Roy Mustang

Roy Mustang

probably plotting something
Level 6
Level 5
Aug 1, 2018
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Cytokine Industries
Mustang header.jpg
Name: Roy Mustang
Source: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Location: Cevanti​

Character Behavior: Roy Mustang is an Ambitious Officer. He is motivated to improve his standing, looking to gain a position of power within a far-reaching organization. His efforts are focused on improving his career and establishing his reputation to further his goals.
As an Officer, Mustang is well suited to strategizing and organizing his team of subordinates. He looks to maintain his image in combat, and though he is quite willing to do battle at the front of his squad, he strives to control the battlefield above all else.

Physical Description: Roy is approximately 30 years old, a tall and broad military man. Capable of no small amount of charm when he desires, he has a dashing smile and a casual confidence in his manner. He has unkempt black hair and almost always wears a blue military uniform.

Character History: A young upstart. Roy Mustang has recently distinguished himself during the Ishvalan uprising in the eastern slums of Markov, an infamously violent response from the otherwise strictly restrained peace-keeping forces of Palatinus. Mustang’s Flame Alchemy was key to the swift and brutal suppression of the uprising. For his efforts during the conflict, Mustang was awarded the rank of major, though his reputation is inextricably linked to that massacre. In recognition of his actions during the recent Siege of Markov, he has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.

Affinities: Influential, Inspiring

Influence: Cytokine Industries 38 (Respected), ARC 2, City of Hope 2

Total essence spent: 13,750
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Roy Mustang

probably plotting something
Level 6
Level 5
Aug 1, 2018
Click Here
Cytokine Industries
Mustang fire.jpg
Flame Alchemy:
Explosive blast (900)
Spontaneous Combustion (1050)
Pinpoint Searing (600)
Containing Flame (1800)

Considered possibly the most powerful form of combative Alchemy, Roy mustang is able to manipulate the concentrations of gases in the air around himself or his opponents with Alchemy, allowing him to create and manipulate fire seemingly at will. With a snap of his fingers, The Flame alchemist can engulf a foe in scorching fire.
Alchemy is performed with an appropriate transmutation circle, in this case, allowing Roy to change the concentration of air around his target. The air becomes separated such that a single spark can create a spontaneous fire only where he wants it to burn. Though he could in theory do this by drawing out the appropriate circle by hand, it would not be possible to do so within the time-frame allowed by most combats. To accomplish this effect with the speed required, Mustang uses a specially crafted pair of gloves, made of a reactive “ignition cloth” inscribed with the required transmutation circle. These gloves not only provide him with the transmutation circle, they can create the necessary spark simply by snapping his fingers while wearing them. Though he only requires one glove to use his alchemy, if the circle should be damaged, he will be unable to use the glove.
Flame alchemy is both incredibly powerful and extremely temperamental. To combat the inherently volatile nature of such an explosive weapon, Roy must very carefully manage the surroundings, creating areas were the lower concentration air will create barriers for the flame. Furthermore, water can disrupt flame alchemy’s delicate procedure very effectively. Mustang’s gloves do not create sparks when wet, and even small changes in the humidity of the air, (for example from even a light rain) prevents his alchemy from working as intended. In addition, the spark ignites the gases in the air, as such, most of the fire will burn away into smoke within seconds after igniting.

Flame Alchemy: Explosive blast

Damage: Rank 2, Affects Multiple x2, Ranged, Limited (Only functions with standard humidity/when gloves are dry), Removable (requires glove)
(200 + 200 + 100 – 100 – 100) = 300
Move Object: Rank 4, Affects Multiple x2, Ranged, Limited (Only functions with standard humidity/when gloves are dry), Removable (requires glove)
(400 + 400 + 200 – 200 – 200) = 600
Total = 900

Best used for less lethal crowd control, Roy snaps his fingers, creating a sudden explosion. The explosion scorches an area and even capable of lifting his opponents off their feet with its force. This attack is intentionally less scalding than many of his attacks, most suited for suppressing multiple targets and keeping them off balance. Also beneficial for giving Mustang some distance.
In order to use this power in combat, Roy requires a pair of specially crafted gloves with the transmutation circle for flame alchemy. In addition, the conditions for flame alchemy are temperamental. If there’s too much humidity in the air, or the gloves become wet, Mustang cannot create the spark required to trigger the flame.

