

ride at your own risk
Level 9
Aug 5, 2020
Mesa Roja
Click Here

Character Source: Original
Profession: Angry Vagrant
Species: Shadowblooded Centaur
  • Influential — Earn twice as much Influence and Influence loss is halved. Gaining Notoriety with a Faction doubles the Influence gained with opposing Factions.
  • Gifted — You can purchase "Skill Groups" consisting of up to 5 "Specific Skills", at the normal cost of a single Skill. You also gain +1 to the Skill Rank Cap.
  • Extravagant — Allows the Purchase of Size 9 Bases, which are 5,000,000,000 sq/cu ft and adds +1 to the Base Ability Rank Cap.

  • House of Gerudo: 36 [Respected]
  • Jasper's Army: -3 [Hated]
  • Plaineview Inc: -3 [Hated]
  • Kingdom of Palatinus: 10
  • Cytokine Industries: 10
  • Pilots Union: 10
  • The Guild: 10

Character Behavior
Altanis is a Haughty Strategist.

She is incredibly self-assured and prideful, to the point of dismissing almost anyone and everyone else as inconsequential. Their abilities and skills don’t matter, they could never match up to her. Even when she is proven wrong, or overcome, she insists on it being some foul trick, or else her grace for ‘letting’ them do such a thing

She is, however, incredibly insightful and has a profound tactical and strategic acumen. She has many-layered plans and schemes, often several working in concert, at nearly all times and can quickly come up with more on the fly. She deigns to gift others with her insight and lay out strategies and plans for them to use effectively, to spare herself the effort of needing to do it herself.

Altanis is an incredibly prideful creature. She was once just a pathetic little whelp, the lowest echelon of demon-infused creatures, and it took countless centuries and even many millennia for her to rise out of that pitiful state, clawing and fighting her way with everything she had and every ounce of cunning she could muster. She wasn't naturally born or granted into her prestigious position, but earned it through no small amount of boundless ambition and raw, bloody effort. The thought of all of that simply being not enough and anyone else to so much as dare of thinking themselves as her equal, gods forbid her better, is absolutely unbearable. It gets under her skin and rouses anger and bitter resentment like nothing else can. And she is a very, very vindictive and spiteful creature, lingering traces of her whelphood.

She is however, incredibly self-assured and confident in her own abilities. She knows exactly what she is (or at least, was) capable of her peak of power. She has a staggeringly vast array of information and learning to draw from, having spent many hundreds and even thousands of years studying and absorbing new information, all things practical and technological and scientific and magical and esoteric and beyond. Her hard-spent effort and time in this manner is simply another facet of her pride and dedication. She retains this unquenchable appetite and predilection for study, and devours and memorizes new information with a voracious and frightening efficiency, committing even the most minor passing details to memory on the off chance they would be further of use.

She is possessed of an eerie, animal and bestial sort of cunning and wiliness of action. While her actual intelligence as far as thought-out and carefully planned actions is unmistakable, she has highly accurate instincts as well and can make highly accurate guesses and predictions based on simple gut reaction and feeling. She thrives in the making of plans and strategies, carefully charting out tactical paths and routes for others under her command, or working with her, to follow. She has never been the most capable at direct confrontation, preferring to adopt a battle tactic of powerful defenses, laying out traps and hazards to prevent approach toward her, and dealing dreadful debilitation and ailments to anyone who does reach her to turn the battle in her favor.

She still recalls her roots of being so weak as to be inconsequential, and exploits that mindset in her strategy and planning. Always thinking of ways that the weak can overcome the strong. She will use anything and everything around and available to her to make the perfect plan, and capitalize on perceived weaknesses to turn them into unexpected strengths. There is no such thing as 'fair play' in her mind, as trying to play fair and honorably is simply a weakness and makes you predictable and easily countered.

Above all, she is incredibly disgruntled at her long span of imprisonment, and the resulting weakness deposited onto her shoulders from it. She knows she is still capable of those great heights, but must work up to them again and re-learn much of her old abilities, and re-condition her body to keep up to her former standards. She is aware of that, but sometimes lets her mind and pride run faster than her common sense. She is utterly loath to work with others on anything near an equal footing, let alone take orders from anyone or anything else. There is only one who has ever had the right to command her in such a way, and they have been painfully separated.

Physical Description

Altanis is a mix of something that crawled out of hell and something straight out of mythology. She stands in at just shy of 10 feet in height, not counting the imposing curve of her horns, and weighs in at well over a ton (approximately ~2,500 pounds), in a combination of size and bizarre density of demonic biology. Her humanoid torso is just shy of four feet in height, while that of her equine body reaches to nearly six feet at the withers -- roughly where it joins with her waist.

From the waist up her body resembles something humanoid, though with many notable differences. Deep scarlet hued skin, the naturally black nails on her fingers forming glimmering talons, and the eerie cast of her eyes with black sclera and golden, pupil-less irises. A pair of large horns, not dissimilar to those of a bull, rise from her head. Matching them, her ears bear resemblance to something bovine as well, and the left one sports a large silver ring through it. From the waist down, she resembles a typical horse; somewhat surprisingly slim, but packed with defined and extremely dense musculature. The coat of her equine half is a uniform dark gray in color, while the color of her natural hair, mane and tail match into a far lighter silvery-gray hue, which nearly mimics her hooves. She sports a mane of dense, soft and fluffy fur/hair around her neck which skirts the line between regal and comical, and the hair from her head is curled into a long ponytail which easily reaches her waist, and well beyond. At her rear, the mass of bushy hair which makes up her tail is similar to that of her fluffy mane and well-kept hair, and easily reaches to a length matching her wild mane of hair.

In regards to clothing, there is little to be said. On her humanoid torso, she is clad in an extremely form-fitting and skintight garment of black material which joins with the cap covering much of her head. It is sufficient to prevent showing anything inappropriate, though leaves a great deal exposed, especially in her back. A set of fingerless gloves of the same material cover her arms, reaching up to mid-bicep. A pair of silver bracers adorn her forearms, a matching belt of silver rests around her humanoid waist and a thick band of silver-hued metal also rests around her neck; each of these pieces has several links of thick, metallic chain dangling from them, the final remainders of her escape from her imprisonment.

While far from an exhaustive list, a general collection of the sorts of forms Altanis can, and is likely to, assume with her Demonic Facade (see essence purchases below) can be found here! For a handful of quick references, look as follows:

4ff471ef5c2439e2f0e5b7da3f7c8a09.png 57348dba663ac86a6b580ba8107e46cb.jpeg
1accb1afa659f7ec64ca95f2ab3179fd.jpg 5a82b4cf4ed721e922968c365b7bef3a.jpg d1054f5193e12a561883eac31b9d505f.jpg

These are just a general guideline, of course. If we're ever writing together, and via story things lead to (whether necessity or whimsy) Altanis assuming a different form, just keep in mind the following details:
• The rules of the Ability itself, down below
• She cannot assume a male or overtly masculine form or appearance; she can change her biological and sexual traits and characteristics relatively freely, but it will always result in a feminine or, at best, somewhat androgynous appearance
• She is incredibly wary of and reluctant to transform into any forms with features too closely resembling those of dragons, owing to her immense personal respect and reverence of them, and will only very rarely do so if a situation truly calls for it
• She typically wears the bare minimum of clothing, just as she does in her normal form, or else what she wears is either incredibly form-fitting or tailored to the utmost precision and grace, to properly suit her personal tastes and sense of self-worth
• While she can certainly generate additional features and traits, such as differing horns or longer claws and fangs, wings, additional eyes/limbs, etc, unless purchased as Abilities they will obviously grant no real effect, other than to further her disguise

Character History
Altanis is an ancient creature, whose lifetime spans enough years she could count centuries the way many count years. If she could remember all of that time, at any rate. Once, she was a great general in the army of a dragon who styled himself as a god, and had designs to rule the world before taking his conquest to the adjoining planes and stars beyond. She was an instrumental part of his efforts, and the primary reason for the near-success he enjoyed. She personally designed and helped create the magic which would create the perverse and self-centered dream of Goreskan, her dragon lord: removing the entire 'male' part of the world's population, leaving only a planetary-sized harem-to-be for the would be conqueror and his chosen allies.

...but then it all fell apart. As they often do, lesser and more mortal races joined together and employed those ever-infuriating twin powers of 'friendship' and 'heroic desperation'. They overcame the spell-curse, and even managed to thrive in unexpected ways. It was so utterly unexpected, when what should have been weary resignation and broken defeat turned instead to new morale and hope.

They went from centuries of winning and careful application of their schemes to an utter loss within less than a decade.

