading this new book I found about......."

‘Combat’ Style

Sari is long past flying by the seat of his pants when it comes to serious combat situations. If able, Sari prefers to sit back and observe before taking action, sticking to the shadows and otherwise being generally unwilling to give up any element of surprise if he thinks he doesn't need to. When he does enter into combat, he gets deadly serious, aiming to disable his opponent by whichever means is the most efficient. He tends to use his opponents' strengths against them, while using very little of his own, redirecting their momentum in order to create leverage for himself in battle. His jovial, jokester quips turn into sharp barbs when he is pushed, eventually fading into focused silence. If severely out-matched he will attempt to fall back and escape. He is not foolhardy or desperately over-confident, as he is intimately familiar with his own limits.


• Asmo Daeus | Significant Other | Loves/Adores
• Eliza von Althaus | God-child | Adores
• Ezrihel von Althaus | Boss | Admires
• Raphael Isra | Co-worker | Friend
• Aurora Meng | Co-worker | Friend
• Ruedlen von Saerhaus | Crush | Admires
• Tzalel von Saerhaus | Acquaintance | Disliked

* –––– * –––– *


Altered Andromedan Assassin (1500)

Agility III (600)
Endurance III (300)
Flight I (200)
Move Object I (100)
Speed I (200)
-- Ongoing I (100)

Sari's Andromedan anatomy has been drastically altered by the Death Game goons, but he's pleased to find that he hasn't been completely neutered in his prowess. He retained a good bit of his agility, endurance, speed and strength, though not to the full extent he's used to. His ability to leap and bound into the air and make tricky jumps was left mostly untouched at least, thank the gods.

Master Skills


Stealth VI (300)

When you do dark deeds for your occupation, you get pretty damn good at skulking around. This goes without saying that you'd also be particularly talented at remaining undiscovered, or at least vanishing when needed. Sari is a well trained assassin, he knows how, when, and where to hide away to avoid detection if he so wishes. He is comfortable in the shadows, and also comfortable not being seen or noticed.

Subterfuge VI (300)

As a Black Op of the Phantom Blossom, Sari has effectively mastered the art of gathering up information without being discovered. He is comfortable and highly capable of: sneaking, gambling, forgery, seduction and otherwise playing along with whatever is expected of him, if it means getting to whatever information he needs and wants. He is excellent at concealing weapons, improvised or not, as well as things like notes, clues and hints. Often he recognizes that a cant is being spoken around him, even if he doesn't fully understand it. If given enough time he may be able to translate documents written in a cypher, though this is much easier with at least part of the relevant key or background knowledge on the documents source.

Charisma: Social Engineering VI (300)

Sari is naturally warm and approachable. He knows how to use this aspect of his personality to lure people into trusting him more. He knows how to talk well, and how to read social cues like word usage and body language, and he can be damn convincing when he wants to be. He is good at de-escalating most situations and turning things in a direction that benefits him and whatever team he happens to be working with.

Hand-to-Hand/Close Quarters Combat VI (300)

The decades spent sparring with his significant other, Asmo, and his boss, Ezrihel, has more than honed his martial arts in quick-paced and close quarters combat situations. He is well-learned in aspects of anatomy that relate to this, such as pressure point locations and weak spots, and he will use the full extent of that knowledge to disable threats and put them in the dirt.

Blades VI (300)

Sari al-Waheed has spent the better half of a few centuries honing his mastery over bladed weapons, from daggers to longswords to plasma sabers. He knows how to maintain a well-honed edge on various weapons, and he certainly knows quite a few impressive techniques meant to cut down foes, quickly or not.

Handguns VI (300)

He's got a passion for pistols and handguns of all sorts. If it shoots and can be one-handed, you can bet that he's at least tried to give it a twirl before. He is very familiar with several notable models across different technological levels, and their recoil patterns. Sari knows how to take apart, repair and otherwise maintain a wide breadth of handguns. You will not find him fumbling around in a panic trying to unjam a magazine, or losing track of his remaining bullet count.

Will Power VI (300)

Ezrihel would never let such a useful asset go without a form of assurance, and as such he has personally helped train Sari to achieve an unshakable force of will. Often times this is used to help him mentally deal with the effects of suffering through great amounts of physical pain in the event that he is captured and interrogated or possibly tortured. It also helps serve to make him far more resistant to panic-inducing situations, as well as allowing him to have an absurd ability to laser focus on a goal or task at hand. He takes Mind over Matter very seriously and is incredibly challenging to "crack".

First Aid III (150)

Sometimes shit happens. Sometimes the situation calls for you to tear up your good shirt so you can stop spurting blood all over the walls. Sari is proficient at patching himself or an ally up enough, provided he has the materials. An actual doctor would probably do much better than he can, though. Most of his experience is related to emergency field medicine, and he lacks a certain depth of knowledge that would allow him to do things like surgery, or any form of advances diagnostics.