Flame Alchemy: Spontaneous Combustion

Damage: Rank 7 Affects Multiple x2, Ranged, Limited (Only functions with standard humidity/when gloves are dry), Removable (requires glove)
(700 + 700 + 350 – 350 – 350) = 1050
Total: 1050

The purest expression of flame alchemy. Using the appropriate transmutation circle, Mustang manipulates the air around his intended target, as well as in a controlled line in front of himself. The gasses of the air become so heavily concentrated that a simple spark will ignite the target in a searing fireball practically without warning. Mustang tempers his power when thinking clearly but could easily kill a normal human with this attack if he did not restrain himself.
In order to use this power in combat, Roy requires a pair of specially crafted gloves with the transmutation circle for flame alchemy. In addition, the conditions for flame alchemy are temperamental. If there’s too much humidity in the air, or the gloves become wet, Mustang cannot create the spark required to trigger the flame.

Flame Alchemy: Pinpoint Searing

Damage: Rank 7, Ranged, Limited (Only functions with standard humidity/when gloves are dry), Removable (requires glove)
(700 + 350 – 350 – 350) = 350
Debuff (intense pain): Rank 5, Ranged, Limited (Only functions with standard humidity/when gloves are dry), Removable (requires glove)
(500 + 250 – 250 -250) = 250
Total = 600

When sufficiently endangered or enraged, Mustang can hone his flame alchemy into a disturbingly precise application of flame alchemy. He can boil the liquid in his foe’s eyes, sear their tongues out of their mouths, or any number of nastily debilitating attacks. Mustang is extremely reluctant to use this power, due to its brutal and horrific effects, but if his opponent survives such an attack the pain will often leave them rolling on the ground.
In order to use this power in combat, Roy requires a pair of specially crafted gloves with the transmutation circle for flame alchemy. In addition, the conditions for flame alchemy are temperamental. If there’s too much humidity in the air, or the gloves become wet, Mustang cannot create the spark required to trigger the flame.

Flame Alchemy: Containing Flame

Ability Effects:
Damage: Rank 5, Affects Multiple, Ranged, Ongoing, Limited (Only functions with standard humidity/when gloves are dry), Removable (requires glove)
(500 + 250 +250 + 500 - 250 -250) = 1000
Debuff (intimidation): Rank 4, Affects Multiple, Ranged, Ongoing, Limited (Only functions with standard humidity/when gloves are dry), Removable (requires glove)
(400 + 200 + 200 + 400 - 200 - 200) = 800
Total: 1800

Another tool best used for crowd control, or sometimes for containing a fleeing or flighty opponent. Mustang snaps his fingers, creating a more persistently fed flame, either in a wall or a ring depending on the situation. The flames are generally a few feet in thickness and will not usually exceed ten feet in height. They will burn out in a few moments, and are susceptible to water and other environmental conditions as any normal fire would be. Even so, the heat they put out and the dramatic demonstration of how deadly Mustang's alchemy can be is sometimes enough to end a conflict without any further opposition.
In order to use this power in combat, Roy requires a pair of specially crafted gloves with the transmutation circle for flame alchemy. In addition, the conditions for flame alchemy are temperamental. If there’s too much humidity in the air, or the gloves become wet, Mustang cannot create the spark required to trigger the flame.
Other Abilities:
Noqual-mesh uniform: (400)
Protection Rank 2, Ongoing
(200 + 200) = 400

Descriptor: Noqual is a metal found in the cocoons of the Akata that lurk in Cevanti's shadows. It is a durable material, known for its magic-resisting properties, strong as iron with half the weight. This uniform, emblazoned with the insignia of the Kingdom of Palatinus has been sewn with threads of Noqual laced throughout. It is by no means a surefire protection, but it will absorb impacts and withstand punishment far better than one would expect from a standard military uniform.

Essence Cost: 400

Military Training: (100)
Endurance Rank 1 (100)

Though he is a normal human, Mustang is a military trained veteran who’s seen several years of combat. As such he can power through pain and injury far better than the average civilian.