And their punishment? The very curse that Altanis had been crafted was warped to include them. It had been a careful work to leave the armies and forces of Goreskan himself except from the curse, so it was a vindictive but somehow poetic fate for them to suffer that which they had wrought.

From there, the surviving forces were either executed or imprisoned for what was supposed to be eternity. Scattered across the world, and given appropriate punishment in their various prisons as fitted their crimes.

It was many thousands of years, during which Altanis was kept locked in a near-mindless daze of eternal punishment...when finally a freak accident of chance set her free.

Set her free, and brought her here.

General Character Notes/Writing Tips
  • Generally speaking, Altanis's overall demeanor and way of speaking to people greatly changes and fluctuates based on her mood and how much she needs/wants to get something out of a person or situation. Her level of politeness, apparent respect and general civility is the most noticeable change.
  • Despite her overall venomous attitude, Altanis actually rarely curses or uses overtly foul language.
  • She is highly adept at carefully maintaining her expression and tone, despite what might be going on behind her eyes, as it were. She can be planning and plotting absolute murder, but have an expression and tone that is nothing but pure respect and sweetness.
  • Altanis almost always refers to people by 'Miss/Mister <last name>' if she knows it, or by some official title if they happen to have one. Not out of any sense of respect, but as a general sense of professional distance. By the same token, she does tend to drop such formalities as a blatant sign of disrespect.
  • Altanis almost never lies. At least, not directly. She does however resort to circuitous talk, omission of details, and only telling part of the truth, or a very specific version of the truth.
  • Altanis is an expert at reading people and inferring a worrying amount from their demeanor and expression, and using that as fuel to manipulate them. She is especially good at telling people what they need or want to hear using what she gathers.
  • As a general rule, Altanis is far more easily frustrated by, and inherently distrustful of, most people of the Male persuasion. She can put this aside if they happen to be useful or earn her respect in some fashion, but it is generally speaking an uphill battle. On the opposite spectrum, she holds an overall more favorable and positive opinion of those of the Female persuasion, generally even allowing them more leeway in getting away with disrespect to some degree.
  • Altanis is, at her core, a bit of...a lecherous sort, having somewhat taken after the tastes and desires of her former liege and master. While she can usually restrain herself, she is not above openly admiring and leering at those she finds attractive, and tends to be a little and hands-on with such people, if given the opportunity.
  • While not usually likely to come up most of the time, Altanis is strictly speaking a fully-functioning hermaphroditic creature, thanks to naturally-occurring quirks of her magic, demonic biology. And she is, in fact, used to....indulging at least once a day, if not more often, before coming here, which can often explain her general crankiness if not allowed to satisfy her urges for prolonged periods.
  • Altanis generally speaks very...formally. Not in overly fanciful or elaborate terms, but in that she rarely uses things such as slang or colloquial terms, tends to refer to people or things by their proper name and abstain from nicknames or the like, and only infrequently uses contractions in her speech. And, in fact, the more frustrated or angry she is, the more overly formal, cold and distant her speech tends to grow.
  • Altanis is almost entirely detached and emotionally dead when it comes to acts of violence. They are just a means to an end, and she has zero issues with any manner of inflicting pain or otherwise tearing someone apart. By the same token, however, she doesn't have any real interest in actual torture or dragging someone's suffering out either, unless it is explicitly for other purposes such as interrogation or to make a point to someone else.
  • Altanis's general 'speed' of operation is to maintain a professional distance from virtually everyone else, and never get truly attached to anyone or anything. Once upon a time, that was different, but a hard life has hardened her to such things, which she now largely perceives as potential emotional vulnerabilities and weaknesses to be exploited. She isn't infallible, however, and does occasionally grow fond of or attached to others, and her emotions can get somewhat...explosive where they are concerned.
  • In her natural form, Altanis's eyes completely lack a discernible pupil. There is only the black sclera and the yellow-gold pool of her iris, though this may change as she shifts to alternative forms and appearances.
  • Rather than what may be expected due to her natural form's equine appearance and traits, Altanis bears cloven hooves in any form where she has hooves at all. This, at least to some extent, helps explain her unnatural balance and traction over almost any surface.
  • Altanis's natural body temperature, in all forms she may take, remains relatively constant. Higher than what would be normal for a human, her internal temperature always hovers around 120 degrees fahrenheit, making her seem quite warm to the touch at almost all times.

  • Sunset -- Altanis's arrival and introduction into the Crossroads. It sees her make fresh new acquaintances, and leads to a thoroughly unpleasant and violent death for her...but it is not the end.
  • Shot in the Dark -- The spark that lead to Altanis's first revival. Her first brush with information about the Unmaking. And her first glimpse, however fleeting, of an Arbiter.
  • Sunrise -- Altanis reawakens from her brush with death with her rage fully kindled. She finds she was imprisoned, along with one of her fresh acquaintances and another man, also captured by the same fools. They find an uneasy common ground, with a common foe between them.
  • Crazy, Crazy, Crazy -- Joshua Graham reveals why he had been present to be captured in the first place. He manages to steer the revenge-driven Altanis into working with him to not only exterminate the presence of the hapless cultists of Darkseid, but rescue those he had been trying to save in the process.
  • Dante's Abyss 2021
  • Assembly -- After the events of Dante's Abyss, Altanis feels she has...lost something. Something important. She refuses to accept that fact, and rips her way into the afterlife to retrieve it. The trials involved are not simple, though in the end she succeeds, returning Jean-ray Morgans to life and gaining the services of Galand the Truth as well.
  • A Place to Call Home -- A carefully arranged meeting with Gilgamesh, the vaunted hero-king of Dante's Abyss fame, to secure the necessary connections and expertise to construct the Basilisk.
  • Crumble <Content Warning> -- After making arrangements for the future, Altanis and her slowly-growing retinue leave Uruk behind. On their journey through the desert, they encounter a fierce storm and must take shelter. While doing so, they encounter a Gem, from Jasper's army. After being informed of just what it is by Joshua Graham, Altanis...disposes of it, in the vile fashion only she can.
  • Backhanded Deal -- The storm cleared, Altanis sets forth again, toward the city of Karim. Along the way they have a chance encounter with a fine upstanding gentleman who introduces himself as an agent of Daniel Plaineview, with an offer that it would be very foolish to refuse... Altanis refuses, and with the assistance of her retinue, exposes the man and turns him over to the Karim authorities.
  • The House Always Wins -- An unexpected summons from a higher up among the House of Gerudo sees Altanis being given a very...delicate assignment to retrieve two very important artifacts of the Gerudo. It is not an easy journey, beset along the way by desert hazards, senseless fools out for coin, and the dogged tailing of the bounty hunter Cad Bane, but all the same they make the trip. Upon arrival they find a complex of ruins filled with signs of danger despite its long abandonment, and the artifacts themselves very nearly claimed by a roving band of treasure hunters with powerful ogres among their ranks. After a pitched battle which costs Galand his life, and which nearly spells the end of Altanis as well, they are all dealt with, and the artifacts can be claimed...though Bane has one last trick up his sleeve to make sure he gets his target.
  • <Side Story> Missives between Azula & Altanis -- An appropriately acrid conversation with the intrepid young 'fire princess', Azula. The veil of sickly-sweet civil politeness does almost nothing to mask the open hatred they have for each other.
  • Along the Space-ward Front -- After barely surviving the final run-in with the bounty hunter Cad Bane, Altanis nonetheless manages to drag herself back to Karim and make her report on the assignment, before retreating with her words of thanks and her own privately-kept spoils to the waiting hulk of the Basilisk. Barely operational in its current state, it is enough to get airborne and into orbit, where a particular message is received. Making plans to head to Cevanti, she is instead greeted by none other than Lord Ridley, which forges a surprising alliance in the interests of slaughtering a common enemy.
  • The War for Cevanti: Prologue -- After arriving on Cevanti, Altanis sits in on the advisory and strategic meeting with several others. It is not an entirely pleasant meeting, but it does lay the foundations for their overall strategy.
  • The War for Cevanti: The Front Lines -- After things take an unexpected turn, Altanis begrudgingly takes to the field herself. Dropping into the front lines, she lends assistance to the efforts to stall and push back The Living, and create necessary space to forge a defensive line to give enough time to research proper countermeasures.