Survivalist III (150)

Missions can happen in far out, disconnected and off-the-grid locales. Sari is capable of basic survival techniques. He knows how to start a campfire, how to forage, how to set up a tent or improvised survival shelter, how to gather and clean water, as well as how to make various traps and snares for catching animals for food. He is able to eek out a very humbly comfortable living situation if left to his own devices.

* –––– * –––– *


He prays a lot. I mean, a lot. He invokes his gods constantly and freely, often using them in turns of phrases or expressions of surprise. He does not believe that the names of the gods can ever be used 'in vain'. Feel free to ask me for godly dialog if you're ever uncertain.

People around him describe him as "wolfish" in every sense of the word. He is absurdly loyal, kinda enigmatic and mysterious, and almost always amused and grinning like a panting wolf. Probably makes him a bit off-putting every once in a while.

Dad jokes. Really. Don't forget them. He's a punny, kinda hellishly hammy man when the situation allows for it.

Sari is weak for good food/cooking, though he's a walking food disposal and will generally eat most things as long as it's not anything too squicky looking. He'll be your friend for a granola bar or a bottle of water, or half a bag of chips if he's hungry enough.

If you're ever in doubt: Chaotic Good alignment.

Quotes –

• "Haty-a, enta hayaty! You know what happens on the job stays on the job."
• "Alright, give yourself some credit now habibi, you broke up with me first."
• "I don't know what you're expecting me to do, habibi. When the bossman gives you a job, there's no arguing it... Unless you think your claws are more convincing than my words~?"
• "Oh hoho, we can be so much more than just that..... Just uh... Let me down off the wall first, yes?"
• "If a child refuses to nap, are they guilty of resisting a rest?"
• "Ghosts are bad liars, Eliza. Just think about it! You can always see right through them."
• "Forgive this ponyboy for not singing, he's just a little horse tonight." - In reference to himself

* –––– * –––– *

Tzalel von Saerhaus
Priest of Ytneus

Born into the noble haus of Saer, Tzalel is the youngest child of Enikh and Leiba von Saerhaus.

* –––– * –––– *
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Charismatic Duelist
May 12, 2019
The Beyond
Click Here
Spirits of Vengeance
> 10.11.21 - Purchased Aza’zayl’s Bleeding Rose (500)
==> Total Essence Spent: 1,900 => 2,400
> 10.11.21 - Purchased High Inquisitor of Vaidehi (300)
==> Total Essence Spent: 2,400 => 2,700
> 10.19.21 - Upgraded Andromedan Biology (1,900 + 100 => 2,000)
==> Total Essence Spent: 2,700 => 2,800
> 10.19.21 - Purchased Artificial Assistant: P'thaeyl (1,425)
==> Total Essence Spent: 2,800 => 4,225
> 11.04.21 - Purchased Psionic Melding (900) *[Fusion no longer requires Ongoing]
==> Total Essence Spent: 4,225 => 5,125
> 11.07.21 - Purchased Proficient Telekinetic (250)
==> Total Essence Spent: 5,125 => 5,375
> 11.07.21 - Purchased Oh No! They're Hot! (750)
==> Total Essence Spent: 5,375 => 6,125
> 11.08.21 - Purchased Wings of Aza'zayl (950)
==> Total Essence Spent: 6,125 => 7,075
> 11.08.21 - Purchased Trained Duelist (600)
==> Total Essence Spent: 7,075 => 7,675
> 12.01.2021 - Obtained Andúril (2,000) as a Relic in The Nausicaa Incident
==> Does not contribute to Essence Total
> 1.07.2022 - Purchased
Revival Consumable (2,000 C)
==> CONSUMED on conclusion of DG'22
> 2.08.2023 - Upgraded
Proficient Telekinetic (250 + 1,200 => 1,500)
==> Total Essence Spent: 7,675 => 8,875
> 2.08.2023 - Purchased
Psion's Guard (750)
==> Total Essence Spent: 8,875 => 9,625
> 3.14.2024 - Purchased Master Skill group
Aristocratic Upbringing (350)
==> Total Essence Spent: 9,625 => 9,975
> 3.14.2024 - Purchased Master Skill group
Grand High Inquisitor (350)
==> Total Essence Spent: 9,975 => 10,325
> 3.14.2024 - Purchased Master Skill group
War Master (350)
==> Total Essence Spent: 10,325 => 10,675
> 3.14.2024 - Purchased Master Skill group
Educated Nobility (350)
==> Total Essence Spent: 10,675 => 11,025

> 3.14.2024 - Purchased Master Skill groups: Competent Technomancer (350)
==> Total Essence Spent: 11,025 => 11,375
> 4.01.2024 - Upgraded Wings of Aza'zayl (950 + 250 => 1,200)
==> Total Essence Spent: 11,375 => 11,625
> 4.02.2024 - Upgraded Trained Duelist (600 + 200 => 800)
==> Total Essence Spent: 11,625 => 11,825
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