Coordination of Forces: (1100)

Ability Effects:
Protection rank 1, Ongoing, Affects Multiple x2, Concentration
(100 + 100 + 100 -50) = 250
Agility rank 1, Ongoing, Affects Multiple x2, Concentration
(200 + 100 + 100 - 50) = 350
Endurance rank 1, Ongoing, Affects Multiple x2, Concentration
(100 + 100 + 100 -50) = 250
Damage rank 1, Ongoing, Affects Multiple x2, Concentration
(100 + 100 + 100 -50) = 250
Total: (250 + 350 + 250 + 250)1100

Descriptor: People are capable of many things when they work together. Everyone has different strengths, things they can do beyond others. Similarly, no one person is capable of doing everything alone, we all need a helping hand to cover for our shortcomings. Being able to recognize and organize the skills and capabilities of those around you is essential to leadership. By coordinating people's efforts Mustang can help those around him to make the best use of their abilities. Mustang must be able to focus on this task to do more than give people a passing word or two of advice, and those who are too distracted by their own troubles may not be able to hear him or may choose not to heed his stratagems, but those who do listen will be able to better compensate for their shortcomings and cooperate to accomplish more than they could alone.
(NOTE: This does not stack with someone's inherent ranks in these abilities, it helps those without any ranks in the effects.)

Military Officer:
Athletics (Soldier) Rank 4 (200)
Social (Officer) Rank 6 (300)
Social (Battlefield Leadership) Rank 6 (300)
Knowledge (Military Tactics) Rank 6 (300)
Total cost: (200 + 300 + 300 + 300) = 1100

Mustang has been part of the military for years, and while the officer’s life sees far less direct action than that of the rank-and-file, he is accustomed both to the physical rigors of military work and the proper decorum and professionalism to accord an official. Mustang personally lead troops during the Ishvalan uprising and served as a field commander for both Markovian forces and unaligned allies during the Siege of Markov. He is generally regarded as an effective leader and competent tactician, particularly on an offensive.
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Roy Mustang

probably plotting something
Level 6
Level 5
Aug 1, 2018
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Cytokine Industries
Mustangs squad.jpg
Mustang's Squad
Riza Hawkeye:
Summoning: 300
Riza Hawkeye is Mustang’s loyal and trusted assistant, both his bodyguard and most reliable subordinate. She is an expert marksman and overall model soldier, competent and dependable to follow her orders quickly and effectively.

Riza Hawkeye is a Loyal Sharpshooter. Hawkeye and Mustang have known one another for years and are both veterans of the Ishvalan conflict. She firmly believes that Mustang’s goals are correct and is committed to seeing him achieve them. As Mustang’s Adjutant, Hawkeye is both his personal assistant and effective second-in-command.
Known during the Ishvalan Conflict as “The Hawk’s Eye”, Riza is a peerless marksman. She is a veteran soldier with years of experience and is versatile with all kinds of firearms, from rifles to dual-wielded pistols. Though she does not fight hand-to-hand, Hawkeye has enough training and experience to defend herself from close-range fighters.

“The Hawk’s Eye"

Endurance: rank 1
Agility: rank 1
Sense (sight and hearing): rank 1, Ongoing
100 + 200 + (200 + 100) = 600
Total = 600

Riza has trained extensively with the military and possess both quick reflexes and exceptional awareness. This makes her an indispensable bodyguard for Roy, and a dangerous warrior in her own right.

Outstanding Lieutenant

Athletics (Soldier) 5: 250
Social (Adjutant) 5: 250
Research/Investigation 2: 100
250 + 250 + 100 = 600
Total = 600

Regarded by many as a “model soldier” Riza is extremely competent at her job. As an Adjutant, Riza is both mustang’s personal assistant and bodyguard, in addition to a field commander for his team. She is also very collected and quick-witted, able to keep her cool and notice key details even in high-stress situations.

FN Browning M1910 handgun (x2)
hawkeye handguns.jpg
Damage: rank 3, Ranged, Transferable, Finite (7-round clip), Removable
300 + 150 + 150 – 150 – 150 = 300
Total = 300

A standard issue handgun, equivalent to technology from the early 1900s. It has seven rounds per clip, and decent stopping power for its size, though it can jam sometimes if the cartridge does not properly eject from the chamber. Hawkeye typically carries two extra clips for this gun on her person.