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ride at your own risk
Level 9
Aug 5, 2020
Mesa Roja
Click Here
Essence Purchases
  • May 26, 2021 -- Upgraded Telekinesis from 2,500 to 7,700 -- Approval
  • May 26, 2021 -- Upgraded Tauroid Form from 1,400 to 2,300 -- Approval
  • May 26, 2021 -- Purchased Demon Blood for 200 -- Approval
  • May 26, 2021 -- Purchased Blight Needle for 500 -- Approval
  • June 3, 2021 -- Received Desert Tear consumable (Quest Reward)
  • July 6, 2021 -- Purchased Diverse Skillset for 2,400 Essence -- Approval
  • August 1, 2021 -- Modified Diverse Skillset (Gifted Affinity) from 2,400 to 900 Essence -- Approval
  • April 6, 2022 -- Purchased Jean-Ray Morgans for 2000 Essence -- Approval
  • April 6, 2022 -- Purchased Galand the Truth for 8900 Essence -- Approval
  • June 25, 2022 -- Purchased Demon Halberd [Galand] for 300 Essence -- Approval
  • July 1, 2022 -- Purchased Blastgun [Morgans] for 600 Essence -- Approval
  • July 4, 2022 -- Purchased Commandment of Truth [Galand] for 600 Essence -- Approval
  • February 2, 2023 -- Donation for Character Respec -- Changed Immortal Affinity to Influential Affinity; all else remained/remains the same
  • March 15, 2023 -- Upgraded Telekinesis from 7,700 to 12,800 Essence -- Approval
  • March 16, 2023 -- Purchased Demonic Facade for 1,350 Essence -- Approval
  • March 16, 2023 -- Purchased Aether Ripple for 1,600 Essence -- Approval
  • March 16, 2023 -- Purchased Holo-link for 100 Essence -- Approval
  • March 16, 2023 -- Purchased Holo-link [Morgans] for 100 Essence -- Approval
  • March 16, 2023 -- Purchased Holo-link [Galand] for 100 Essence -- Approval
  • March 16, 2023 -- Purchased Malediction of Strength for 600 Essence -- Approval
  • March 17, 2023 -- Broke up purchase Galand the Truth (8,900) into component abilities: Galand the Truth (500), Demonic Fortitude (2,400), Demonic Might (1,200), and Demonic Mobility (4,800) -- Overall spent Essence not changed
  • March 17, 2023 -- Broke up purchase Jean-Ray Morgans (2,000) into component abilities: Jean-Ray Morgans (300), Augmented Speed (1,100), Genetic Lottery (300), and Brute Strength (300) -- Overall spent Essence not changed
  • March 17, 2023 -- Purchased Battle Instinct [Galand] for 1,500 Essence -- Approval
  • March 17, 2023 -- Broke up purchase Diverse Skillset into component abilities: Research Expert (300), Unflinching Command (300), Lead by Example (300) -- Overall spent Essence not changed
  • February 14, 2024 -- Improved Research Expert, cost increased from 300 to 400 -- Approval
  • February 14, 2024 -- Improved Unflinching Command, cost increased from 300 to 400 -- Approval
  • February 14, 2024 -- Improved Lead by Example, cost increased from 300 to 400 -- Approval
  • February 14, 2024 -- Purchased Interrogation for 400 Essence -- Approval
  • February 14, 2024 -- Purchased Esoteric Crafts for 200 Essence -- Approval
  • June 6, 2024 -- Purchased On Black Wings for 1,000 Essence -- Approval
  • June 6, 2024 -- Purchased Flash of Madness for 1,200 Essence -- Approval
  • June 12, 2024 -- Purchased Sever Space for 4,000 Essence -- Approval
  • June 12, 2024 -- Purchased Fabricate for 3,500 Essence -- Approval
  • June 20, 2024 -- Upgraded Research Expert from 400 to 500 Essence -- Approval
  • June 20, 2024 -- Upgraded Unflinching Command from 400 to 500 Essence -- Approval
  • June 20, 2024 -- Upgraded Lead by Example from 400 to 500 Essence -- Approval
  • June 20, 2024 -- Purchased Creature of Lore for 500 Essence -- Approval
  • June 20, 2024 -- Purchased Demonic Scion for 500 Essence -- Approval
  • July 7, 2024 -- Upgrading Interrogation from 400 to 500 Essence -- Approval
  • July 7, 2024 -- Purchased Bewitching Guile for 500 Essence -- Approval
  • September 30, 2024 -- Purchased Master of Arms for 300 Essence -- Approval
  • November 5, 2024 -- Upgraded Demonic Heritage from 600 to 1,000 Essence -- Approval
  • November 5, 2024 -- Upgraded Tauroid Form to Fel Heritage; cost increased from 2,300 to 3,300 -- Approval
  • November 27, 2024 -- Refunded Galand the Truth, Demonic Fortitude, Demonic Might, Demonic Mobility, Demon Halberd, Commandment of Truth, Holo-Link [Galand], and Battle Instinct for 11,400 Essence -- Approval
  • Purchase Date -- Purchased Unholy Strength for 800 Essence -- Approval
  • Purchase Date -- Purchased Plaything for 1500 Essence -- Approval
  • January 13, 2025 -- Purchased Egocentrism for 6,000 Essence -- Approval

Coin Purchases
  • June 26, 2022 -- Purchased GCD Basilisk for 9,000 Coin -- Approval
  • June 30, 2024 -- Purchased GDF Unit x2 for 14,175 Coin -- Approval
  • June 30, 2024 -- Purchased Stormtrooper Squadron for 19,125 -- Approval

[*][B]Purchase Date[/B] -- Purchased [Name] for [Cost] -- [URL='link here']Approval[/URL]

Influence Log
Note: All amounts listed are base amounts, before being modified by the Influential Affinity.
  • July 7, 2022 -- Gained +3 Influence with House of Gerudo [Quest Completion] -- Grading
  • July 7, 2022 -- Gained -6 Influence with Jasper's Army [HATED] -- Grading
  • July 7, 2022 -- Gained +6 Influence with House of Gerudo [Jasper's Army Hated Bounty] -- Grading
  • February 19, 2023 -- Gained +3 Influence with House of Gerudo [Quest Completion -- Grading
  • February 19, 2023 -- Gained -6 Influence with Plaineview, Inc. [HATED] -- Grading
  • February 19, 2023 -- Gained +6 Influence with House of Gerudo [Plaineview, Inc. Hated Bounty] -- Grading
  • September 23, 2024 -- Gained +5 Influence Influence with all Markov Factions [Kingdom of Palatinus, Cytokine Industries, Pilots Union, The Guild] -- Grading

[*][B]Grading Date[/B] -- Gained [Amount] Influence with [Faction] -- [URL='link here']Grading[/URL]
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ride at your own risk
Level 9
Aug 5, 2020
Mesa Roja
Click Here
Coin-Related Purchases
Total Coin Spent: 42,300


Desert Tear (Quest Reward)
Healing Rank 5 (500)
— Transferable (+250)
Total Cost: 750 Coin

A glassy, teardrop-shaped gem that seems to brim with eternal sorrow, yet flickers with an unnatural, fiery heat— it serves as a gift, or perhaps simply a reminder of future peril, from Mesa Roja itself. A single-use item that instantly heals most serious wounds when consumed or absorbed through the skin.


Base Minion Cost (300)

Body Armor (300)
Protection 3 (300)
– Ongoing (300)
– Limited (Only partial protection) (-150)
– Removable (-150)

A set of lightweight but quite durable body armor. It includes a reinforced vest, helmet and guards for the lower legs. While it offers good protection, it does leave much of the body exposed, especially the arms and upper legs. It can also be sufficiently damaged by prolonged combat to render it effectively unusable, or have its straps and securements cut to rip it off by a crafty enough foe.

Codec System (100)
Communication (100)

A deceptively simple piece of technology, implanted within the ear of its user. It operates by directly stimulating and manipulating the user’s inner ear, and directs a visual feed directly into the optic nerve, allowing them to receive audio and visual messages in relative silence and secrecy, though they must respond verbally.

Magitek Rifle (150)
Damage 3 (300)
– Ranged (150)
– Removable (-150)
– Finite (-150)

A slight oddity of a weapon, but a reliable one, born of Atlantis’s bizarre mixture of research. Designed after a traditional blaster or assault rifle, though utilizing a less temperamental (in her eyes) energy source in the form of magic to discharge scintillating bolts of energy. It offers superb range and impressive accuracy with a decent rate of fire, and while individual shots aren’t likely to cause terrible harm, repeated hits from concentrated fire can add up rapidly.

Each magic cylinder holds sufficient charge for approximately 50 shots before needing to be reloaded. And it is just a weapon, which can be taken or otherwise disarmed from its wielder.

Last Resort (100)
Damage 2 (200)
– Removable (-100)

Called as such because when it comes into play most other options are gone. A diverse array among the troops of knives and other small blades or bludgeoning instruments which they break out in close-quarters, when deprived of their primary weapons, or when they have no other options left. While they do keep two such weapons apiece, just in case, they can be disarmed or otherwise robbed of them just as with any other weapon.