Modified Le-Enfield Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
hawkeye rifle.jpg
Damage: rank 4, Ranged, Transferable, Finite (10-round magazine), Removable
400 + 200 + 200 - 200 - 200 = 400
Debuff (crippling/hobbling): rank 2, Ranged, Transferable, Ongoing, Finite (10-round magazine), Removable
200 + 100 + 100 + 200 - 100 - 100 = 400
Sense (sight): rank 6, Transferable, Limited (field of vision is only through scope), Removable
600 + 300 - 300 - 300 = 300
Total = 1100

Hawkeye's bolt action rifle, which has been outfitted with an extended muzzle and a mounted scope for long range marksmanship. This gun isn't all that different from a standard bolt-action rifle from the early 1900s, the modifications allowing a sharpshooter like Hawkeye to accurately hit targets from a distance of several hundred meters with sufficient time to line up the shot. A shot to the leg from this weapon will pretty effectively trip up a charging foe or keep one on the run from getting too far. Even those with armor will feel it when they get shot by a weapon of this caliber. The rifle requires a manual reload every shot via pulling of its bolt to eject the cartridge, a veteran like Hawkeye can do this in a second or two, but this is by no means a rapid-fire weapon, favoring precise aim and impact over volume of bullets.

Noqual-mesh uniform: (400)
Protection Rank 2, Ongoing
(200 + 200) = 400

Noqual is a metal found in the cocoons of the Akata that lurk in Cevanti's shadows. It is a durable material, known for its magic-resisting properties, strong as iron with half the weight. This uniform, emblazoned with the insignia of the Kingdom of Palatinus has been sewn with threads of Noqual laced throughout. It is by no means a surefire protection, but it will absorb impacts and withstand punishment far better than one would expect from a standard military uniform.

Sniper's nest (150)
Concealment (Sight) Rank 1, Ongoing, Side effect (Stationary position)
(100 + 100 - 50) = 150

Riza Hawkeye is an experienced sniper, and knows how to find locations suitable for overseeing a battlefield without being spotted. Not every environment will have a suitable position, and the time required to set up such a position means that this is generally only possible prior to the start of a fight. This kind of concealment will not hold up to scrutiny, but in the fog of a battlefield or similarly chaotic circumstances, it will help to keep Hawkeye from attracting retaliation during her attacks.

Essence Cost: 150

Kain Fuery:
Summoning: 300
Kain Fuery is the youngest member of Mustang’s hand-picked core team. Always fascinated by mechanical devices, Fuery is responsible for both Mustang’s communications network and for any mechanical repairs that might be needed.

Kain Fuery is a Kind Engineer. Though a soldier, Fuery is one of the most agreeable, friendly people you could meet. He enjoys fixing things, and likes to help people, more often than not smiling the whole while. Fuery is a good-natured source of support for the rest of the team, even though he doesn’t have as much experience as the rest of them.
Fuery isn’t a coward. he has been a part of a firefight before and is a capable soldier. That being said, his real passion is with machinery and communications equipment. Fuery is a bit of a tinkerer and loves nothing better than to take apart or restore the old machinery that is frequently found throughout Cevanti.

Resident Communications Expert

Communication rank 2 (Telephone, Broad spectrum Radio) (200)
-- Removable (-100)

Working with old radios and phones has been a hobby of Fuery’s since he was a kid. He has a lot of expertise with both broad spectrum radio frequencies and phone networks, serving as the technical support for Mustang’s team. He handles both their in-team communication and contact with external parties.

Military Engineer

Technical (mechanical repair) 5: 250
Technical (communications equipment) 5: 250
Athletics (Soldier) 3: 150
Social (Soldier) 4: 200

Fuery has several years of professional experience in Markov's military, working with mechanical systems and communications equipment in particular. While he is not as adept as with some of the higher end technology that is occasionally found on Cevanti, he will likely have enough familiarity to be able to make a rough estimation about what he’s dealing with. He’s certainly the most technologically savy of Mustang’s group.

FN Browning M1910 handgun
Damage: rank 3, Ranged, Transferable, Finite (7-round clip), Removable
300 + 150 + 150 – 150 – 150 = 300
Total = 300

A standard issue handgun, equivalent to technology from the early 1900s. It has seven rounds per clip, and decent stopping power for its size, though it can jam sometimes if the cartridge does not properly eject from the chamber. Fuery typically carries two extra clips for this gun on his person.

Jean Havoc:
Summoning: 300
Descriptor: Jean Havoc is a member of Mustang's hand-picked core team of officers. After Mustang and Hawkeye, Havoc's natural charisma tends to place him at the head of the team's operations.

Jean is a Casual Gunner. Something of a hopeless romantic with a laid-back attitude, Havoc is easily underestimated at first glance as someone who does not have much to contribute beyond following orders. While he will be the first to label himself as "not the sharpest", he is selling himself short, as he is a competent lieutenant and a reliably attentive officer.
Havoc is a competent soldier, able to wield both pistol and shotgun with skill. His weaponry tends to be short to mid-range firearms, placing him within range of retaliation, but he has enough combat experience to be able to hold off an attacker until he can get a shot off. Havoc is comfortable both organizing troops in the heat of battle and following orders quickly and efficiently.

Trench Gun

Ability Effects:
Damage: rank 4, Ranged, Transferable, Removable, Finite (6 shell magazine)
Debuff (Knockback/Stagger): rank 3, Ranged, Transferable, Removable, Finite (6 shell magazine)
(400 + 200 + 200 - 200 - 200) + (300 +150 + 150 - 150 -150) = 700
Total: 700

Descriptor: A Break action shotgun, specialized for close ranged encounters with limited maneuverability. The shotgun shells have a spray, making it most effective within twenty meters, though not impossible to hit with beyond that range. A target catching the brunt of a shot will likely find themselves staggered or even lifted off their feet by the impact. The Magazine holds six shells, with Havoc generally keeping two spare magazines.

FN Browning M1910 handgun
Damage: rank 3, Ranged, Transferable, Finite (7-round clip), Removable
300 + 150 + 150 – 150 – 150 = 300
Total = 300

A standard issue handgun, equivalent to technology from the early 1900s. It has seven rounds per clip, and decent stopping power for its size, though it can jam sometimes if the cartridge does not properly eject from the chamber. Havoc typically carries two extra clips for this gun on his person.

Military Training: (100)
Endurance Rank 1 (100)

Though he is a normal human, Havoc is a military trained veteran who’s seen several years of combat. As such he can power through pain and injury far better than the average civilian.
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Roy Mustang

probably plotting something
Level 6
Level 5
Aug 1, 2018
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Cytokine Industries
Artifacts, Items, and Trinkets


Items & Consumables
Parademon’s Last Resort (900E)

While doing clean-up from the latest mission, one of the parademons’ energy rifles was recovered and send to the Palatinus science lab for evaluation. Not much was gleaned as it was pretty banged up, but a lab tech Roy knew from his younger days managed to swipe one of the only working energy cells left and re-fashion it into a one-time use AoE grenade that will inflect incredible damage on anyone within 20 feet, including friendlies. Unfortunately, the only way to properly handle the grenade is with material like Roy’s alchemy glove, so he is pretty much the only person who can use it.

Damage 6 (600)
— Affects Multiple (+300)
— Ranged (+300)
— Indiscriminate (-300)

Portable Sensor Array Battery

A backpack sized device employed by Cytokine industries to gain information on their surroundings during field operations. The P-SAB is as notorious as it is indispensable among Cytokine operatives. The P-SAB is constantly monitoring the surroundings on a synchronized schedule, supplying the wearer with information about nearby power sources and heat signatures. This information is only updated when the pulses are resynchronized once every ten seconds, and a variety of materials will interfere with its signal, including Noqual, Lead, and other unusually dense materials. There have been several times when an operative has become too comfortable relying on their P-SAB to provide reconnaissance and been taken completely by surprise by their opponent.
If a more thorough understanding of an area is required, it is possible to unpack and reassemble a P-SAB into a more traditional Sensor Battery, a process that takes approximately three minutes when performed by a pair familiar with its operation. While significantly weaker than the original SAB models it emulates, this device does provide accurate information about heat signatures and power sources up to a range of 300 meters. It does however require about 40 seconds to sufficiently de-clutter its readings to provide accurate and reliable results.
It is also a frequent complaint that while Cytokine's engineering division created a sufficiently portable device for field recon, they did not seem interested in making the device re-packageable without significant effort. Many of the devices end up breaking during the re-encapsulation process, and those that remain functional end up being noticeably inaccurate, and are typically relegated to spare parts.

Sense (Heat Signatures & Electrical power sources) 3: 600
--Ongoing (300)
--Activation (pulse scans) (-150)
--Weakness(blocked by Noqual, Lead and other dense materials) (-75)
Sense (Heat Signatures & Electrical power sources) 6: 1200
--Ongoing (600)
--Side Effect (immobile) (-300)
--Activation (Full analysis) (-600)

"Cultist's Bible" (300)
Master Skill: Knowledge (Unmaking) Rank 2 (100)
-- Ongoing (200)