Concussion Grenade (400)
Damage 4 (400)
– Ranged (200)
– Affects Multiple 1 (200)
– Indirect (400)
– Indiscriminate (-200)
– Removable (-200)
– Finite (-200)
– Chaotic (-200)

Concussion grenades act by virtue of sheer explosive force, damaging things in their detonation vicinity by sheer overpressure from their blast. The effects aren’t pretty, but they’re simple to produce and definitely get the job done. They can be reliably thrown at distances of up to 150 feet/45 meters, though their accuracy and trajectory can be…quite unreliable, and they are prone to bouncing and rolling upon landing to further complicate direct on-target blasts. They can be thrown over/around obstacles and barriers, bounced off walls or rolled around corners to attack without direct line of sight to targets, as well.

When they explode, they deal their damage to anything and everything, ally or enemy alike, within their roughly 3-meter blast radius, with pure overpressure and explosive force; aside from the loud explosive BANG there’s not even any visual clue anything happened, aside from the aftermath of the blast. No shrapnel or debris left behind, either, making it difficult to tell what caused the damage.

They are just simple tools like most weapons, though, and they can be taken from their owners or otherwise lost in the rigors of combat. Each soldier carries two of these grenades at each deployment, and can’t replenish more without returning to headquarters to resupply.


A motley collection of various sorts. The basic combat-ready crew of soldiers under Atlantis’s direct command, with just enough training and discipline to work together and be more than just well-equipped meatshields, gathered under her banner mostly because they had few other options, or were just enticed by her particular offer of employment. They serve as the warm bodies necessary to keep operations running, the boots-on-the-ground forces meant to do the bulk of fighting and actually holding or keeping a place under control after it’s been taken.

Current Count: 200

Total Cost: 5,100
Minion Mob Modifier: x5 (25 minions)
Making use of Ridley's 25% Minion discount, courtesy of here.
Total Cost: 19,125

Base Minion Cost (300)

As Fast as Lightning (2,200)
Agility 3 (600)
Speed 2 (400)
– Ongoing (200)
Flight 5 (1,000)

The entire basis of the stormtrooper assault squadrons: high mobility and speed. They are capable of extremely rapid and swift movement, both on ground and in jetpack-assisted high-flying leaps and bounds. They can cover hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye, descending on enemies from out of the blue to strike rapidly, cause chaos and damage, and then retreat again within seconds.

Body Armor (900)
Protection 4 (400)
– Ongoing (400)
Communication (100)

The body armor of the stormtrooper unit is designed to be lightweight, affording as much mobility as possible, while compromising on durability as little as can be achieved. It mostly manages to reach these standards, affording overall decent defense against small arms fire and the rigors of combat, while offering nearly full-body protection. The helmet even includes a built-in comm bead to facilitate quick and easy communication between the individual troopers.

Overwhelming Firepower (600)
Damage 4 (400)
– Ranged (200)

A mixture of weapons and combat implements employed by the stormtroopers designed to keep enemies guessing as to what they’re about to be attacked by and cause as much damage as quickly as possible. A mixture of high-caliber pistols and handguns, shotguns, assault rifles, submachine guns, knives and bayonets. While individually they are hardly overwhelming, the coordinated and relentless fire of the troopers as they leap in and out of combat can quickly prove to be devastating for almost any foe, as they switch up and cover for each other to mask reloading times, making it seem like an unending hail of gunfire.

Shocktrooper Training (1,100)
– Endurance 3 (300)
– Master Skill (Small Unit Tactics) 4 (200)
– Master Skill (Shock and Awe) 4 200
– Master Skill (Athletics: Soldiery) 4 200
– Master Skill (Combat: Marksmanship) 4 (200)

Being able to effectively wage war is one thing, but having the endurance and stamina to do it rapidly and for prolonged periods, jumping from one engagement to another back to back with minimal rest is another altogether. While not superhuman, each and every one of them has been handpicked for natural resilience and stamina and further trained to hone them to an enduring force.
The entire premise and action philosophy of the stormtroopers is to be lightning fast, capable, and devastating when deployed.
They move in well-practiced coordination and formation, working together in concert to cover for each other and present as few unit vulnerabilities as possible.
They are terrifyingly well-versed at striking suddenly and without warning before retreating just as quickly to sow chaos and terror among enemies, breaking morale and withering an enemy’s willingness to fight back.
They go through a rigid training regimen, conditioning them to be able to perform adequately and capably in all manner of combat theaters.
Long practice and training makes sure their shots count with startling precision for their mobility and high rate of fire, and their reloads are smooth and seamless.


Colloquially referred to as the stormtroopers. A 25-strong unit trained and schooled in tactics, rapid-deployment, disruption and sabotage. They are a small unit, but they are the shock troops designed to spearhead a charge and break through tough formations, rather than engage in drawn-out fighting like regular soldiers might. They are able to rapidly relocate and redeploy across entire fields of battle at a moment’s notice to quite literally drop out of the sky and sow chaos and terror among enemies to pave the way for other allies.

Current Count: 25



The GCD Basilisk. A monolithic ship of Altanis's personal design, suited and intended for travel both in space as well as in atmosphere of planets. It measures well over two kilometers from point to base, over one kilometer wide at its widest point, and approximately one third of a kilometer from the bottom-most point of the hull to the apex of its central hull. The truly massive ship could be likened more to a small, moving town more than any simple vessel, and has ample space for the countless crew, facilities and passengers no doubt to come in the future, along with several docking bays and hangars for allowing access and storing the smaller vessels of guests and crew.

The ship's command center and bridge are separated from the central ship's hull by the 250-meter command tower structure, spanning 120-meters in width and roughly 240 meters from its aft to foremost sections. Elevators within the command tower provide the only means of access, save for direct teleportation, to the bridge and command center. The bridge itself is an impressively large structure, forming a roughly rectangular shape approximately 400 meters in width, 100 meters from its lowest to highest points, and 320 meters from its aft to foremost sections.

GCD Basilisk (9,000)
Size 9 Mobile Base (9,000)
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ride at your own risk
Level 9
Aug 5, 2020
Mesa Roja
Click Here
Essence-Related Purchases
Total Essence Spent: 46,150
Altanis Spent Essence: 37,450 // Morgans Spent Essence: 2,700


Holo-link (100)
Communication 1 (100)

A relatively small, handheld device which projects a holographic interface. Affords the same functions and features as a relatively modern smartphone, with a different interface.

Natural Traits

Demonic Heritage (1,000)
Adaptation (Incredible Heat Environments) (100)
Adaptation (Incredible Cold Environments) (100)
Adaptation (Chemical or Toxic Environments) (50)
Adaptation (Disease) (50)
Adaptation (Nonbiological Anatomy) (300)
Protection 4 (400)
-- Ongoing (400)
-- Limited (-200)
-- Side Effect (-200)

Altanis is descended from a powerful line of demonic and hellish creatures, and shares in some of their inhuman resistances, able to simply exist without issue in environments and conditions normally intolerable or outright lethal. Her internal anatomy and makeup is also largely different, and her body runs as much on magic as it does biological process, making most of her ‘vital’ organs not necessarily vital, especially compounded with many of them not being where one would expect thanks to her physical form and composition.

In addition to her remarkably robust constitution, Altanis's body and hide are remarkably durable. Despite usually wearing little, if anything, in the way of actual clothing or armor, she can still more or less shrug off most mundane and conventional forms of attack and harm. Weapons or attacks of an obviously holy or blessed nature, regardless of their faith or empowering source, can bypass this surprising resilience however; similarly, attacks of a magical nature may not be able to fully bypass her resilience in such a manner, but they can certainly harm her more easily. She is also notably susceptible to many traditional demonic weaknesses, such as being burned or scalded by the touch of silver or cold iron to her bare skin, and things like holy water or salt can be highly caustic and damaging if ingested -- by choice or otherwise -- and she lacks the ability to directly cross solid lines of salt, and can be bound and trapped -- at least temporarily -- by a devil's trap or other demon-trapping arcane methods.