Lieutenant Hawkeye discovered this manifesto in the hands of one of the dead cultists, and brought it back to you, Major Mustang. It describes, in some amount of detail, what exactly the purpose of the Unmaking is, and the identity of its leader. The name 'Darkseid' still doesn't mean much to you, but... it means a little bit more now, and might give you some insight into the psychology of the cultists. It also gives you the impression that whoever this 'Darkseid' is, these cultists' devotion meant jackshit to him, Major.
Base & Minions

M35 Mako Infantry Fighting Vehicle

The M35 Mako Infantry Fighting Vehicle is an exploration and deployment unit designed for versatility and access in locations where air support is not practical or advised. Though somewhat cramped, this unit is able to transport a crew of ten with sufficient protections to account for most planetary environments. This unit was purchased from Cytokine industries at a steep discount due to the damage it sustained during the Siege of Markov. At present its weapons systems are entirely nonfunctional and the power core reaches its maximum stability at only 45% of its original capacity, limiting both the shielding the unit provides and the maximum land speed the engine can obtain. The unit's micro thrusters are still operational, but their strain on the core means that the Mako has only two or three good jumps in it before it must be powered off and the core vented for an hour or so.

Base (1000)
Communication (radio): (100)
Flight 1: (200)
--Finite (-50)
Protection 2: (200)
--Ongoing (+200)
Speed 2: (400)
--Ongoing (+200)

Subtotal: 2250
Size: 3 (x3)
Cevanti Unmaking status (X1.5)

Coin to be deducted: 10,125

Palatinu Infantry (x 100)

The rank and file foot soldiers of Markov's military. Though they are equipped with technologically advanced laser rifles and body armor, the equipment is generally old and not always in the best repair. It is frowned upon for non-officers but some soldiers will modify their loadout, swapping older equipment for lower-tech but better maintainable weaponry or protection.

Summoning :300

Rifle Firearm:
Damage 3 (300)
-Ranged (+150)
-Removable (-150)
An older laser rifle or well maintained automatic rifle. This weapon can pack a noticeable punch at range and has a large enough clip that it will only need to be replaced after an extended firefight.

Body Armor:
Protection 2 (200)
--Ongoing (+200)
a combination of synthetic padding and hypermetal plates. This armor won't always stop a bullet, and it certainly won't save someone from a determined Zoid attack. It does provide some warding against the chaos of combat, and may blunt an otherwise lethal blow.

Total: 300 + 300 + 150 - 150 + 200 + 200 = 1000 coins
Mob: X7 (100 soldiers)
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Roy Mustang

probably plotting something
Level 6
Level 5
Aug 1, 2018
Click Here
Cytokine Industries
Relationships and Opinions
Enemy - Distrusted - Neutral - Amicable - Trusted

Malloki: This man is clearly a psychopath, and not to be trusted in any respect. He feigns total ignorance of societal norms, but while swiftly use it to his advantage when able. He's more cunning than his initial actions make him appear, care must be taken whenever dealing with him, to limit his antics and harm as much as possible.

Ashe-0: This Cyborg proved herself in Dante's Abyss and was instrumental to the defense of Markov without any request for recompence. She is deserving of our assistance in her endeavors, and we should look to recruit her to our cause officially if possible.

Pecan: Dante's Abyss is a game of murder, a situation that confuses and obscures the morality of its contestants. I had only brief exchanges with the man known as Pecan, but he appears to be quite fond of violence, and is also brutally effective at it. Approach with caution.

Aku: A demon of some sort or other. I know only of his exploits during Dante's Abyss, but I find it hard to believe that a being like this could have a positive influence on much.

Cho: This young warrior was effective as an opponent in Dante's Abyss and proved a valuable asset in the defense of
Nausicaa. We've never exchanged words in a real sense however, and I cannot comment on his choice of allegiances.

Victor Wolfe: Dante's Abyss is a game of killing. This assassin singled me out for death, executing a shrewd tactical strike to get the upper hand for himself in the future. The Lieutenant has a less than gracious opinion of his conduct, and I rely on her judgement of character, but I will need to converse with this man before reaching my own conclusion. Another acquaintance of New Babylon.

Hiro Hamada: This one's a troublemaker, but he's aiming in the right directions. He and his robotic ally were surprisingly helpful during the Siege and again when we assualted Saren's compound to find the location of the Fade. His allegiance with ARC is interesting given his views on authority. Worth looking into.

Ohm Zui: A strange creature to be sure, but Ohm proved itself essential to Markov's defense, and the Crystal Ball Array has its uses even now. Ohm appears to be interested in preventing the destruction of its home world from occurring elsewhere, a very reasonable motive. It's tendencies towards autonomous action and connections with the Medium make me wonder just how it could be trusted beyond the current crisis.

Rocket Raccoon: A mercenary little creature, but he was helpful during the Siege, and hasn't caused us any problems since then. Someone to keep an eye on for the time being.

Doc McStuffins: A surprisingly competent Biotech medic for her age. The Doc has been in a bad way since Nausicaa, but we have no reason to distrust her work prior to that incident, and her skills speak for themselves.

Chara: This girl is trouble, there's no other way to look at it. We're only fortunate that she seems to be more trouble for the Unmaking than for us. She's turned up at both the Siege of Markov, and Nausicaa, opposing the Unmaking at each place. Her mother perished during the last offensive, and her father is unaccounted for. Leaving a youth with this much power to her own devices seems unwise. If we can keep track of her movements we can ensure she is moving in constructive directions.

Starscream: This autonomous robot-like being was helpful enough during the Siege of Markov, but there are reports it stole Kingdom supplies during the Siege and it has gone off the grid since then. Treat with caution.

Azula: Power comes in many forms, be it social or physical. A combination of the two is an effective one, and the fact that they both exist in such an unstable person is highly dangerous. This one is to be watched carefully in future interactions; they may still hold a grudge from the events of the Abyss.

Doomguy: One can learn a lot about someone from the way they employ their battlefield tactics. Though our forces never clashed in earnest during the Abyss, this one seems to be a competent leader, and a commendably focused adversary of the Unmaking.

Toga: Anyone who willingly associates with Syntech is concerning, and the brief conversation in the library didn't dissuade that. I can, however, only commend someone for being an annoyance to Karl Jak somehow.

Altanis: This demon is clearly very tactically minded and appears to be a staunch foe of the Unmaking. Her mannerisms are less than promising, and her arrogance is a liability, but the enemy of my enemy, right?

Stheno: This mercenary seemed professional enough during the Abyss, a rare feature during that disaster. It's a shame her loyalty was to a loose cannon like Azula. Impressive physique, though I have a feeling she isn't one for flowers and dinner.

Rubra Lupus: A competent scout, though I know nothing of her motives beyond the Abyss.

Izaneus Phortea: This youngster has promise, I think. He's loyal, certainly, and has got a cool head even in stressful situations. He's still green and could benefit from oversight while he figures out his role. If the opportunity presents itself, we should recruit him to our cause.

Ki: This cat-like creature was a reliable warrior during the Abyss from reports. I've not exchanged direct words.

Pennywise: It is a monster, regardless of any potential affiliations with the Unmaking or Darksied. It should not be granted mercy if that thing manages to surface once again.

Deadpool: This idiot is another regular of Syntech events, though it's unclear whether he's a resident or just fond of them. Not to be trusted.

Wraith: Her clash with Gilgamesh ended up sowing the seeds for the Armada's failure in the Abyss, but I can't lay that blame at her feet. Her brashness in spite of her position almost got her killed, but her motives seemed to be in the clear. I'm pretty sure she hates me, otherwise I might give Mirage some competition.

Mirage: Another idiot, though he and Wraith seem to be long-term allies, so he must be somewhat tolerable. I should have heeded his derision towards Gilgamesh with more weight. He doesn't seem to be too fond of large-scale bloodshed either, which is generally a good sign.

John Conner: Clearly a military man. He weathered the Abyss's turmoils with a deceptive effectiveness, which speaks to experience in fighting losing battles.

PJ: This woman was a curious mediator for his Highness during the Abyss. She's well aware of his nature, but also seems loyal to him in a way that he can count on. The verdict is out on whether that's something to be considered meritous or not.

Ridley: This creature is highly dangerous, having both the physical power for large scale destruction and the maniacal intelligence to put it into use with strategic effects. As long as we can keep his focus on the Unmaking, he will prove to be an exceptional asset. But the moment we lose sight of the threat he himself provides is the moment he'll hit us, bad.

Gilgamesh: This man is arrogant to the extreme. The fact that he has the skills and charisma to back it up is extremely dangerous. The number of loyal subjects he has at his command implies a degree of competence in organization and leadership as well. I didn't treat him with enough care in the Abyss, and it was as costly a mistake as one could make. That mistake will not be repeated.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: I am unsure what manner of creature these things are, and their behavior is quite strange at times. Apparently, they're operating out of Markov or have been in the past. This may need looking into.