Fel Heritage(3,300)
Agility 5 (1,000)
Endurance 8 (800)
Growth 1 (200)
-- Ongoing (100)
-- Limited (-50)
-- Side Effect (-50)
Speed 3 (600)
-- Ongoing (300)
Flight 2 (400)

While she might take offense to the term ‘healthy as a horse’, it is nonetheless a more than accurate assessment of her physical condition.
The required coordination to manage the somewhat awkward shape of her natural, centaur form has given her increased levels of not only overall precision and manual dexterity, but a great deal of spatial awareness and staggering reflexes to supplement it and help prevent an errant misstep.
She is in truly excellent shape, and can maintain arduous physical activity for grueling periods without rest or even proper nourishment if the situation calls for it.
Her larger size is all natural, for better or worse, and while it cannot be changed and it does make her a somewhat larger and more obvious target and more difficult for her to hide, she considers it a point of pride and an asset for intimidation purposes.
She also possesses a surprising degree of physical speed, not unlike that of an actual horse. Unlike the mortal animal, however, she can not only reach, but easily maintain speeds that even prize racehorses would struggle to reach at a dead sprint. While this might be attributed to her horse-like natural form, she can still maintain this speed regardless of her current form or shape.
Complimenting her physical speed, she can make truly spectacular jumps and leaps as well, able to cover dozens of feet in both height and distance in a single bound.

Demon Blood (200)
Damage 1 (100)
-- Ongoing (+100)
-- Triggered (+50)
-- Finite (-50)

Often an unpleasant surprise for anyone who engages in close combat with her, even Altanis's very blood can be used as a weapon. It is extremely thick and viscous, with a clinging sticky tar-like consistency once exposed to the air, sticking to anything and everything it spatters upon. And even worse, it has a cloying sickly smell of noxious fumes and chemicals as it burns and sears like something blazing hot or acidic.

While it isn't exactly something she can use on her own, it is by simple fact of what it is an automatic thing, not even reflexive; any time she is injured enough to draw blood, it sputters and splashes out to scald and deter whoever dared to do so. Of course...even with her magic-driven biology, some amount of blood is still necessary to keep her going, so it is a worryingly finite resource that only time and proper recovery can replenish.

Blight Needle (500)
Damage 1 (100)
Damage 3 (300)
-- Ongoing (300)
-- Activation (-300)
-- Limited (-150)
Debuff 5 (500)
-- Ongoing (500)
-- Activation (-500)
-- Limited (-250)

A sneaky, unorthodox and somewhat...disgusting weapon employed in Altanisis arsenal. Though called a 'needle', it actually refers to her tongue; a demonic, snake-like thing that can reach nearly 5 feet in length. It is fully prehensile, and able to be freely controlled and moved about, as well as easily retracted to be no more apparently obvious than that of any other individual.

The forked tip of it conceals a deadly secret, though; not only is it startlingly sturdy, it is razor sharp and cuts as keenly as any knife, and the entire thing is soaked in an acidic, venomous solution mixed with Altanis's saliva. A 'sting' from her needle-like tongue might only cause minor damage at best, but the venomous fluids coating it are the real danger. All it takes is a single scratch to get them into the bloodstream of a target (or she can, obviously, more violently force the vile concoction into targets in...other ways, as well), and it will begin to enact its sinister effects.

Though it takes some time to become noticeable, anywhere from 30 seconds to a full minute depending on how resilient or hardy a target will run its course eventually. Searing, red-hot pain as if a fiery brand is pressed to their skin will begin to radiate out from the initial 'sting', and then slowly spread through the target's entire body, making it feel as if their very blood is on fire. And it does, indeed, heat up their blood and body to a damaging extent, as well as causing truly crippling, agonizing pain that can debilitate even the sturdiest of targets.

The very nature of the attack, however, leaves it highly ineffective against those targets who do not have some kind of circulatory system, or other similar network which moves throughout their body. While it might have some effect on certain types of machines, many of them, alongside most spiritual or other intangible entities, would likely be wholly unaffected.

On Black Wings (1,000)
Flight 4 (800)
-- Ongoing (+400)
-- Limited (-200)

With wings at her disposal, Altanis can take flight. Naturally, she can only do so when shapeshifted into a form that actually bears wings to begin with, which owing to the slowness of her actual transformations...will often require some pre-planning on her part.

Unholy Strength (800)
Damage 4 (400)
Move Object 2 (200)
-- Ongoing (200)

Don't let her appearance fool you. Despite the slender and unassuming physique and build she sports, Altanis still possesses a fearsome degree of supernatural strength. While she loathes to directly get her hands dirty if she can avoid it, she will not shy away from it if the need arises or to make a point. Every inch of her body can potentially be a deadly weapon; her clawed nails and demonic fangs being as good as any knives or short swords; her horns can gore and pierce like spears; her hooves or bare hands can smash akin to fearsome hammer blows; even her tail, normally seeming soft and luxurious as the finest silk, can snap and slice with lashing whipcracks that can flay skin like steel cable. She likewise possesses the raw brute strength necessary to easily move and hurl people and objects of several hundred pounds with seeming ease.


Telekinesis (12,800)
Move Object 8 (800)
-- Ranged (+400)
-- Ongoing (+800)
-- Affects Multiple 2 (+800)
– Indirect (+800)
Damage 8 (800)
-- Ranged (+400)
-- Affects Multiple 2 (+800)
– Indirect (+800)
Protection 8 (800)
-- Ranged (+400)
– Ongoing (+800)
– Affects Multiple 2 (+800)
Debuff 8 (800)
-- Ranged (+400)
-- Ongoing (+800)
-- Affects Multiple 2 (+800)
– Indirect (+800)

With naught but applied force of will and the strength of her mind, Altanis can exert influence on the world around her. The only requirement for being subjected to this fearsome power is being within Altanis’s eyesight, or otherwise being within her range of perception: if she can see you, or knows where you are in some way, she can unleash hell upon you.

The applications of this power are highly versatile and potent: Simply being lifted or hurled through the air, subjected to violent trauma (in the form of cutting, piercing, focused waves, twisting, bending, crushing, pulling, ripping and tearing, etc), or bound securely in place with invisible fetters. Even other enemy attacks can be warded off, concentrated bursts of mental force taking the form of shields, barriers and armor to blunt and dissipate attacks or force projectiles out of the air before even striking her. While most often her abilities are focused on a single target, they can be spread out over wider areas at need for greater effect.

It requires surprisingly little effort or focus to utilize this ability, and Altanis thus often employs it rather than dirtying her own hands to handle or manipulate objects, though when angered sufficiently or for simple dramatic effect she sometimes will telegraph or 'conduct' the movements and motion of her control with her hands. An often-used tactic is to also use this ability at point-blank range on targets she physically touches, making it seem as if it is her natural physical strength being used, for greater intimidation value. Targets being actively affected by this ability will be surrounded by a dim glow of deep reddish energy, wavering like smoke.

Demonic Facade (1,350)
Shapeshiftinng (1,500)
-- Activation (-50)
-- Limited (-50)
-- Side Effect (-50)

With a working of magic, Altanis can change her physical appearance. While the physical transformation and changes are immaculate and solid, holding up to virtually any amount of scrutiny, the process itself is not exactly...flawless.

Each such change takes time, owing to her considerable overall size, in the neighborhood of fifteen seconds; it is not a trick to be used on the fly or for quick disguises, more for establishing a false identity or appearance before setting foot in an area to begin with.

Additionally, while her shape and appearance may change, her approximate height of nearly ten feet and her overall weight and mass do not, leaving her always at the same weight regardless of what her current shape and appearance might otherwise suggest. This, combined with a frustrating issue inherent to her demonic biology -- she cannot completely disguise herself, and will always leave some trait of her true form (presence of horns or cloven hooves, clawed nails or teeth, the color of her hair or skin or eyes remaining unchanged), some minor trait (or multiple, in some cases) will always remain the same as her true form, often providing the clever or observant enough individual hints of her true form, should they already know of her.

Aether Ripple (1,600)
Sense (Extrasensory) 8 (800)
-- Ongoing (800)

As a being so attuned with magic and its many workings, Altanis can acutely sense its flows and even minute disturbances within it. Even those with no magical presence or capability themselves disturb and alter the ambient flow of such energy by merely existing and moving about, providing a clear way to pinpoint the position, shape and general movement of such things within a considerable distance. While it may not be a perfect picture, and won't reveal fine details, it is a reliable method of sensing and tracking most things, even through conventional obstacles or obstructions such as darkness, fog/mist or even walls and physical barriers, making it difficult for most to truly completely hide.

Malediction of Strength (600)
Debuff 8 (800)
-- Ranged (400)
-- Ongoing (800)
-- Activation (-800)
-- Concentration (-400)
-- Finite (-400)

Damage 4 (400)
-- Ranged (200)
-- Ongoing (400)
-- Activation (-400)
-- Concentration (-200)
-- Finite (-200)

A potent curse with an overall insidious effect that, to some, might even seem like a net positive effect -- at first. It takes a carefully-constructed and crafted layering of magical words and arcane curses toward a single entity, which must be focused on for nearly a minute before it can be enacted; this time need not be consecutively spent, and provided the caster can maintain their focus and place in the litany of unearthly curses they invoke upon the target, it can be drawn out over however long necessary.

When it is complete, though, the target is afflicted with a terrible curse. Their body is overcome with an explosive surge of energy, and they lose conscious control of holding back their actions: everything they do is done brashly, explosively, with maximum power and force behind it -- and maximum energy expenditure. It causes even simple actions to become utterly overblown and overexaggerated ones, throwing grace or precision out the window.

While it can afford a short-term explosive increase in power as it forces physical inhibitions and restraint out the window, it also causes the target to self-destructively overexert themselves, rapidly burning through and overtaxing their energy reserves, causing themselves grievous harm with their uncontrolled and reckless movements. This can quite literally begin to cause the target's body to begin tearing itself apart from the inside out, as their own strength and exertions cause bones to crack and muscles to tear.

It is a slow to build effect that may not bear fruit in the short term or immediate sense, but over the course of a fight can cause truly egregious and devastating harm to a target which there is no real physical defense from. Its only faults, if it has any, are that the nature of the curse requires constant focus and attention to keep it functioning, and that it can only be used against a single target at a time -- attempting to use it upon another ends it upon the first and requires beginning from scratch to cast it upon a new target.

Flash of Madness (1,200)
Debuff 8 (800)
-- Ongoing (+800)
-- Ranged (+400)
-- Limited (-400)
-- Concentration (-400)

Upon activation of this technique, the golden color of Altanis's irises spread out to fill her entire eye, turning them into brilliant pools of gleaming, molten gold. In such a state, any who look into her eyes directly immediately begin to suffer overbearing mental anguish from an overload of alien information. Millennia of Altanis's accumulated knowledge is instantly thrust upon them at once, in an endless flooding torrent too fast for nearly any mind to process. Though it does no actual damage, the sheer overload of information is enough to leave most reeling with indescribable headaches and may even cause some to 'hard reset' and stop dead as their mind refuses to even try to acknowledge what they are subjected to.

This is often used as a stalling tactic, to make her opponents easier target, or else so she can close in on them while they are thus debilitated. It does, however, require direct eye contact and even once caught in this unending psychic flood those of a strong enough mind could potentially break their gaze away. While she can still perform basic actions such as movement to approach or retreat, anything else beyond the basics of physical activity are beyond her lest her focus waver too greatly.

Sever Space (4,000)
Teleport 8 (2,400)
-- Ranged (+400)
-- Self/Other (+200)
Damage 4 (400)
-- Affects Multiple 1 (+200)
-- Ranged (+200)
-- Triggered (+200)

With merely a thought, Altanis can teleport herself over immense distances. This is accompanied by a quiet rumble and a 'flash' of darkness, or absence of light, with a similar effect occurring at her destination as she appears. The delay between her disappearance and reappearance is barely a full second. Similarly, she can instead opt to reach out and teleport distant targets, to any other point within her range — including directly into her hands, so to speak.

When teleporting a hostile target, they are afflicted with a vicious rending effect as she does not take effort to shield them from the distortions in space, and find themselves suffering an explosive wash of high pressure and raw arcane energy as they vanish and reappear, blasting out in a radius around them at both points.

Fabricate (3,500)
Variable Creation 5 (1,000)
-- Ongoing (+500)
-- Ranged (+250)
-- Limited (-250)
Damage 5 (500)
-- Ranged (+250)
-- Affects Multiple 1 (+250)
-- Limited (-250)
Protection 5 (500)
-- Ongoing (+500)
-- Ranged (+250)
-- Affects Multiple 1 (+250)
-- Limited (-250)

With merely the briefest thought and gesture, Altanis can break down and subjugate nearby matter, turning it into something wholly different. While the resulting level of craftsmanship and quality is somewhat dependent on her own level of skill, the products are always more than serviceable. She can create myriad types of items, from something as mundane as appropriate clothing for her shapeshifted forms, to armor and weapons of all types, to simple tools or needed objects, rip apart and reshape walls and the ground into punishing spikes or sturdy barriers or yawning holes, seal such voids and holes in her wake, or anything of the like. She is limited, in a sense, only by her creativity and the available material, with even normally fragile substances able to become incredibly potent with their density altered and reinforced by magic.

The only downside to it is that she cannot simply create something from nothing, finding such a feat far too energy-intensive to be worth it, and thus must rely on available material in her area and vicinity to work with.

Playthiing (1,500)
Shrinking 5 (1,000)
-- Ongoing (500)
-- Ranged (250)
-- Limited (-250

An ability that lives up to its name, when put to use by Altanis's hands. With just a snap of her fingers, she can cause any person or object she can clearly see to suddenly shrink to an alarming extent in a matter of seconds, decreasing to truly diminutive proportions of less than even a foot tall, more than small enough to literally fit in the palm of her hand. She lacks any direct choice of what size her targets will become beyond subjecting them to this effect or releasing them from it, and they will always unfailingly be reduced to the minimum size within her capabilities, but it is rarely a problem thanks to the versatility it can afford; she often uses it to keep an array of useful items and tools, or even living allies, close by and on her person if a situation calls for it.

Egocentrism (6,000)
Move Object 2 (200)
– Ongoing (200)
– Affects Multiple 100 (2,000)
– Concentration (-100)
– Indiscriminate (-100)
– Limited (-100)
– Side Effect (-100)
Debuff 2 (200)
– Ongoing (200)
– Affects Multiple 10 (2,000)
– Concentration (-100)
– Indiscriminate (-100)
– Limited (-100)
– Side Effect (-100)
Damage 8 (800)
– Ongoing (800)
– Affects Multiple 5 (2,000)
– Concentration (-400)
– Indiscriminate (-400)
– Limited (-400)
– Side Effect (-400)

Altanis’s ego and pride are immense and suffocatingly dense and oppressive at the best of times, and her force of will falls behind only by the most infinitely small of margins. This ability serves as the ultimate manifestation of that overwhelming mental fortitude. Though it requires deep concentration and focus, she can alter the forces of gravity in her vicinity, in a radius of approximately 100 feet, in effect placing her arrogantly at the center of everything within its range of effect.

Objects and other creatures in the area will begin to simultaneously experience weightlessness and profound disorientation as they lift away from the ground and start drifting slowly, surely, inexorably directly toward Altanis herself. Those with flight abilities of some kind may escape much easier than most, though the change in gravity’s orientation will still be a significant distraction while within its area of effect.

The worst effect by far, however, is the way that this gravitic effect grows only more pronounced the closer one draws to the center of its ‘universe’. The weight and pressure of the field grows exponentially the closer to Altanis things and people get, to the point of exerting immense and significant crushing pressure, able to slowly but surely pulverize and crush almost any material to virtual nothingness. This effect only becomes truly noticeable and dangerous at roughly half of the total range of gravitic interference, and only reaches its deadly height within a few feet, quite literally arms’ reach, of the grim, grinning demoness at its center.

For all its apparent power and ability to disrupt and disorganize things in her vicinity, this ability unfortunately does not play well with others. It is an ability of supreme arrogance and isolation, affecting anything and everything within its area without rhyme or reason, whether it be insignificant or priceless, ally or enemy. This sheer level of focus required to properly display this formidable ability means that she must remain either stationary or move very slowly, such as an imposing and ominous walk. The unique way this ability alters the world also dodging or defending against attacks from opponents very difficult as well; while she can still use her telekinetic abilities to shield and protect herself, the sheer gravitational and attractive forces make them all but guaranteed to hit their mark, forcing her to abandon this ability or simple endure them, hoping the fools who struck at her wear out before she does.

Master Skills

Research Expert (500)
Arcana 10
Investigation 10
Engineering 10
Biology 10
Reverse Engineering 10

Altanis is possessed of a startlingly keen mind that is highly adept at researching and understanding things in many fields. With a combination of knowledge ranging from the arcane and mystical, to the scientific and methodical, to the carefully-crafted and meticulous, her dedication to and skill at understanding, deciphering and even re-creating all manner of phenomena and technology is phenomenal.

Unflinching Command (500)
People Reading 10
Battlefield Leadership 10
Intimidation 10
Multitasking 10
Critical Thinking 10

Altanis is concerned with one thing and one thing only, when it comes to those under her command: results. She will employ whatever methods needed to ensure loyalty and obedience. She can artfully read people like a book, even outside of common physical cues and body language to tell them exactly what they need to hear, and exert such an awe-inspiring and unnerving presence that she brokers few, if any, questions or backtalk. She has an almost uncanny and precise ability to nearly seamlessly juggle and handle multiple tasks at once. She likewise possesses a remarkable knack for clear and concise logic and reasoning, able to keep her cool and think clearly even under pressure.