Dr. McNinja: I don't much care for his bedside manner, and his powers are difficult to predict or strategize alongside. He seems to be trustworthy in intentions, even if his methodology is bizarre to the extreme at times.

Ezrihel Von Althaus: A general in charge of an unaligned fleet from the reports. This one was quite effective at spearheading the Nausicaa incident, though the tone of expectation was less than ideal. They may prove an exceptional ally against the Unmaking in the future, however, maintain good relations if possible.

Arthur Morgan: Unsure what to make of this one. He appears unassuming at first glance, but has connections to several powerful figures, and was the winner of the Abyss one year. I'd need to speak with him outside of a fusion to better gauge his disposition.

Amalia Eckern: This young woman was caught up in the Nausicaa incident and it seemed she fared poorly. A bit too young for my type, hopefully she keeps out of further trouble.

Juneberry "Juno" Hawthorne: This fae was protecting Amalia I believe, though the cult overpowered them both. I'd need to know more to form an opinion of them, cute ears though.

Orion: This saiyan is a professional warrior. Another veteran of Markov's siege, he is both personally skilled and tactically minded. He is prideful, but aside from that he'd prove a valuable asset in the fight against the Unmaking.

Asriel: Chara's younger brother. This one is desperate to prove himself valuable to the cause, though I suspect that is only because of his relationship with his sister. He's smart, but he doesn't have the bearing of a career warrior. It would be prudent to find a good use for him before he gets himself in over his head trying to prove himself.

Nico Cinder: a punk and a trouble-maker. He assisted us with the assault on Saren's compound, but appears to have had prior bad blood with the Turian as well. Hard to say if we can depend oh him for future endeaveors.

Darkseid: The ultimate enemy of all life in the Crossroads. That we have not unified to repel this threat is a failing of immense proportions. Everything possible must be done to meet the tide this monster emits, until we can drive him off from the Crossroads. I don't care that he's an Arbiter. We WILL stop him, or die trying.
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Roy Mustang

probably plotting something
Level 6
Level 5
Aug 1, 2018
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Cytokine Industries
Purchase Log:

Purchased one instant revive 07/03/2020
Used one instant revive 07/21/2020
Purchased: Riza Hawkeye 7/23/2020
Purchased: The Hawk's Eye 7/23/2020
Purchased: Outstanding Lieutenant 7/23/2020
Purchased: FN Browning M1910 handgun 8/16/2020
Upgraded: Flame Alchemy: Spontaneous Combustion 8/22/2020
Quest Reward: Cultist's Bible 8/24/2020
Purchased: Modified Le-Enfield Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle 8/29/2020
Purchased: 100 Palatinu Infantry 9/25/2020
+20 Cytokine influence for The Siege of Markov (x2 due to influential) 10/1/2020
Purchased: Kain Fuery 11/23/2020
Purchased: Resident Communications Expert 11/23/2020
Purchased: Military Engineer 11/23/2020
Purchased: FN Browning M1910 Handgun 6/16/2021
Purchased: FN Browning M1910 handgun 6/16/2021
Upgraded: Military Officer 6/16/2021
Purchased one instant revive 06/17/2021
Quest reward: Parademon's Last Resort 6/22/2021
Upgraded: Flame Alchemy: Explosive blast 8/10/2021
Upgraded: Flame Alchemy: Spontaneous Combustion 8/10/2021
Upgraded: Flame Alchemy: Pinpoint Searing 8/10/2021
Purchased: Flame Alchemy: Containing Flame 8/10/2021
Purchased: Mako M35 Infantry Fighting Vehicle 9/13/2021
Used Parademon's Last Resort 11/17/2021
+6 cytokine, +2 City of hope, +2 ARC influence for the Naussica Incident (x2 due to influential) 12/5/2021
Purchased: Coordination of Forces 1/07/2022
Purchased: Noqual-mesh Uniform 7/09/2022
Purchased: Noqual-mesh Uniform 7/09/2022
+6 cytokine reputation for Prelude to War: Chasing Spectres (x2 due to influential) 2/13/2023
Purchased: Jean Havoc 5/05/2023
Purchased: Trench gun 5/05/2023
Purchased: Military Training 5/05/2023
Purchased: FN Browning M1910 handgun 5/05/2023
Purchased: Portable Sensor Array Battery 1/28/2023
+6 cytokine influence for Mudslide (x2 due to influential) 6/17/2024
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