Lead by Example (500)
Tactics 10
Battle Strategy 10
Ambush 10
Tracking 10
Battle 10

While she prefers a more hands-off leadership role, Altanis is no stranger to more...close-quarters and frantic command. She is quite capable of leading from the front, and providing an unflinching example to those alongside her, providing keen and quick insight as well sound strategic and tactical advice and orders while charging directly into the fray herself.

Interrogation (500)
Subterfuge 10
Manipulation 10
Negotiation 10
Domination 10
Empathy 10

Altanis is accustomed to getting what she wants by any means necessary, and over countless years has become quite skilled at doing precisely that. She can lie and talk around things as good as any devil among the stars, or twist the truth into methods and language that suit her without actually lying outright. She can present things in ways that get her what she wants while seeming to mostly or even entirely benefit other parties. She spins words and situations to forcibly take control of and steer conversations and entire discussions seamlessly without an opportunity for anyone else to interject, making it seem like agreement is only natural and expected, reading emotional and situational cues to carefully and artfully spin situations into even making it seem like it was their idea to let her lead things.

Esoteric Crafts (200)
Cartography 4
Navigation 4
Architecture 4
Fieldcraft 4
Infiltration 4

A startlingly diverse collection of skills and tactics Altanis has developed over her many years. Not as oft deployed as her other skills, she still possesses more than a working knowledge of them, to a degree she can recognize competence or lack thereof when they are employed, and ensure a base level of such competence among anyone under her banner.
The necessary skills and knowledge to both create and read accurate maps.
Navigating and maintaining proper direction, whether in familiar or unfamiliar territory, with or without a map or guide.
Knowledge of architecture and all that goes into it; from the simple skills required to draw up or read plans and blueprints, to understanding basic concepts of structure and planning, and even how best to exploit them to bring structures down once they're built.
Safely traveling through, living in, and surviving in the wild without other supplies or assistance, as well as the knowledge and skills to avoid obvious danger from errant weather, predators or other difficulties of the wild, as well as making records for things observed to report back to others.
A keen ability and understanding of the skills and methods needed to gain access to a location without being detected, as well as the obvious counters to such methods.

Creature of Lore (500)
Knowledge: Languages 10
Knowledge: Law 10
Knowledge: Contracts 10
Knowledge: Religion 10
Knowledge: Mythology 10

To a creature like Altanis, knowledge is power in its most literal sense. She rose from her original, lowly station as a mere imp via voraciously acquiring knowledge and skills to manipulate her way into better, and better positions.
She is well-versed in myriad languages, and has developed an uncanny knack for deciphering and quickly translating or learning them.
Thanks to a stint as a crossroads demon, she is well-versed in the intricacies of not only various laws and customs, but legal systems and navigating them.
Her knowledge of contracts and legal documents, both in the writing of and analyzing them for weaknesses,, flaws and loopholes is truly extraordinary.
Stemming from her infernal upbringing, it is only natural she be well-informed and aware of all things religious and divine, if only so she may recognize actual iconography and worship sites, and discern True Faith wherever it may lie or know if some blustering preacher is all hot air.
There is a vast breadth of lore concerning the supernatural; tall tales and folk stories, legends and exaggerated tales, rumors and whispers of things that go bump in the night. Their origins, traits, and countless other facts. As someone who has both fought against and recruited countless races and beings beyond measure, she has memorized a veritable encyclopedia of such information.

Demonic Scion (500)
Charisma 10
Leadership 10
Management 10
Political Intrigue 10
Public Speaking 10

Though originally born into the the lowliest of the low, Altanis has never let it stop her. She has managed to climb hand over fist from where she started to claim what can only be called her 'rightful place' as a natural leader. She is incredibly adept at leveraging the natural, impossible to truly define quality of 'something extra' that attracts and inspires others, as much natural gift as hard-won and learned lesson in the delicate arts and maneuvers of the noble courts and higher echelons of society in all its forms. Ensuring order and civility in areas under her control even in times of peace, navigating the intricacies of ensuring matters are properly delegated and all needed supplies and tasks are accounted for.

Bewitching Guile (500)
Infernal Appeal 10
Body Language 10
Breadth of Society 10
Silver Tongue 10
Cutting Words 10

Altanis is a complicated creature, to be sure. In all her countless years she has seen and done much, and is not afraid to put every last ounce of her repertoire to use at any given moment.
She can and will even go as far as leveraging combinations of her natural looks and the witty charm and guile of a succubus to get her way.
She is adept at using her own body language and mannerisms to convey a great deal, both truthful and misleading to hide her true intentions, and reading the most subtle of tells and twitches in others.
She has risen from the uncountable lowest dregs of the underworld to the gilded silver towers of high nobility and can easily (though perhaps not willingly) find some common ground with nearly any level of society.
She is a masterful wordsmith, able to artfully and cleverly spin the most sweet and honeyed words you've ever heard, telling you exactly what you want to hear to get what she wants and put them greatly at ease.
Simultaneously, she can be a truly venomous and aggressive speaker, able to expertly taunt and verbally torment others seemingly on the fly, to deliberately antagonize and distract them.

Master of Arms (300)
Combat Mastery: Martial Arts 6
Weapon Mastery: Swords 6
Weapon Mastery: Axes 6
Weapon Mastery: Spears 6
Weapon Mastery: Whips 6

Though she may disdain engaging in combat personally and directly when she can avoid it, Altanis is no stranger to doing exactly that. To such an end, she has honed her skills with several types of weaponry, as well as her own body in all its myriad potential shapeshifted forms.
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ride at your own risk
Level 9
Aug 5, 2020
Mesa Roja
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Summons/NPCs of Note

Jean-Ray Morgans
Hellshock-Anime-Original-Anime-Anime-Art-1132197.jpeg f3f77b140fdd198cb5b36196f3e138c7.jpg

Character Source: Original
Original Location: ???
Profession: Mercenary
Species: Augmented Human
Age: Early-30s
Aliases/Nicknames: Morgans, 'Angry Gun-Bitch'

Brief Overview
Jean-Ray Morgans was a fiery and spirited soldier Atlantis first encountered during Dante’s Abyss, in their ‘Conquest’ iteration. She served directly under Atlantis’s command therein, and proved to be an explosively-tempered but valuable individual, to such an extent she garnered enough personal attention that Atlantis went out of her way to literally rip the dead woman back from the afterlife.

A woman with a particular grudge against the Unmaking for what it did to her home, with an explosive temper when her ire is raised. She never had any formal training, beyond hunting trips and practice with her father in younger years, but made up for it with sheer zeal and a dormant strain of superhuman genetics.

She is ill-tempered, brash and crass, often resorting to biting sarcasm or deflective joking as a default when she doesn’t know how to approach a situation. She curses loud and often, especially when angered. She drinks more than could be considered wise, and smokes heavily, especially when angry, agitated or nervous. She is particularly touchy about her eyepatch, given she isn’t actually missing an eye.

She is almost vainly proud of her physical looks, her physique and the many scattered scars and old wounds upon it, as well as surprising people with her unexpected physical constitution. She shares Atlantis’s love of other people with a fiery enough personality to stand up for themselves in spite of what they might be staring down, and has a hatred for traitors and liars so deep-rooted it’s almost a core component of her being.

Abilities (2,700)
Jean-Ray Morgans (300)
Summon (300)

Jean-Ray Morgans, one of the few individuals Altanis holds in any true regard in the Crossroads. A bundle of violence and anger, and a profound hatred for the unmaking, her single-minded determination and fortitude brought her to a favorable enough position that Altanis personally ripped her back from the dead.

Augmented Speed (1,100)
Agility 3 (600)
Speed 1 (200)
-- Ongoing (100
Flight 1 (200)

Though she is 'only human', Morgans' sheer determination and minor genetic instabilities give her an edge in the areas of physical coordination, reflexes and dexterity. Not quite to the level of being superhuman, but it's the kind of thing she can, in spite of never really training for it like anyone else would. Her speed and ability to just move are quite impressive as well, able to maintain sustained running speed most would be lucky to hit for a few seconds at a dead sprint, and able to clear dozens of feet with a single, dramatic flying leap with with a good running start.

Genetic Lottery (300)
Endurance 3 (300)

Morgans hasn't ever really done any...actual endurance training or the like to work up and improve her stamina through her life. She's just always naturally been that way, lucky enough to be born with amazing (if somewhat unstable) genetics that leave her able to contend with the best of the best for 'normal people standards'. She can keep on truckin' and endure intense physical activity for a long time.

Brute Strength (300)
Damage 1 (100)
Move Object 1 (100)
-- Ongoing (100)

Morgans is no stranger to being rough and tumble, and able to dish out a fairly solid beating even with just her bare hands, if the need arises. Some quirk of her genetic structure has left her overall much stronger than she appears, contributing to this face-breaking 'talent' and leaving her able to exert enough force to move tremendous weight with relatively little effort.

Blastgun (600)
Damage 6 (600)
-- Ranged (+300)
-- Affects Multiple 2 (+600)
-- Removable (-300)
-- Finite (-300)
-- Indiscriminate (-300)

The primary weapon of Jean-Ray Morgans. Functionally, it is similar to a shotgun loaded with small-gauge shot, but instead of the normal burst of shot typical of a shotgun, each pellet is a micro-explosive device, blanketing the target area in a hail of explosions for extreme destructive power. The blast, especially at close range, can cause extreme damage and punch through even steel plate or conventional reinforced armor.

For all its power, however, it is still a weapon like any other, and thus frustratingly Morgans can be disarmed or otherwise lose it. The weapon holds 5 shells of explosive shot before needing a reload. The weapon covers a wide area, especially at longer ranges, and there isn't any fancy friend-or-foe targeting system: everyone in the area is getting blasted regardless of who or what they are.

Holo-link (100)
Communication 1 (100)

A relatively small, handheld device which projects a holographic interface. Affords the same functions and features as a relatively modern smartphone, with a different interface.


Joey Blaese

Character Source: Original
Original Location: Mesa Roja
Profession: Mechanic
Species: Human
Age: Mid-20s
Aliases/Nicknames: Joey, 'the mechanic', Precious
Affinities: Lucky

Brief Overview

Theoretical Abilities
Damage 3
-- Removable

It's a big ol' wrench. Maybe not meant as a weapon, but a hefty hunk of steel is still gonna hurt like hell if it clobbers something. Can be taken from her or dropped or something.

Shock Gloves
Damage 1
Damage 3
-- Side Effect (Cannot un-clench fists)
Debuff 5 (Paralysis)
-- Side Effect (Cannot un-clench fists)

One of the more innocuous, but effective means of self-defense and deterrent in Joey's possession. Her gloves are not only reinforced to add a little extra 'oomph' to her punches, but they feature a built-in and mostly concealed web of circuitry within that can be triggered to release a cracking web of electricity around her fists, for even more punch and a staggering, paralyzing shock akin to being hit by a taser. Activating them is as simple as making a fist and hitting the hidden toggle, but a failsafe means they're only active as long as she keeps a tight fist, limiting her ability to interact with or use...anything at all in her hands while they're in 'shock mode'.

Desert Dweller
Adaptation (Incredible Heat)
Adaptation (Starvation and Thirst)
Agility 1
Endurance 1
Healing 1
-- Ongoing
Move Object 1
-- Ongoing

Growing up out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere in a desert world like Mesa Roja, you learn to be tough in a hurry or you get left behind. Working on all kinds of potentially dangerous machines and equipment, often in poor and borderline inhospitable conditions, Joey has built up a remarkable level of...conditioning, overall. She isn't superhuman, by any means, but she's a little "extra human", thanks to the absurd rigors she's been put through.

Skills of Necessity
Master Skills
-- Knowledge: Electrical Systems 4
-- Knowledge: Automotive Systems 4
-- Technical: Machining 3
-- Sport/Athletics (Sprinting) 3
-- Combat (Hand to Hand) 2
-- Craft: Jury-rigging 2
-- Science: Engineering 2
-- Driving/Piloting (Ground-based vehicles) 2
-- Technical: Reverse-Engineering 2
-- Medical (First-Aid) 2
-- Survival (Tracking) 1
-- Knowledge (Weather Patterns) 1

While not quite what you might call a true expert or professional, Joey has spent a lot of time around a lot of different types of tools, vehicles and assorted machinery and varied other things. She never had anything like a proper education or training and picked up everything she knows mostly by trial and error, or by watching and mimicking others. She can handle a wide variety of different tasks to an adequate degree all on her lonesome, if she ever needed to...which she usually did.

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Character Source: Seven Deadly Sins // Nanatsu no Taizai
Original Location: The Medium
Profession: Demon/Bodyguard
Species: Demon/Commandment
Age: ???
Aliases/Nicknames: Galand the Truth

Brief Overview

Abilities (11,400)
Galand the Truth (500)
Summon (300)
Growth 2 (400)
-- Ongoing (200)
-- Limited (Cannot Change Size) (-200)
-- Side Effect (Bigger/Easier Target) (-200)

Galand the Truth, a fearsome demonic entity and warrior. Even in his old age and well past his prime, he remains a frighteningly powerful force to be reckoned with. His lanky frame towers in at a height of over 13 feet, and the armored shell is as much his body as whatever lies beneath it, making him an incredibly imposing sight to be hold, and a terror in battle.

Demonic Fortitude (2,400)
Endurance 8 (800)
Protection 4 (400)
-- Ongoing (400)
Adaptation: Non-Biological Anatomy (300)
Adaptation: Need to Breathe (200)
Adaptation: Falling (100)
Adaptation: Incredible Hot & Cold Environments (200)

Galand's body is incredibly enduring and durable, able to withstand relatively high levels of damage without serious injury and with a magically-augmented biology that makes things like 'vital organs' or 'critical damage' a laughable concept. He can endure virtually any normal temperature extreme and sustain falls of tremendous heights with no issue, and his stamina and endurance to last through just about anything is simply monstrous.

Demonic Might (1,200)
Damage 4 (400)
Move Object 4 (400)
-- Ongoing (400)

Galand's brute strength is quite formidable, despite his overall rather thin and lanky looking physique. He can dish out blows even with his bare hands that can shatter concrete and punch through metal or conventional light armor with ease. He can easily manhandle and move weights of nearly a ton with minimal effort, and with proper exertion can shift weight far in excess of that amount.

Demonic Mobility (4,800)
Agility 8 (1600)
Speed 8 (1600)
Flight 8 (1600)

Galand's speed and overall physical mobility are astounding. He can cross hundreds of meters in mere seconds, with his formidable strength seeing his acceleration from zero to top speed being nigh-instantaneous. His reflexes and coordination are similarly preposterous, enabling him to keep up with and perfectly control and contend with his own speed. And his immense strength and dexterity enable tremendous flying leaps and jumps, able to cover distances easily measured in miles with a single mighty bound.

Demon Halberd (300)
Damage 6 (600)
-- Removable (-300)

Galand's trademark weapon. A double-bladed weapon, one side resembling a jagged harpoon blade and the other sporting a curved crescent-like blade akin to an axe. Galand is incredibly adept at wielding it to deadly effect. It is designed for a wielder of his size and strength, so it would be unwieldy for others but he can certainly be disarmed of it by a crafty enough foe.

Commandment of Truth (600)
Debuff (Turn to Stone) 8 (800)
-- Ranged (+400)
-- Triggered (+400)
-- Indiscriminate (-400)
-- Side Effect (Self-vulnerability) (-400)
-- Weakness (Unknowingly Lying) (-200)

Perhaps the most fearsome ability that Galand possesses, especially for the fact that it is entirely out of his own control. Any time someone tells a lie or breaks their word in his presence, they are stricken by the curse of the Commandment of Truth, and turned to stone. Weaker targets are instantly turned to stone, no more than statues, but more powerful targets may resist and only be partially turned to stone or slowed down, or otherwise able to break free before being completely petrified and immobilized.

This ability is potent and terrifying, but no one is immune to its effects, ally or enemy; even Galand himself is subject to its effects if he breaks his word. Its one weakness, if it could be called that, is that it doesn't work if a target isn't aware of a lie they tell, such as if they have incorrect information.

Holo-link (100)
Communication 1 (100)

A relatively small, handheld device which projects a holographic interface. Affords the same functions and features as a relatively modern smartphone, with a different interface.

Battle Instinct (1,500)
Sense (Sight, Hearing, Touch, Extrasensory) 3 (1,200)
-- Ongoing (300)

Galand may be well past his prime and his senses aren't as sharp as they used to be, but it doesn't make them useless. They're still sharper than the average person by far. His senses of sight, hearing and even touch are all sharpened to such a degree he can detect things most people would miss entirely, and he has an almost supernatural instinct for battle techniques and maneuvers that borders on precognition. He can accurately keep track of and predict opponents in battle, ferreting out things like illusions or sneak attacks thanks to his centuries of experience in battle and dealing with such tactics.
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